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A Political Thread

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British politics just doesn't have anyone who can energies it.
I say this for the first time I kind of envy the political movement in the USA, with the likes of Sanders and AOC. (That being said they are fighting for things we have had for ages, same sex marriage, Free Healthcare, etc etc).

But still no one excites me.
I'm voting for people I think will screw me less not because I want too.
The most hated man in the NHS is running.
Hey look at how we all feel about the Cameron years.
Just call me Dave was an Old Etonian toff with a sense of entitlement who put party before country and lost.

No-one could have coped with the hospital pass JCMD gave May. Plucky, church going Theresa, diligent but limited, who drove herself to the brink of exhaustion trying to honour the will of the British people.

At least that's the way some may see it.

Cameron's legacy plummets by the day. But if he needs cheering up, there's the prospect of a healthy dose of schadenfreude as long term rival Bojo lands the top job and almost certainly makes a complete horlicks of it, taking a massive kicking in the process.
May was also stubborn yet lacked a backbone and massively outdated who got the PM job handed to her through someone else's stupidity in the leadership race
British politics just doesn't have anyone who can energies it.

Farage.....love him or loathe him, he can energise. But that's about it.

I'm voting for people I think will screw me less not because I want too.

Yeah, we're really in least bad option territory. Yesterday's election didn't really matter - I protest voted, and hope millions did likewise, as the main parties need it repeatedly hammering into their thick skulls that things need to change.

Most of the current senior politicians seem so lightweight. Even compared to the Ken Clarke generation, let alone those who went before. Plenty of Oxbridge degrees knocking around, but not much gravitas.
I blame Blair he was hypercomptent at this **** but his brand became so toxic anyone seaming to be as competent as he was is now dismissed as too slick and false.
The most hated man in the NHS is running.

I can't stand Jeremy *unt. Flip flops to whichever position will benefit him. Goes from Remainer to No deal Brexiteer. A completely unprincipled politician.

From what I gather Matt Hancock has done a far superior job as Health Secretary. *unt is just another Cameron - all style and no substance. The next PM needs to be an intellectual heavyweight as well skilled politician in order to navigate his/her way through this mess. Not the time for electing Cameron #2.
Would've been interesting if the other Mileband brother had won instead of Ed.

David was a lot more electable.

Yes, but his misfortune was to come just after Blair and Brown and being perceived as a Blair mark 2 by the Unions. The Unions not really thinking about whether he'd be more electable and preferring Ed as more of their own. That was the point Labour decided to take a turn to the left and where they are with Corbyn right now.
I think anyone who takes the PM job now is a perfect catch 22. Anyone who wants the job is clearly insane and unfit for the position.
Let's not forget that she was the overwhelming pick of most Tory MPs. What does that say about their judgement bearing in mind that her record as Home Secretary wasn't exactly great. She is apparently a very shy, private and introverted individual. I have no idea on what level they concluded that she would be ideal PM material especially when she has shown herself to be very stubborn, unwilling to listen not to mention appearing very stiff and awkward. Some cabinet members even claiming that they still to this day don't know her well at all.

Her campaigning skills (or lack of) really shone through at the snap General Election - so much so that she made Corbyn look good. She failed spectacularly to show a human side in the way Lucinda Ardern did in the aftermath of the terrorist attack in NZ.

I read this morning that over half the Tory membership are over 55. By choosing the next PM, they are essentially going to choose what kind of Brexit we end up with which is absolutely shocking from a democratic perspective. There is no mandate for No deal. The Leave campaign literature stated we would leave with a good deal. If the next PM pushes ahead with No deal it will be the worst betrayal of democracy in our lifetime and the Tories will pay a hefty price at future General Elections once these deluded old codgers have died off.
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No, I agree she doesn't deserve any sympathy but Owen Jones is a socialist. It's not surprising that he's going to stick the knife into TM and because he won't be happy until Corbyn and McDonnell are in government pushing his left wing socialist agenda he supports.
No, I agree she doesn't deserve any sympathy but Owen Jones is a socialist. It's not surprising that he's going to stick the knife into TM and because he won't be happy until Corbyn and McDonnell are in government pushing his left wing socialist agenda he supports.

Showing your agenda a bit now.
His political leanings aren't really relevant when he's just stating facts.
Too many people are going "aww look at her crocodile tears let's all forget how she dedicated her career to ******** on everyone less fortunate than her"
looking into the potential Tory candidates dear god.
Had no clue who Esther Mcvey was, but she reminds me of one of my friends mom who I had a thing for so peaked my interest.
Then saw her voting history.......
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