Gotta go for the AB's
Strong team, Just missing a few players from what I would consider the strongest 22, bonus point victory on the cards.
Wane Barnes does worry me though. Strange ref, he failed to award the All Blacks a single penalty in the 2nd half of that game in 2007 yet watching the recent cup final he reffed he blew the whistle on everything that looked even remotely like a penalty, his whistle dominated the game. If he had reffed that WC quater final the way the AB;s would have won by 9+ points.
three types of refs:
1, good refs use panalties to establish rules and consistancey so players know where they stand.
2, then there are refs who blow up for everything, refs like this dominate the game - the teams become a sideshow. It becomes a game of playing the ref not the ball.
3, and refs who let the players sort everything out and enforce their own rules, refs like this create games where the result is a lottery.
In the two games I've seen barnes ref in the first game he was type 3 in the 2nd he was type 2. The best refs are obviously type 1.
But I bet barnes knows that the TMO is not allowed to rule on anything before the tryline.