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The Movie Thread

Kick-ass for the first time and it was well kick-ass. (sorry :p )

Also got a fantastic soundtrack with some from 28 Days Later which are really intense and work well.
Kick-ass for the first time and it was well kick-ass. (sorry :p )

you're not excused.

And can't wait for part 2...it's one of those films that tells a fairly banal story but somehow develops a strong emotional attachment between the viewers and the film and its characters. I feel emotionally connected to it, like it's definitely going to be one of those super nostalgic films in like 10 years we'll look back and say "oh yeaaaaah, remember Kick-Ass ?!"
A special feeling throughout the film...and a perfect mix between cinematic fiction and realism. Just enough of both for a homogenous platform of story-telling and action scenes.

And 2 will have Jim Carey !!!!!!!!!
Comes out in like, two weeks...
Saw Pacific Rim a couple weeks ago

Best Movie I have seen for a very very long time. Avengers was good because it had a bit more comedy and was kinda light hearted at times, good one liners. But overall I think I enjoyed Pacific Rim more. Even though it was very predictable I find movies just don't surprise me anymore anyway.

10x better than any of the transformers movies thats for sure.
interestingly Jim Carry has said something along the lines of that after seeing the movie he doesn't support it anymore and doesn't recommend his fans go and see it because it's so violent. Or something along those lines.
10x better than any of the transformers movies thats for sure.

Ten times better ? so that makes it, what, a 2/10 technically ?

interestingly Jim Carry has said something along the lines of that after seeing the movie he doesn't support it anymore and doesn't recommend his fans go and see it because it's so violent. Or something along those lines.

I don't even know if you're joking, but that DOES ring the bell....I like that from him, good guy...but senseless violence is just a gimmick in these movies. Not a fan of Tarantino's for e.g., but Inglorious 'Basterds' was excellent because it was pure burlesque with actual substance, unlike Kill Bill which is a big bleak nothing with really just a waterfall of blood. "Wiggle ya big toe", wtf was that scene about...just random ****, hoping ppl take repetitiveness/thick, empty scripts for catch phrases and make inside jokes out of it and glorify him (Tarantino).
Jim Carrey has essentially lost the plot lately especially on twitter, him and his bat**** crazy anti-vaccination ex-wife(partner?) should go take a hike.....his sister has a decent bar band though she played in a local bar in my town last year. Don't think she's been back the bar has kind of turned into a sketchy place and I've defected from it.
Ten times better ? so that makes it, what, a 2/10 technically ?

ok good point

lets recount and say that Pacific Rim is 70-80 times better than any of the transformers movies hehe.

I'm pretty gutted with those movies, man I spent my early teens racing to get home after school (when I did not have rugby practice or detention) to watch transformers and was so looking forward to the movies. But IMO Michael Bay just simply got it wrong and that fricken Actor Shia le douche or what ever his name is. Man he is bad.

Apparently Bay is going to do another Transformers movie and mark wahlberg is going to play the main role. That may help but I still think Bay Ruined - Starscream, Megatron and worst of all Soundwave (IMO the fricken coolest of them all in the cartoons) put in too much comic relief (I mean c'mon most of the characters are Comic relief it's crazy), overdid the action and T & A

Action is a lost art form in the transformers movies I mean they have combined what 3-4+? hours of action and how much of it is actually memorable? I've seen good action movies with 1/5 the action n terms of duration but the action they have is memorable and noteworthy.
And can't wait for part 2...

I'm hoping it will be good. But one of the great things about the first was the shock of how brutal hit girl was after a fairly normal spiderman esque beginning. Kick-Ass 2 won't have that, so it's likely they'll just make it more extreme to compensate. Hopefully it will still be good, but I can't see it being as great as the first because of this.

Regarding Transformers. Michael Bay has ruined Hollywood in general, not just Transformers. One of the reasons I enjoyed Super 8 so much was that it had a 90's Spielberg feel to it, like Batteries not included, or ET, as opposed to Bay's special effects, action driven, drivel.

I've not posted much of what I've watched recently, there's been quite a lot including Upside Down, Super, The Watch, The Next Three Days, Olympus has Fallen, and 42 in the last month or so. Oh, and Dangerous Minds (worth it for the soundtrack). I watched Oblivion last night. I found it decent I've gotta say and the design of the ship, drones and housing pods was great imo.
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I'm hoping it will be good. But one of the great things about the first was the shock of how brutal hit girl was after a fairly normal spiderman esque beginning. Kick-Ass 2 won't have that, so it's likely they'll just make it more extreme to compensate. Hopefully it will still be good, but I can't see it being as great as the first because of this.

well they can recreate that. Some films can recreate more of the same 'magic' the first installment had, somehow. It most, most probably won't be as good as the first, no matter how hard they've really tried..like you said, some spontaneity and freshness is almost necessarily lost in a sequel..
I heard they cancelled the movie for Deadpool. I know they released a Deadpool game last month, and It's reviews weren't that impressive...

Just got around to seeing The Wolverine. Was alright. I feel like they've missed the point in every Wolverine film and they will always miss it intentionally.

They never get Wolverine to be cool enough in my opinion. Like there are some pretty gritty stories you can tell about him - there is more development into Wolverine than any other marvel comic book character bar maybe Spiderman (and certainly more in terms of origins) - but I always get the impression they write the stories without really looking at the character. Marvel will never make a R16 Wolverine movie, but I think its really the only option to make a really good one - even if it means alienating a huge audience.

In terms of the ending of the movie - it is exciting. SPOILER kinda: I'm interested in what the next X-Men movie will be. I have a strange feeling we're building up to the X-Men vs Avengers movie, or its the sentinels? Either way it better be made quick as Sir Ian McKellen is 74 and Sir Patrick Stewart is 73 - so X-Men vs Avengers is probably a tad unlikely as Marvel will be rerunning through every Super Hero before cashing in on the Avengers.

Test 2:

I don't think they ever made a truly good super hero/comics based film just yet. I was a fan of Iron Man, the book, as a kid. I think the movie was a disaster and didn't bother with the 2nd.
I think the Dark Knight series is close to horrible. Took Batman way, way too seriously. The Dark Knight itself lasts 3hrs, has wayyyy too much going on, some random shyt here and there, has looong stretches, and just isn't well structured.
The X-Men were fine but a little too Hollywood. Could have done quite a bit better...

I'm saying this because I'd have liked more out of them.

I disagree. Iron Man was alright - it essentially set the standard for all Marvel films since in terms of plot and tone. They stuck to the Dick Donner formula of making everyone an origins story and then sequeling the hell out of it (the last Iron Man's weren't as good). A lot of people think they found the right tone when it comes to comic book movies. The first X-Men was good for a super movie standard.

DC I think has done a much better job and I disagree in that I think The Dark Knight was the best comic book movie of all time. I personally hate the Tim Burton and Joel Schumacher Batmans. They made every line a gag, every character a borderline homage to that camp batman from the 60's cartoon - but more zany. The Dark Knight was perfect, even if you didn't like comic books it stands brilliantly as a movie. Taking the Joker - a cartoony character which has been played definitively by Jack Nicholson (who I love but not as the Joker) and more iconically Mark Hammill - and setting him up in Nolan's real world, was an amazing portrayal. Batman Begins was good by itself but really was there to reboot the series, while the final movie I thought was really good with some terrible plot problems and shortcuts if that makes sense. Man of Steel had similar issues but was even worse.

It seems the next Man of Steel movie will also be rebooting Batman for a Justice League movie (copying Marvel's formula) according to reports, with Batman being involved in a big way - so I can't see how they can go too far wrong for the next one (if its based off the Dark Knight Returns which some are speculating on - it means it will essentially be Batman vs Superman, very epic comic so I can't see them going too far wrong).
Jim Carrey has essentially lost the plot lately especially on twitter, him and his bat**** crazy anti-vaccination ex-wife(partner?) should go take a hike.....his sister has a decent bar band though she played in a local bar in my town last year. Don't think she's been back the bar has kind of turned into a sketchy place and I've defected from it.

how is Jim Carey STILL NOT president of Canada ??!.......FOR FAAKKKSS SAKE !!

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Watched Mud last night. I highly recommend this film to all. It's a captivating story with some excellent acting throughout. Certainly one of the best films of the year so far for me.
Just got around to seeing The Wolverine. Was alright. I feel like they've missed the point in every Wolverine film and they will always miss it intentionally.

Think they got him perfectly in his cameo in 'the new class' or whatever it was called ;)

Oh, watched that 'Snow White and the Huntsman' the other day. Was thinking 'I must have seen this before, as I recognise most of these scenes'.

Then I realised it was because they mostly filmed in West Wales, and I was recognising the beaches. (Marloes Sands, best beach I've ever seen)
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Watched Olympus Has Fallen

Such a cool movie, really regret missing this at the cinema. Its what a 24 Movie could have been like, its like the director was at the idea meeting for the script writing for a series of 24, took one of the rejected ideas and modernized and condensed it.

Easily the second best film I've seen this year after Into Darkness
any of you smarty-pants seen Tucker and Dale VS Evil ?? How funny was that movie in parts ?!
Saw Untouchable/The Untouchables/ The Intouchables the other day really enjoyed it. Hilarious in parts and some nice drama moments.
Men of Honor: Re-watched this the other night. Seen it quite a few times before, and I always enjoy watching it. Very powerful film. Highly recommended to anyone who's not seen it before. 9/10

The Great Gatsby: Heard some mixed reviews about this, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. I thought the cinematography was great, and the acting was good throughout. DiCaprio is one of my favourite actors, and he's certainly the standout here. I wasn't always a fan of Tobey Maguire in the spider-man films, but he fits the role nicely here. 8/10

Pain and Gain: Not sure I've got a huge amount to say about this film. Quite generic with little depth to the story. 5/10

The Iceman: Started off quite promisingly, but I didn't think it quite developed as I'd have liked. I suppose it can be forgiven for that somewhat as it's based on a true story, but it didn't stop parts of it from being very forgettable imo. 6/10

loved the movie... very entertaining and it keeps you guessing... not too predictable... even though I did figure who the guy in the hooded top is...

I loved the fact they casted Michael Caine as he was in "The prestige" another movie about magic... so it keeps you guessing on who the good or bad guy is...

oooh she is hot... a bit skinny but hot... she looks like Amy Adams... amy has more "cushion for the pushin" :D
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