Roses are red
Violets are glorious
Don't try to surprise
Oscar Pistorius…
Happy Valentine's Day...
I see someone else here is a keen reader of Sickipedia.
Roses are red
Violets are glorious
Don't try to surprise
Oscar Pistorius…
Happy Valentine's Day...
Yeah yeah, I meant to say Olympian...
Anyway... His court hearing is this morning.
The police said in a briefing that they have ruled out the possibility that he had mistaken her for a burglar. the Forensic unit was busy at his house until late last night and a police vehicle was still seen at his house this morning.
We all know what major cock-ups the SAPS is capable of though. It's just about a lottery with our police service sadly. Maybe because of the high profile they'll hopefully make sure to do their job thoroughly. You don't want a murderer to get away but you also don't want to condemn a man before the truth is out. Anyway I won't take any comments from the police seriously and will wait for the hearings.
This.Yah like the 39 miners killed by the SAPS a few months ago. I crringed when they continued to justify that as a legitimate use of force as it was more like a slaughter... I am not from SA and am only going off what I read and see on the news but having been a soldier and spending some time in a few shady places they seem to have a habit of cocking **** up royally.
I don't like how this seems to be becoming a public smear job. In Canada any high profile murder cases are always kept away from the media in order to preserve judicial integrity. I think back to Colonel Russell Williams trial where their was a total media blackout during the trial. I don't see that here and its worrying.
People get murdered in Canada? :O
I don't have the stats on hand but I would take an educated guess our murder rate is higher than yours. There is a significant amount of gang violence in Toronto and Vancouver as well as deep problems with aboriginal violence. This isn't to exaggerate the murder rate here which is quite low, but it's not like crime is unheard of certain parts of Canada(my area of Niagara homicides are rare 0-3 a year is around the range from a half million people).
Apparently her head was crushed and they found a bloody cricket bat.
Interesting, prior to asking WTF you were talking about, I decided to google "canadian aboriginals" and to my surprise information on this exists. I was under the impression that the term aboriginal was strictly used to describe native Australians. I have learned something today!
yeah but if there is a cracked skull and a bloodied cricket bat at the scene you put 2 and 2 together right?
A gunshot wound causes an unbelievable amount of blood, the blood could have been sprayed on the cricket bat for all we know especially if it was a shot from close range.
This story has had a ton of rumours and changes every 30 seconds, media having a field day from stories on this. Now they are bringing up the Springbok scrum half/winger Francois Hougaard into it (
By the way the ***le ought to be changed. Pistorious isn't an Olympic Gold Medallist. He's a Paralympic Gold Medallist who competed at the Olympics.