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Oscar Pistorius - Paralypic Gold Medalist, Shoots and Kills Girlfriend

I got that send on Facebook. It was the only joke I really liked.
Yeah yeah, I meant to say Olympian...

Anyway... His court hearing is this morning.

The police said in a briefing that they have ruled out the possibility that he had mistaken her for a burglar. the Forensic unit was busy at his house until late last night and a police vehicle was still seen at his house this morning.


We all know what major cock-ups the SAPS is capable of though. It's just about a lottery with our police service sadly. Maybe because of the high profile they'll hopefully make sure to do their job thoroughly. You don't want a murderer to get away but you also don't want to condemn a man before the truth is out. Anyway I won't take any comments from the police seriously and will wait for the hearings.
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Well, it is terrible what happened but like stormer2010 is saying, you never know what to believe and what not.
We all know what major cock-ups the SAPS is capable of though. It's just about a lottery with our police service sadly. Maybe because of the high profile they'll hopefully make sure to do their job thoroughly. You don't want a murderer to get away but you also don't want to condemn a man before the truth is out. Anyway I won't take any comments from the police seriously and will wait for the hearings.

Yah like the 39 miners killed by the SAPS a few months ago. I crringed when they continued to justify that as a legitimate use of force as it was more like a slaughter... I am not from SA and am only going off what I read and see on the news but having been a soldier and spending some time in a few shady places they seem to have a habit of cocking **** up royally.
Yah like the 39 miners killed by the SAPS a few months ago. I crringed when they continued to justify that as a legitimate use of force as it was more like a slaughter... I am not from SA and am only going off what I read and see on the news but having been a soldier and spending some time in a few shady places they seem to have a habit of cocking **** up royally.

That was disgusting.
I honestly never liked the guy. And I don't think it was a case of him mistaking her for an intruder. reports suggest that his first shot hit her in the hip and she went into a bathroom for cover then he shot her 3 more times and bashed her head with a cricket bat, that does not sound like mistaken identity....

Such a shame because wow she was a genuine 10 outa 10 and even a good person to boot.

Shame is with him aiming to fight the charges and probably lie through his teeth we may never know the whole story.
Apparently her head was crushed and they found a bloody cricket bat.
I don't like how this seems to be becoming a public smear job. In Canada any high profile murder cases are always kept away from the media in order to preserve judicial integrity. I think back to Colonel Russell Williams trial where their was a total media blackout during the trial. I don't see that here and its worrying.
I don't like how this seems to be becoming a public smear job. In Canada any high profile murder cases are always kept away from the media in order to preserve judicial integrity. I think back to Colonel Russell Williams trial where their was a total media blackout during the trial. I don't see that here and its worrying.

People get murdered in Canada? :O
People get murdered in Canada? :O

I don't have the stats on hand but I would take an educated guess our murder rate is higher than yours. There is a significant amount of gang violence in Toronto and Vancouver as well as deep problems with aboriginal violence. This isn't to exaggerate the murder rate here which is quite low, but it's not like crime is unheard of certain parts of Canada(my area of Niagara homicides are rare 0-3 a year is around the range from a half million people).
I don't have the stats on hand but I would take an educated guess our murder rate is higher than yours. There is a significant amount of gang violence in Toronto and Vancouver as well as deep problems with aboriginal violence. This isn't to exaggerate the murder rate here which is quite low, but it's not like crime is unheard of certain parts of Canada(my area of Niagara homicides are rare 0-3 a year is around the range from a half million people).

Interesting, prior to asking WTF you were talking about, I decided to google "canadian aboriginals" and to my surprise information on this exists. I was under the impression that the term aboriginal was strictly used to describe native Australians. I have learned something today!
Apparently her head was crushed and they found a bloody cricket bat.

The autopsy report SUGGESTS that her head was cracked, not crushed. and they did find a bloodied cricket bat. The question now is to link them together, and then to the murder.

there are many ways in how she could've cracked her skull. she could've fallen when she got shot and by impact cracked it.

latest reports are that when the witnessess arrived at the scene, Oscar was running down the stairs with her in his arms, trying to stop the bleeding and giving her CPR. some blood spatter found on the walls, show that she was still alive when he was trying to help her.

Most of the newspapers over the weekend are painting a very grim picture for Oscar. with the likelyhood of him going to jail for a very long time.

But, a lot of things can happen during a trial. What I'm interested in, is what will be his plea, and if he pleas not guilty, what will be his defense.

Will it be self defense? will it be something else like Outomatism, Blackout, Provocation, Mental illness of some sort.
The other question is, whether there really was a burglar or someone else in the house?
And then lastly, will it be Murder or Negligent Homicide
Interesting, prior to asking WTF you were talking about, I decided to google "canadian aboriginals" and to my surprise information on this exists. I was under the impression that the term aboriginal was strictly used to describe native Australians. I have learned something today!

Aboriginal issues are a big deal in Canada... just google Oka Crisis to find out what we are talking about... the government declared martial law in the 90's and sent in the military to put down aboriginal militant groups.

As well, speaking about the murder rate, nationally its about twice what Australia is; however, as Little Guy mentioned parts of the country have considerably more murders and violence then others. In Western Canada for instance Alberta has a murder rate of nearly 7 for every 100,000 people while the territories are somewhere are 15 for every 100,000 people. Last year Toronto had 56 murders.

The majority of the country is very safe though and the violence out west is mostly confined to areas with large populations of aboriginals and aboriginal street gangs duking it out with each other for control of the drug trade. Same thing in Toronto where you see Caribbean and latino street gangs duking it out as well.

On the topic of the latest musings in the media concerning Mr. Pistorius... everyone right now is going on about a cracked skull and a cricket bat but how do we know the cricket bat even cracked the skull I mean she was shot in the head and if the ammunition tumbled when it hit her this could also crack someones skull ... If anything the media circus caused by this case could maybe lead to some sort of mis-trial!
yeah but if there is a cracked skull and a bloodied cricket bat at the scene you put 2 and 2 together right?
This story has had a ton of rumours and changes every 30 seconds, media having a field day from stories on this. Now they are bringing up the Springbok scrum half/winger Francois Hougaard into it (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/wor...eva-Steenkamps-iPad-key-to-investigation.html).

By the way the ***le ought to be changed. Pistorious isn't an Olympic Gold Medallist. He's a Paralympic Gold Medallist who competed at the Olympics.
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yeah but if there is a cracked skull and a bloodied cricket bat at the scene you put 2 and 2 together right?

A gunshot wound causes an unbelievable amount of blood, the blood could have been sprayed on the cricket bat for all we know especially if it was a shot from close range.
A gunshot wound causes an unbelievable amount of blood, the blood could have been sprayed on the cricket bat for all we know especially if it was a shot from close range.

It depends on the calibre of the gun and where it hit. I saw a person who was shot in the head once (He lived after several emergency surgeries) and the bleeding was almost non existant from a .303 round. That may be because the bullet didn't exit, so it would depend on if she had an exit wound or not as to if there was very much blood. As entry wounds tend to be small the blood can be stemmed, while exit wounds are generally gaping maws of blood and skin being torn through from the bullet mushrooming, tumbling or just generally ruining your day.
This story has had a ton of rumours and changes every 30 seconds, media having a field day from stories on this. Now they are bringing up the Springbok scrum half/winger Francois Hougaard into it (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/wor...eva-Steenkamps-iPad-key-to-investigation.html).

By the way the ***le ought to be changed. Pistorious isn't an Olympic Gold Medallist. He's a Paralympic Gold Medallist who competed at the Olympics.

I already made an apology about the ***le... Sorry about that Duck...

The Hougaard story isn't that much of an issue here in SA. Oscar had a lot of rugby/cricket/sports friends and it was always a possibility that some stars might get dragged into it...

What's a bigger story now is that they found steroids in his house and are now looking at "Roid Rage".

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