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The Movie Thread

Last night I saw Storage 24. Cool monster but lets be honest, its a Dr Who episode with a bit of gore.

And don't get me started about the fireworks and the toy dog. People that stupid derserve to have their faces chewed of by aliens.

The night before I watched Dream House with Daniel Craig, Rachel Weizz and Naomi Watts (yeah we get together all the time to watch tele of the sofa with some dorittos and a dip. heehee).

I enjoyed this movie. its was cool and has a great twist halfway through. Only one silly bit. And thats where Daniel's character is evicted from his home because it's unsafe for habitation Um... okay, so his house is unsafe to live in SO YOU LEAVE HIM HOMELESS IN THE STREET!?!?!?! IN THE WINTER WITH ABOUT A FOOT OF SNOW ON THE GROUND!?!?!?! Really???? There ya go Dan you'll be safe now. Apart from this one logic meltdown its still a good movie and Rachel and Naomi are certainly nice to look at.



I voted for Rachel. She's got curves. (I may have missed the point of the quizz...)
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Just watched 'Blade Runner' again. Ultimate Sci-Fi movie, forgot how sad it was (not sad as in awful). Also has the ultimate 'Synth' soundtrack by Vangelis.

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Just watched 'Blade Runner' again. Ultimate Sci-Fi movie, forgot how sad it was (not sad as in awful). Also has the ultimate 'Synth' soundtrack by Vangelis.

I love that movie and concur with your thoughts on it, if you enjoy Blade Runner I highly recommend "Dark City" if you haven't seen it....also Vangelis is one of my favourite composers ever....his soundtrack for The Bounty was epic...

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The last movie I watched was Against The Dark on the ...wait for it... Syfy channel! I love bad movies and this one was on the OFFICIAL bad movie channel 1 AND starred Steven Segal!!!!! And was all about killer vampires in a post vampire apocalypse future!

Amazingly this movie wasn't half bad! The vampires were basically 28 days later style zombies, only smarter, Steven Segal's part was quite small and he didn't say much, which also helped to improve the movie, throw in a hot blonde chick that I've seen in something else, 2 and it turned out to be pretty good, very gory and quite creepy in places.

1 Actually its debatable whether Syfy or the horror channel deserve the ***le of bad movie channel, but as the CGI is usually the most cringeworthy drivel imaginable on syfy I'm awarding them the ***le.

2 She's tallish and cute while not being hollywood glam and wears low cut neck lines in all her movies, I think it's in her contract...

Following: Classic Nolan, before his movies tried to too hard. Not a great deal of action, but a plot that comes together well and is short enough so it doesn't become too convoluted (cough Inception, cough TDKR) 7/10

Memento: Another early Nolan film. Not very hard to figure out once you watch the whole thing. Still a decent story. 6/10

Zodiac: Long but worth it. Solidly entertaining, Gyllenhaal and Downey Jr. both superb. The side story of Gyllenhaal's obsession and RDJs decline was good too, instead of solely focussing on the murder case, it adds a human side, further illustrated as the film spans multiple decades. 7.5/10

Cabin in the Woods: $hite. 1/10 (1 point for Bradley Whitford, still a great actor, able to watch him and not think 'Josh Lyman')

Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels: I have to ignore the temptation to compare it to the superior Snatch. Overall entertaining, but it didn't seem overly concerned with where it was going at times. Still, enjoyable nonetheless. 6.5/10

Enter the Void: Gaspar Noe really is an odd fellow, but an incredible mind. Irreversible was gripping, and while Enter the Void doesn't have the intensity of it's predescessor, it is still a gritty yet visually stunning film. It just kind of moves from point to point, without being bogged down by a heavy story, some might like it, some might find it pointless. 7.5/10
Interesting summaries.

Following: Classic Nolan, before his movies tried to too hard. Not a great deal of action, but a plot that comes together well and is short enough so it doesn't become too convoluted (cough Inception, cough TDKR) 7/10 Not heard of this, thought it was in reference to the extremely dark 'The following' TV series, will take a look.

Memento: Another early Nolan film. Not very hard to figure out once you watch the whole thing. Still a decent story. 6/10 Loved this movie. Guy Pierce showed he's actually a quality actor, not just a neighbours 'name'.

Zodiac: Long but worth it. Solidly entertaining, Gyllenhaal and Downey Jr. both superb. The side story of Gyllenhaal's obsession and RDJs decline was good too, instead of solely focussing on the murder case, it adds a human side, further illustrated as the film spans multiple decades. 7.5/10 Really disappointed with this one, was pretty much a non-event of a movie. Was expecting much more

Cabin in the Woods: $hite. 1/10 (1 point for Bradley Whitford, still a great actor, able to watch him and not think 'Josh Lyman') Joss Whedon production. Love them all. Thought this was a great take on the 'stereotypical' horror scenarios with typical Whedon humour.

Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels: I have to ignore the temptation to compare it to the superior Snatch. Overall entertaining, but it didn't seem overly concerned with where it was going at times. Still, enjoyable nonetheless. 6.5/10 Early Guy Ritchie movie, could see the pieces converging for the fantastic 'Snatch'. Great thing is it doesn't care about anything except itself.

Enter the Void: Gaspar Noe really is an odd fellow, but an incredible mind. Irreversible was gripping, and while Enter the Void doesn't have the intensity of it's predescessor, it is still a gritty yet visually stunning film. It just kind of moves from point to point, without being bogged down by a heavy story, some might like it, some might find it pointless. 7.5/10 Not seen(or even heard of) this, will have to check it out
Following: Classic Nolan, before his movies tried to too hard. Not a great deal of action, but a plot that comes together well and is short enough so it doesn't become too convoluted (cough Inception, cough TDKR) 7/10

Memento: Another early Nolan film. Not very hard to figure out once you watch the whole thing. Still a decent story. 6/10

Zodiac: Long but worth it. Solidly entertaining, Gyllenhaal and Downey Jr. both superb. The side story of Gyllenhaal's obsession and RDJs decline was good too, instead of solely focussing on the murder case, it adds a human side, further illustrated as the film spans multiple decades. 7.5/10

Cabin in the Woods: $hite. 1/10 (1 point for Bradley Whitford, still a great actor, able to watch him and not think 'Josh Lyman')

Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels: I have to ignore the temptation to compare it to the superior Snatch. Overall entertaining, but it didn't seem overly concerned with where it was going at times. Still, enjoyable nonetheless. 6.5/10

Enter the Void: Gaspar Noe really is an odd fellow, but an incredible mind. Irreversible was gripping, and while Enter the Void doesn't have the intensity of it's predescessor, it is still a gritty yet visually stunning film. It just kind of moves from point to point, without being bogged down by a heavy story, some might like it, some might find it pointless. 7.5/10

What about Cabin in the Woods did you not like? It's one of my all time favourite movies, such a well thought out film.
Technogically amazing (especially in imax 3D!) and an adrenalin ride. Well worth a look whilst it is in Cinemas... don't know if it would have quite the same effect on a TV.
This is the type of movie 3D films should all be like.
I broke Zodiac into two parts, so that might have helped. I was in a bored mood so wasn't expecting anything exciting.

Enter the Void is... Weird. Really weird.

My problem with Cabin in the Woods was it didn't seem to know what it wanted to do. I get the horror parody thing, but it wasn't really either. When it got all magic it lost my interest. I guess I expected something different.
I liked cabin in the Woods I went in expecting a really terrible horror movie but it turned out to be mostly comic and taking the **** on **** horror movies, but I agree at times the tone was out of whack with the movie as a whole.
Okay the Amazing Spiderman... Its about ten years long and nothing happens for the first 6 years. Origin movies can be so dull. Everyone needs to get a load of Tim Burton's Batman to see how superhero movies should be paced.

On the plus side I watched a hugely entertaining grindhouse homage movie called Dear God No! It was great wholesome fun with Bikers, Strippers, Mutants, Nazi scientists, a seriously annoyed sasquatch, a load of drugs and serveral dead nuns. Now this is entertainment. Well worth watching just for the kick ass one liners. Highly quotable.

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A couple of nights back I watched a horror movie on the Horror Channel called Splintered. it was kinda like a werewolf movie (ish). It starts the usual way with a bunch of teenagers going into darkest Wales on a camping / cryptozoology hunting trip and I wasn't that snagged because I didn't warm to any of the obnoxious little sods, but if you can endure the first 40 minutes then things seriously look up when they start wondering into the abandoned orphanage and someone or something starts bumping them off... The best bit is the villain. I can't give much more away without spoiling it but its a slower burner that really kicks in for the last 35 minutes. some good acting from the villain too.
Not a film that I've just recently seen.. although, yeah there is a film I've just seen but let me explain;

I saw, may years ago now, a film I remember as being called 'Nosferatu' where a US film crew go on location in Transylvania to film a vampire movie only with the lead to be an actual vampire. I recently ordered what I thought was this movie but as it turns out the one I just saw, 'Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens' is perhaps even better and from what I can gather older. I'll certainly keep it but would still like to order the one I saw a few years back. Can anybody give me a full ***le and/or date/producer/director, hell any info that might help?

Both come highly recommended (by me for what its worth :p) though the old one can seem to... drag on a bit IMO unnecessarily in the late middle part of the movie. Still, a very atmospheric film with some classic moments and enjoyable even viewed out of the context of it's time if you ask me.

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