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MMA/UFC thread

Depends if you're a crusty old millionaire who only comes down off their ivory tower to tell the plebs how to live their lives and collect awards or not.

Do find it kind of ironic someone from hollywood, notoriously cliquey and (for want of a better description) white, chooses MMA as what an anti-immigration future will leave behind.
MMA by definition is incredibly inclusive, it takes martial arts from all over the world and mixes them together.
Looking at the UFC champs there's two white American champions and one of those is the son of immigrants. Of the others you have three African Americans, one Polynesian American, English, Irish, Polish and two Brazilians (with one who is openly gay).
Just straight up ignorance, really.
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Yep, find it so annoying when Someone finds out your into MMA when they aren't, some of the snooty comments they say get on my ***s "oh I don't watch it , it's barbaric" etc etc etc. And it is always the same type of person who says it aswell.

I'm not a Rousey fan but she helped a lot in getting rid of stigmas.

Hate it when arts looks down on sports. (Although Basketball seems to get a free rid a lot of the time for some reason.
Does it matter... I find the obfuscation about what is and isn't art very dull... it all ends up being utterly semantic.
No, and if they do they're fools.
McGregor won a few amateur ***les as a kid, Mayweather is one of the best boxers to have ever lived. McGregor has very slick MMA boxing but that's not comparable to the actual sport of boxing. It's like saying Johnny May is really quick so he should run the 100m in the Olympics.

He brought in a....South African? boxer in his camp for the 2nd Diaz fight and tape of them sparring got leaked (because McGregor's camp showed some clips of him landing on this Saffer guy) and McGregor just got completely schooled by this guy.

If he took time away from MMA to focus 100% on boxing then I've no doubt that he could do well in the sport, but going in as an MMA fighter? Wouldn't even be close.
Course not. MMA practicioners are, in a way, jacks of all trades. They are not the best at anything but they are quite good at everything (Punching, elbowing, kicking, takedown, takedown defense, wrestling, BJJ) and they also are good at knowing what to do, when against whom. That is what makes them so dangerous. The point is not beating your opponent at what he is best at, quite the contrary. It is finding his weakness and exploiting it.

If a mma fighter faces a wrestler he'll try to keep his distance and destroy the wrestler with leg kicks, if he faces a boxer he will kick/take it to the ground, and so on.
Their tools are not the sharpest but they got more tools than any other single sport combat practitioner.

No one in their right mind thinks an mma guy can beat the best boxer at boxing nor the best wrestler at wrestling.

Olyy's 100m example is spot on.
BJ Penn got merked this morning.
As flashy as Yair Rodriguez is, it was just depressing to watch. Penn is such a legend of the sport but he had no right being in that fight, should've hung them up after his last fight, the terrible showing vs Edgar, and that was 2.5yrs ago.
Hell he probably should've hung them up after the fight before, vs McDonald, which was in 2012!

Hopefully he does call it a day now, for his health's sake, if not his legacy's.
You knows it.
Such a stacked card for a fight night, rivals/bests 208.
Just a shame it's in Denver because you can see the altitude having an effect on the fighters.

I love Caceres, he's such a weeb. Has walked out in full on anime outfits and to the theme tunes before (naruto and cowboy beebop) and got into martial arts because of Dragon Ball Z
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I hope so.
He's a fantastic fighter but I'm ****ing sick of him.
He's just posturing for more money/stock/whatever.
He also changes his story every other interview. Initially he was taking a year off for his kid, then he said he'll be back in may after the kid is born, then he said he wants to fight again before the kids born, now he says his next fight will be boxing and in December/January.

I hope the UFC strip him of his lightweight ***le. He's already said he doesn't want to fight the number one contender (hence the interim ***le at UFC209) and if he's now saying he's not interested in an MMA fight for like 13 months then he should be stripped.

Despite what he, and the people blowing smoke up his arse, thinks he is not bigger than the UFC.
I hope so.
He's a fantastic fighter but I'm ****ing sick of him.
He's just posturing for more money/stock/whatever.
He also changes his story every other interview. Initially he was taking a year off for his kid, then he said he'll be back in may after the kid is born, then he said he wants to fight again before the kids born, now he says his next fight will be boxing and in December/January.

I hope the UFC strip him of his lightweight ***le. He's already said he doesn't want to fight the number one contender (hence the interim ***le at UFC209) and if he's now saying he's not interested in an MMA fight for like 13 months then he should be stripped.

Despite what he, and the people blowing smoke up his arse, thinks he is not bigger than the UFC.

Not disagreeing but isn't every fighter in it for the money?
Like many peoples issue with McGregor is he isn't afraid to run his mouth and throw toys our of pram. But he's earnt a hell of alot of $$$ this way and knows
1. Fighters are envious or jealous of that
2. UFC have made alot too and he knows he can hold them ransom too.

See issue is there's a lot of talent there but they aren't marketable.
Like UFC has developed to point where antics out of ring are as valuable as fighting skill
Depends whether you like MMA as a sport or UFC as an entertainment company. I love the sport which is why I watch bellator, Rizin, one, wsof etc.

Everyone's in it for the money but no one has been gifted more opportunity than mcgregor has and he still ****s all over his employers and demands more.
Fair play it's made him rich but it doesn't mean I have to like him.
The interim belt at 209 is rubbish though, the UFC is so badly run, award the guy who wins with a mandatory ***le match against McGregor, not with some fake belt. If McGregor refuses that then strip him. I think the fact its run like its the WWE lends itself to the **** McGregor does and is also why its looked down upon so much. I only have a passing interest in MMA, don't know anything outside of the UFC and don't like matchups without strikers but the marketing of their fighters and belts in the UFC is atrocious.
I agree, interim belt is BS, simply doesn't need to happen. Only reason I can think is they want it to be a 5rd fight, and that's reserved for ***le fights and main events. Even Khabib hates it, called the interim ***le number one bull****/the bull**** belt.

I think the interim belt might be the ufc trying to make the Khabib fight happen, cause conor said he doesn't want it even though Khabib is the no.1 contender. They're very keen to break into the Russian market and a Khabib vs conor main event in moscow would be yuge. All hypothetical, obv, cause Ferguson vs Khabib is a massive fight and while I think Khabib will win it could go either way.
They paid 4 billion for the UFC, they are giving out ***les like its going out of fashion. Probably because they think belts = PPV buys.

Separate note, Francis Ngannou is a scary beast, I thought Arlovski would be a difficult fight but he destroyed him.Don't kniw who next, maybe Rothwell?

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