Here is what i do have a problem with. You stated, and i quote
I later post a picture that shows he was actually very close to the ball and you change your argument. It's as if you are changing the tune to fit the end result. That is simply dishonest.
Irrelevant as per the laws of the game. Fair challenge does not mean he touches the ball.
Again, irrelevant.
You keep presenting your opinions as facts.
Actually, no, that's not a clear yes for me. It's a matter of interpretation. Again, he has his eyes on the ball, he is off his feet and he misses the ball by an inch (figure of speech, don't have a rules with me!).
Here are WR's enforcement of current laws link (
Play on â€" Fair challenge with both players in a realistic position to catch the ball. Even if the player(s) land(s) dangerously, play on
Penalty only â€" Fair challenge with wrong timing -
No pulling down
Yellow card â€" Not a fair challenge,
there is no contest and the player is pulled down landing on his back or side
Red card â€" Not a fair challenge,
there is no contest and the player lands on his head, neck or shoulder
Bolds are mine.
I'm willing to go as far as admitting wrong timing, but saying no contest when the guy was an inch away from the ball is simply quite a judgement call. Le Roux would have tapped the ball backwards had it not been for O'Halloran outjumping him. In your book, that constitutes no contest. In mine it does not.
And just to be absolutely clear, both for "play on" and "penalty only" the way he lands is not relevant (it is considered an accident).
Fair enough. But if he got the timing wrong, as per the link i've just posted, it's a penalty,
no yellow nor red.
You keep presenting opinions as facts. They are not. First you claim he was nowhere near the ball and when presented with a picture showing otherwise you derail the subject.
You also keep presenting facts that are irrelevant to the situation, like le Roux going with one hand.
Here are mine.
He went for the ball.
He is off his feet.
He did not pull his opponent down.
I'd say the picture i posted is pretty solid evidence of how close he was to the ball but lets count this last one as an opinion.
Happy to disagree, but at the very least lets do an effort to be consistent.
You can't claim an argument based on how close le Roux was to the ball and then change it when presented evidence of the contrary.
You cannot claim that it was a case of bad timing and then claim it's more than a penalty.
I was arguing two weeks ago for ireland on this forum, so i don't think you can claim a strong anti irish bias from me.