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Roundabouts and other driving pet peeves

Lots of drivers don't give a **** anymore. Make them redo their test after accruing 12 points.
Yup. The exceptional hardship thing is ******. It'sa drivers own fault for acruing 12 or more points, so they should have to deal with the consequences! I've only ever had a single 3 points on my license in the 23 years I've been driving, so I don't have any sumpathy for those who willingly flaunt the law.

176 points is just insane! What judge is allowing him to stay on the roads!
Yup. The exceptional hardship thing is ******. It'sa drivers own fault for acruing 12 or more points, so they should have to deal with the consequences! I've only ever had a single 3 points on my license in the 23 years I've been driving, so I don't have any sumpathy for those who willingly flaunt the law.

176 points is just insane! What judge is allowing him to stay on the roads!
Usual nonsense of the person needs it for their living and they would lose their livelihood etc...

At some point those reasons should stop being valid.
Not driving, but pet peeve
The sports sections of Duolingo (and other instances of American rather than English, or word-for-word translations rather than things that mean the same - most obvious in the sports section)

Eg not being allowed to call F: "football americain: E: "american football"
Not knowing the difference between a game (F: "jue") and a match (F: "match")
F: "jouer au ballon" having to be E: "play ball" rather than the same thing, which would be E: "kickabout"
Thays a terrible consequence, and an indictment, of a generation who have physical news welded to their paws.
Yeh I posted the story up about David Sinar after his son posted below in the comments of the video. Very sad story and shows the devastation that can be caused by such a stupid act. She only passed her test 3 years prior? But I wonder what they are teaching these days, if she indeed took any lessons.

I still see far too many drivers out using their phones. Even when not stationary. But it's still cognitive impairment regardless.
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I can see why it is frustrating as a motorist behind cyclists riding two abreast. Cyclists who do should also be more aware though and get back into single file when traffic starts to build up. But DoC is still on the motorist.

I can see why it is frustrating as a motorist behind cyclists riding two abreast. Cyclists who do should also be more aware though and get back into single file when traffic starts to build up. But DoC is still on the motorist.

They'll ruin it for themselves in the end. It's pretty much the same with everything. It starts off fine, but enough people will ignore the rules to the point the government/local councils etc will step in and tighten the rules and regulations. At a guess, IDs on bikes on the road etc.
At a guess, IDs on bikes on the road etc.
I doubt it. It would cause a fortune to administer especially as they're trying to encourage active travel and reduce obesity rates. Not worth the cost of maintaining it.

I think only North Korea has mandatory registration for bikes.
I doubt it. It would cause a fortune to administer especially as they're trying to encourage active travel and reduce obesity rates. Not worth the cost of maintaining it.

I think only North Korea has mandatory registration for bikes.
It was just a suggestion. Eventually though, they will tighten rules and have harsher punishment. People can't help but abuse a good thing.
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It was just a suggestion. Eventually though, they will tighten rules and have harsher punishment. People can't help but abusive a good thing.
There was supposed to be a law for causing death by dangerous riding by the last Govt., which caught the headlines but they ran out of time. TBH it was political gesturing because there's already a law for wanton and furious riding.

I just don't think registration of cyclists is even on the political radar ATM especially when vehicles seriously injure and kill around 30k per year and is the real problem on our roads.

I don't like other cyclists taking the **** either but like most peeps in our society they won't be told what to do. The problem is lack of consideration for others today. The mind set is all about me, me, me. How can you really legislate for that? Even making rules tougher and punishing for that. It requires enforcement and police don't want to expend resources on it.
As far as I was aware, riding with no lights at night was always illegal.

Technically I think if you've got clip pedals, they're also illegal if they don't have reflectors on them, which they generally don't.
Proposed new cycling laws / punishments

Groan - I have no problem with penalising or re-reeducating bad cyclists but unless police are there to stop them or check on them then this is going to just lie on statute books to catch extreme cases IMO.
As far as I was aware, riding with no lights at night was always
It is. It's a "must" under rule 60 of the HWC. Are police stopping cyclists at night currently?

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