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[2015 RWC] Pool C: New Zealand vs. Georgia (02/10/2015)

Yeah it was actually pretty poor form he looked to apologise and then made light of it again at the end. I missed it on my first read, it was insulting to the user, women and made light of rape.

Get a grip man. Only PC fools would find any offence whatsoever to what was said.
MotM was Richie Mccaw, led the AB through a ruff patch and led from the front, with some uncharacteristic open running from him.
My MotM was Karlen Asieshvili the Georgian Loosehead, single handedly decapitated the AB scrum and was very good in the loose..
Honestly he R word shouldn't be spilt onto the forum Which ever context you say it in..
MotM was Richie Mccaw, led the AB through a ruff patch and led from the front, with some uncharacteristic open running from him.
My MotM was Karlen Asieshvili the Georgian Loosehead, single handedly decapitated the AB scrum and was very good in the loose..

Could of sworn the georgian captain was man of the match?
I got rogered against my will at public school by the head boy and his 26 mates. Made me the man I am today.....

Chill out boys false anger is pretty dull.
Honestly he R word shouldn't be spilt onto the forum  Which ever context you say it in..

Well im on a crap load of forums for varying stuff and this is the only one of come across with this type of attitude.
This has to be the most sensitive internet forum I have ever come across.
If you guys frequent football forums or makeup forums or something I might understand where your coming from.....

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I got rogered against my will at public school by the head boy and his 26 mates. Made me the man I am today.....

Chill out boys false anger is pretty dull.

Its o.k ill treat you a bit more gently in the future....
Well im on a crap load of forums for varying stuff and this is the only one of come across with this type of attitude.
This has to be the most sensitive internet forum I have ever come across.
If you guys frequent football forums or makeup forums or something I might understand where your coming from.....

- - - Updated - - -

Its o.k ill treat you a bit more gently in the future....

Oh please don't I like it rough.
Some of you need to learn a bit about the English language before you jump on your high horses and go all PC on us.

The word "rape" has a number of meanings, some of which do not necessarily carry any sexual violation connotations, particularly when it refers to an object or objects that clearly do not fit that part of the defintion, i.e.


3. an act of plunder, violent seizure, or abuse; despoliation; violation:the rape of the countryside.

4. Archaic. the act of seizing and carrying off by force.

RAPE (verb)

6.to plunder (a place); despoil:e.g. "the logging operation raped a wide tract of forest without regard for the environmental impact of their harvesting practices."

7.to seize, take, or carry off by force.


The context which shtove used the word definitelky fits Verb 6 or 7, and is therefore perfectly acceptable language

Other examples


I have no issue with in the context it was originally used I had a problem with this one.

And I apologise for the rape reference. I know you're a girl, so it must have made you uncomfortable. Hugz.

Which is making light of the sexual violation connotations.
Can we get back to the match? A few interesting points were raised before we got into this. A mod should either just delete the posts or take it to the Political thread.
Lol was just an observation. I'll get off my apparent high horse, and smart can stay on his medium sized horse
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The stats I mentioned were from Super Rugby - that competition you are basing picking Sopoago on.

Big try drought being 4 games. Now the top try scorer currently in the RWC.

Fekitoa played well today. Happy to give credit where credit is due (you should try it regarding Savea - or does the poor opposition argument only work for the players you dislike ;)).

I think in every post I have said there are thing we could be doing better. I just don't think repeating "why oh why wasn't Lima selected?! He'd solve all our issues. Can we replace him for Slade!" - is the quick-fix that you seem to think it is. The personal we currently have - for better or worse - are now the best prepared people to win the Rugby World Cup. Playing like they are, they may not get that. But bringing in someone else and asking them to execute the same game plan better - without the preparation - just isn't all that likely.


I do give credit where credit it is due, especially with Savea, you have a habit of not recognizing it, or ignoring it to suit your argument in nearly every post you aim at me, you either A. Misquote me B. Completely ignore things I've said. C. Completely make up something I've said.

It's actually pretty annoying to have a discussion with someone that just ignores things you say then just highlights something on repeat or just make it up to further discredit, you also condescendingly refer to stats that are out of context to how players are really performing as if it wins you the discussion and it completely ruins your real insight into a player or situation in some cases.
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Some of you need to learn a bit about the English language before you jump on your high horses and go all PC on us.

The word "rape" has a number of meanings, some of which do not necessarily carry any sexual violation connotations, particularly when it refers to an object or objects that clearly do not fit that part of the defintion, i.e.
1. So what? Having other definitions does not remove its connotations.

2. People who have been raped often later diagnose with PTSD. When triggered, they can re-live the experience, have flashbacks etc. Clearly, discussions about rape need to happen. But bringing it up unnecessarily, triggering people unnecessarily, over the sake of what was said, is not cool.

3. It seems to me that the language chosen by shtove was to get this kind of a reaction. With so many options of words that could displace "rape" and keep the same sentiment, they had to pick "rape", presumably because they see it as funnier.

4. Dictionaries are a reference guide on the ways in which modern language can be used, not a moral guide on the use of language.

5. This forum blanks out swearing because of negative connotations. But a light remark about rape is okay? Fairly inconsistent IMO.
On the "rape" thing - Can you guys grow up? It was used in a non-offensive context. You just choose to be offended, it wasn't directed at any women, or children or whatever unbelievable people are actually offended here.

"It's now very common to hear people say, 'I'm rather offended by that.' As if that gives them certain rights. It's actually nothing more... than a whine. 'I find that offensive.' It has no meaning; it has no purpose; it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. 'I am offended by that.' Well, so ****ing what."

- Stephen Fry

Used it before on here, but it's perfect.

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