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A Political Thread

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I'm voting Kanye for president.

Or I would if I were in the US but hey ho...

Pretty sure he's trying to build album hype, but if he's not and he runs then he could swing it if it's close...

He'll win over some republicans and Dems and may actually mobilize the youth vote. This is ******* insane but could have an impact

For real?

He won't even register as a blip if it's actually legit.
For real?

He won't even register as a blip if it's actually legit.
It's Kanye so who knows... I'm pretty sure the registrations have passed for 3/4 of states but I could be wrong on that.

If they haven't, Kanye could legit win a few votes (there are quite a few people who think biden and trump are both really shitty options)
It's Kanye so who knows... I'm pretty sure the registrations have passed for 3/4 of states but I could be wrong on that.

If they haven't, Kanye could legit win a few votes (there are quite a few people who think biden and trump are both really shitty options)

You're right about the registrations. Kanye is just trying to bring attention to himself, per usual. :rolleyes:
You're right about the registrations. Kanye is just trying to bring attention to himself, per usual. :rolleyes:

That and to try to pull votes away from Biden in an effort to help his fellow egomaniac friend Trump.
That and to try to pull votes away from Biden in an effort to help his fellow egomaniac friend Trump.
To be fair the entire reason he backed trump was because it "made [him] feel like he could be president".

He's been registered with the FEC since 2016 apparently and renewed it yesterday. Not sure how accurate that is.
Dude, everyone sees this as you just masturbating at this point. Our argument started when you equated these protests to people having cans in the park*, I've said my piece and you've continued to come after me whenever you find anything that you think is bad about BLM**. It's so transparent that you just don't like the protests because they aren't in support of Trump and nothing else. I've acknowledged negatives and condemned certain actions whereas you haven't besides the bare minimum of saying you agreed with the original protests.

So yeah, that was about as clever a post as you're capable of. If someone read it as a standalone they might even think you're very clever, and we know you'd love that, it's what anyone who blindly follows anything or anyone wants and it's a ******* hard sell when you blindly follow a brain-dead egomaniac like you do. Unfortunately for you they only need to read back a few pages and all my "word salads" cover the points your trying to make. (or don't in the case of the "evil red BLM movement")

*Ironically you're tune has changed on this one, you're last COVID thread post making the States out to be the dogs balls when it comes to the pandemic.

**Who cares if they have socialist origins by the way? That would have been a death sentence during McCarthyism but it's fairly obvious now that the only people who care are those trying to discredit anti-fascist protests.
Anti-Israel? Dead right too, how can an organisation who support racial and social equality support a regime as oppressive as that of Israel.
You're entire point on this crumbled when you said the following anyway

Firstly, they are the same thing, not very clever of you.

Secondly, I never said otherwise, one of my very first points was that the protests were urgent because it was an election year.

Finally, our disagreement is that you think that Trump is the best president for black people in the States because of a few achievements that would come naturally to any president in a time of unprecedented economic growth. This is an opinion you, Trump, a bunch of at best ignorant white Americans, and that one black fascist youtuber you threw up share, you're not going to convince anyone else no matter how many loaded questions or articles entirely missing the point you throw up.
Very illuminating post to say the least. Lots in there.

Black fascist? Lol. Let me guess, you don't agree with his point of view so that's label you throw on. Sounds awfully familiar to a certain group of faux revolutionaries who shout down anybody who disagrees with them. No discussion needed because you "know" that you are right.

Through all of this you couldn't show one piece of evidence. When you tried @Cruz_del_Sur rightly called out your BS.

I should have known you're too far gone in your dogmatic ideology when you said this:

I don't feel particularly great about innocent people dying as a result of this, in a perfect world that could not be condoned and many will see it as a waste of life but ultimately I think these people are fighting for their lives and at the moment I'm on their side.

Straight up support of political violence against innocent people. This is an extremist perspective of justifying violence. Makes sense that you support an organization like Black Lives Matter which has a convicted terrorists backing them. Onto the ignore list you go.

Shows the caliber of moderation and discourse on this thread that this kind of statement wasn't roundly condemned.
Very illuminating post to say the least. Lots in there.

Black fascist? Lol. Let me guess, you don't agree with his point of view so that's label you throw on. Sounds awfully familiar to a certain group of faux revolutionaries who shout down anybody who disagrees with them. No discussion needed because you "know" that you are right.

Through all of this you couldn't show one piece of evidence. When you tried @Cruz_del_Sur rightly called out your BS.

I should have known you're too far gone in your dogmatic ideology when you said this:

Straight up support of political violence against innocent people. This is an extremist perspective of justifying violence. Makes sense that you support an organization like Black Lives Matter which has a convicted terrorists backing them. Onto the ignore list you go.

Shows the caliber of moderation and discourse on this thread that this kind of statement wasn't roundly condemned.

Come on Steve-o. This thread, has the biggest potential to get any member banned on the forum... That is why we are more "loose" when it comes to moderating this thread, as the topics of politics are the ones that are the most sensitive to posters as it covers all the potential pitfalls: Race, Religion, Gender, Sexual Orientation, Violence etc.

If a post is being reported, we will look at it, and determine if any serious lines were crossed, but the political posts, will get a bit more freedom that posts made in other threads.

With that said, I try to steer clear from this thread entirely. For the simple reason, that I find most of the arguments here, inconsequential, as there are far worse things going on than what is being argued here.

Just as an example. The whole Black Lives Matter campaign. Why is this campaign more important that the "Stop the killing of white farmers in South Africa" campaign. All lives matter... The amount of white farmers being killed and attacked are waaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy higher than that of the Black Lives Matter, yet it doesn't get any attention whatsoever from foreign governments or media...
Straight up support of political violence against innocent people. This is an extremist perspective of justifying violence.
An alt-righter saying this is hilarious

Also the irony isn't lost on me, or anyone else, that everytime there's a post you disagree with you start complaining about moderators not deleting it - how dare anyone be allowed to think differently from you
Just as an example. The whole Black Lives Matter campaign. Why is this campaign more important that the "Stop the killing of white farmers in South Africa" campaign. All lives matter... The amount of white farmers being killed and attacked are waaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy higher than that of the Black Lives Matter, yet it doesn't get any attention whatsoever from foreign governments or media...
I genuinely question if this statement is true the fact thats far larger issue than the systemic racism of countries far larger than South Africa (who's entire mess is direct cause of an extremely racist regime that barely ended 30 years ago). Plus I'll add the simple question which race is vastly and demonstrably below the poverty line? Not saying these aren't complex issues or even condoning the actions towards white farmers (clearly they are wrong). But the issue it all about the inherent racial inequality within the society that alreay exists. And that's what BLM is actually about not trying to raise one race above enough but trying to make not about privilege of birth. You start to fix those issues you start fixing the other ones like targeting of white farmers.

To also add to your question why doesn't it get more international coverage? Its simple the USA is a global superpower and what goes on there has a a huge effect on the lives of everyone who doesn't live there. Hence ts more important. Reality is most of what goes on in SA doesn't effect anyone on an international scale. Its like the Rohingya genocide going on Myanmar the only reason it even registers a blip on international radar is because of involvement of previously beloved international figure Aung San Suu Kyi.[/QUOTE]
I genuinely question if this statement is true the fact thats far larger issue than the systemic racism of countries far larger than South Africa (who's entire mess is direct cause of an extremely racist regime that barely ended 30 years ago). Plus I'll add the simple question which race is vastly and demonstrably below the poverty line? Not saying these aren't complex issues or even condoning the actions towards white farmers (clearly they are wrong). But the issue it all about the inherent racial inequality within the society that alreay exists. And that's what BLM is actually about not trying to raise one race above enough but trying to make not about privilege of birth. You start to fix those issues you start fixing the other ones like targeting of white farmers.

To also add to your question why doesn't it get more international coverage? Its simple the USA is a global superpower and what goes on there has a a huge effect on the lives of everyone who doesn't live there. Hence ts more important. Reality is most of what goes on in SA doesn't effect anyone on an international scale. Its like the Rohingya genocide going on Myanmar the only reason it even registers a blip on international radar is because of involvement of previously beloved international figure Aung San Suu Kyi.

Ah, so mass-murder is not an issue for the international public? The farmers, who employ millions of South Africans (mostly black people) to have a job, provide them with water and a place to live, who's basic job is to feed the nation???

Why is apartheid still to be blamed for this??? as you rightly said, it ended 30 years ago. And by the look of things it seems like it's just now reverse-apartheid being done, the only difference is, the black people are the majority and the white people are the minority.

If our agriculture sector falls, many countries will suffer as we export nearly 90% of our products.

All I'm trying to say is that BLM is not more important than other issues.
Honestly delighted to be on the ignore list. I won't have to be singled out next week when Tucker Carlson condemns BLM because their treasurer has fascial hair resembling Lenin's.

I tried to get out of that argument far sooner but it's hard when arguing against someone who won't leave you alone, provides statistics that don't paint the entire picture and dismisses those that show his not to be that impressive, conveniently forgets half of what you say (like his last post, I wrote an entire other post in response to him trying to paint me as an anarchist*) and is blatantly racist but sure look, I'm unemployed til September so why not.

As for his last post the "black fascist" is part of Turning Point USA... So yeah, if you're right wing by US standards you get a fascist label from me. Of course he'd focus on the use of exaggeration though and take it at face value.

And the post where I was "rightly called out for my BS" by one poster had something like 7 likes... Cruz also more or less strictly stayed on the Pandemic v Protest argument too, racism was a secondary issue for him.

*Also on this one, anarchy is needed in desperate times and we're over half a century on from the Civil Rights Bill and racism is still overtly rampant in the US so it might just be needed. Like it was in SA and NI, we're both fairly close to either of those, perhaps I'm the only one happy with the progress.
Honestly delighted to be on the ignore list. I won't have to be singled out next week when Tucker Carlson condemns BLM because their treasurer has fascial hair resembling Lenin's.

I tried to get out of that argument far sooner but it's hard when arguing against someone who won't leave you alone, provides statistics that don't paint the entire picture and dismisses those that show his not to be that impressive, conveniently forgets half of what you say (like his last post, I wrote an entire other post in response to him trying to paint me as an anarchist*) and is blatantly racist but sure look, I'm unemployed til September so why not.

As for his last post the "black fascist" is part of Turning Point USA... So yeah, if you're right wing by US standards you get a fascist label from me. Of course he'd focus on the use of exaggeration though and take it at face value.

And the post where I was "rightly called out for my BS" by one poster had something like 7 likes...

*Also on this one, anarchy is needed in desperate times and we're over half a century on from the Civil Rights Bill and racism is still overtly rampant in the US so it might just be needed. Like it was in SA and NI, we're both fairly close to either of those, perhaps I'm the only one happy with the progress.

I'm all for the movement if it helps in improving lives and livelihood. All I'm trying to say is that one movement isn't more important than another when they both are fighting for the same kind of cause...
I'm all for the movement if it helps in improving lives and livelihood. All I'm trying to say is that one movement isn't more important than another when they both are fighting for the same kind of cause...
I wasn't responding to you, I honestly don't know enough about that issue in SA to form an opinion. From what you've written they seem fairly unrelated to me, one is rampant crime by the impoverished and the other is systemic racism. Trying to argue which is more or less important is pointless and futile imo.
I wasn't responding to you, I honestly don't know enough about that issue in SA to form an opinion. From what you've written they seem fairly unrelated to me, one is rampant crime by the impoverished and the other is systemic racism. Trying to argue which is more or less important is pointless and futile imo.

I did a bit of reading and, depending on where you go, you get contradictory messages. Wikipedia says there is no statistically greater number of white farmers being targeted and that it is simply crime against farming communities as a whole but then other sources can point to members of the SA government saying things along the lines of all white people must die, all white people must be driven out of the country etc. Sounds like it's a combination of crime at the lowest level but also blatant racism at the top. There is also the possibility that it is meant to be targeting white farmers but many of the attacks are misdirected at farms that are no longer owned by white farmers.

Either way, SA has serious crime problems, a lot of it violent, which would skew any attempt to analyse it.
I did a bit of reading and, depending on where you go, you get contradictory messages. Wikipedia says there is no statistically greater number of white farmers being targeted and that it is simply crime against farming communities as a whole but then other sources can point to members of the SA government saying things along the lines of all white people must die, all white people must be driven out of the country etc. Sounds like it's a combination of crime at the lowest level but also blatant racism at the top. There is also the possibility that it is meant to be targeting white farmers but many of the attacks are misdirected at farms that are no longer owned by white farmers.

Either way, SA has serious crime problems, a lot of it violent, which would skew any attempt to analyse it.

That Wikipedia article is pretty detailed, but it does have a few gaps that needs plugging, although, I'm not going to the plugging.

Yes, white farmers and their black workers are both attacked in some cases. But the reports we are seeing locally, the white employers are being targeted way more than their workers, and the type of brutality and viciousness associated with those attacks is utterly gruesome. And that is why a contingent took this matter to the UN, and where the UN even responded in that they will investigate the matter.

The baffling part of this is however, our Own President has publicly said that there is no farm attack problem in SA, yet for the past 3 months (during Nationwide Lockdown) the attacks have just increased, and the amount of white farmers being killed in those attacks are 85%+ of the time. Just last week there were 9 attacks, with 7 farmers killed.

Our Police Minister has also said that there is no need to improve policing at farms or rural areas, yet the violence is way worse and higher in those areas than the urban areas.
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