You are throwing in a lot of speculation in here, something not even the prosecution or the defence brought into consideration during the trial. It seems like you are saying that Oscar had some hearing disability too.
Let me tell what happened to me when I was 17. I was sleeping in my bed, and in the middle of the night, and got woken up by a noise at my window, when I opened my eyes to see what it was, there were 3 men with pangas (big ass knives) scraping the putty off the window. The next thing I knew was that I was in my parents room (which was about 25m away from my room and I had my dad's golf club in my hand. Shouting "Fokof" repeatedly. When my dad woke up from my screaming, he also went directly for his gun behind his bed and my mom pressed the panic button. So in that instance, I went for the flight and to some extent the fight option, my dad went for the fight option and my mom went for the flight option. Who was wrong?? There is no absolute answer.
I am not implying he had a hearing disability - In his testimony he said that the fans was so loud that was probably the reason why he couldn't hear her get out of bed.
I hear you story , but did your Dad fire 4 shots and a door without establishing where the rest of his family was? Your dad went for his gun because he heard you scream fokof .....
Dude I can also tell you stories - I am a crime cautious dude since I have lived in Gauteng for the majority of my life - I have on numerous occasions heard noises in the middle of the night - Your first reaction is establish contact with your partner. Even in your story you ran to your parents room to establish some form of communication with them - It would have been a total different situation if you started swinging that golf club at the window without even seeing the 3 guys scraping the puty from the window.
Remember these shots were fired blindly and the only "evidence" that Oscar heard a noise was his own testimony , which even the Judge said was shady ....