If they did, then I guarantee you cyclists just won't register or won't cycle which people are less inclined to do so already. Many are already put off riding on the roads because of the way certain drivers treat cyclists on the roads. Then who gets lumbered with the cost of the scheme? The taxpayer and then the likes of the daily fail can have something else to moan about.
Then you have police who just won't prioritise chasing them and stopping them for non-registration . They don't already around where I live especially with these e-scooters, outside of rental schemes, and the Govts have put off what to Do with them until next year. I saw one police car drive right past one in my home town centre and messaged them on X whether it was now legal to ride an e-scooter. Funnily enough I didn't get a response.
If you're not aware already this Govt. Have already decided not to go ahead with legalising e-bikes with 500w motors and with throttles of 15.5mph, which the last one proposed. They will still be classed as vehicles and require registration and insurance. But like most already in existence won't.
I am pretty sure they won't even for a money grab because of the aforementioned reasons. It's incredibly complex and there's no political capital to invest in such a scheme, other than to create laws to go after the dangerous riders, which is an easy win for the anti-cyclist brigade. But hey, never say never.