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The Movie Thread

OK, because I like you guys now (sorta), I'm doing you the greatest favor of all-time. The single - THA SINGLE (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) - ....ahem....the single funniest movie of all-time...


Can't seem to play it from the start....START FROM 0:00 !
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OK, because I like you guys now (sorta), I'm doing you the greatest favor of all-time. The single - THA SINGLE (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) - ....ahem....the single funniest movie of all-time...


Does it get any better? I've watched 20 minutes of someone moaning about nothing at all funny.
Just watched:

The Last Stand - Not a great film to be honest.

The Flight - Great film, Denzel is amazing in it.
Star Trek ( the one in theaters now): very good movie.
Tonight Die Hard 1: my all time favorite.
Watched Nitro Circus last night. For those who don't know Nitro Circus is like Jackass but way better as they try to actually succeed at their stunts rather than Jackass who just arse about. Was a lot of fun and you watch some of what they do and marvel at the ***anium testicles it takes to try these things

Touring the UK at the end of the year. The live shows look awesome if you like your Fmx and stuff.
Touring the UK at the end of the year. The live shows look awesome if you like your Fmx and stuff.

Not a huge fan, I prefer things on 4 wheels. May be tempted abut the live show depending where and how much.
The Man from Earth. Interesting concept and some clever parts, but some predictable points.
Star Trek was pretty dire. Took a while to do nothing.
Watched The Dark Knight Rises, finally. Very unimpressed. Overhyped and boring, lacking in depth, character and edge. I'd give it like 2 stars.
The Man from Earth. Interesting concept and some clever parts, but some predictable points.
Star Trek was pretty dire. Took a while to do nothing.

I DESPISE the reboots, I don't get why they are so popular!! It's like Trekformers not Star Trek, so sad to see a franchise I love reduced to a CGI action only type movie.
Any of you seen the great gabsy ? Might be going at the weekend, been told its good

Over hyped, almost fell asleep in the first hour while trying to figure out why I should care about these characters. Once Leonardo's character appeared on screen the movie did get better.
Watched The Dark Knight Rises, finally. Very unimpressed. Overhyped and boring, lacking in depth, character and edge. I'd give it like 2 stars.
Thank you!
@LG, yeah, I felt like they ran out of ideas and just decided to reuse old ideas. I have had enough of superhero, tv show, etc movies.
Thank you!
@LG, yeah, I felt like they ran out of ideas and just decided to reuse old ideas. I have had enough of superhero, tv show, etc movies.

Tried watching it while on a flight, turned it off after 5 minutes just looked too over the top.
I saw Populaire yesterday. It's a French-language romantic comedy about typewriters. I liked it.

As you were.
Lego Batman the Movie: Pretty funny movie. You've to love babysitting :)
Die hard 2 (last week Friday): Good movie, but still can't beat the first one.
Die hard 5 today: not my cup of tea. They should have stopped after Die hard 3. Apparently Bruce Willis wants one final movie before his character retires. I hope they stop on a high.
LAst week I saw "Searching for Sugarman" (Oscar winner for best documentary, from South Africa). Quite a crazy story. I imagine that a few SA TRFers have some inside critiques (like things it missed, manipulations, etc), I'm interested.
Saw Fast and Furious 6. Hilariously OTT and cheesy at times but actually a good film. I'm a fan of TFATF films (except 4, that stunk) and this fits the franchise, people will no doubt say that techically its a bad film but I had fun watching it and to me if I've enjoyed watching the film then its good

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