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A Political Thread

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I took my mask and hand gel to wear when I went into my local Tesco express and ended up forgetting the damn thing on when I got there.:rolleyes:.
In Poland masks are more like a decoration now..no one really wears it,only in a public transport (and because of penalties I think). Most of people don't really care about Coronavirus, meanwhile polish borders with Russia and Bielarus are still closed, and that's a big problem for foreigners like me: we can't visit our relatives/friends and vice versa :(

So we can all see the naked anti-trumpism from the dirty 'socialist' (disgusting word) 'democracy dies in darkness' Washington Post. You really have to read the full article rather than a screenshot to get a full sense of their diametric opposition to nuance and see how they bend over backwards to try and protect Marxists.
Yeah totally! The full article really puts the nail in the coffin! Good talk!

Washington Post just keeps on delivering with great journalistic content, this time one of their editors:

Washington Post editor's deleted tweet claims white women 'lucky' others are 'not calling for revenge'

Washington Post global opinions editor Karen Attiah reportedly declared, "White women are lucky that we are just calling them 'Karen's.' And not calling for revenge," in a since-deleted tweet.

Attiah, who is black, listed multiple things that she feels white women are responsible for and warned her 185,000 followers that worse things could happen than simply being referred to as "Karen," which has emerged as a disparaging term for white women.

"The lies & tears of White women hath wrought: -The 1921 Tulsa Massacre - Murder of Emmet Till - Exclusion of Black women from feminist movements - 53% of white women voting for Trump. White women are lucky that we are just calling them 'Karen's.' And not calling for revenge," Attiah wrote in a now-deleted tweet that was captured by multiple accounts before she erased it.

The Washington Post declined comment when reached by Fox News.

Washington Examiner's Siraj Hashmi, who tweeted a daily list of people who need their phone taken away after a Twitter gaffe, was among the journalists to capture an image of the message before it was deleted.

Jerry Dunleavey, another Washington Examiner reporter, noted that she doubled down in another now-deleted tweet.

"I'm just saying. Be happy we are calling for equality. And not actual revenge," Attiah reportedly wrote.

Meanwhile, the Washington Post was mocked over the weekend for running a story claiming to disprove President Trump's statement that most violence occurs in cities run by Democrats, but the data essentially backed up the president's case and the paper ran it anyway. The paper also took heat this month over a bizarre report about an offensive costume a woman wore at a 2018 Halloween party hosted by one of its staffers.
Quite clearly regarding the protests as a whole pal. If you think the message to be taken away of those protests were anti-Semitic and marxist you're a fool.
Que? And you say I'm disconnected from reality!

My memory is a bit fuzzy but I'm pretty sure the main instigators for the "peaceful protests" made themselves very visible.


It's on the tip of my tongue...


Was it something about wanting less violence...


I'm pretty sure it was about wanting safer neighborhoods


You're either being willfully disingenuous or dangerously naive.

I said it right in the beginning. The first protest in Minneapolis was legitimate. The subsequent and spreading protests were not and I provided substantial and direct evidence why.

Nobody has provided opposing evidence besides word salads about how white people could never understand.
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Do they still continue protests? I watch mostly Polish/Russian news and they don't talk a lot about protests. In Poland they have now presidential elections (and all the news are about it) and in Russia..is a very controversial voting: for/against amendments in our Constitution (offered by Putin and Co).
Que? And you say I'm disconnected from reality!

My memory is a bit fuzzy but I'm pretty sure the main instigators for the "peaceful protests" made themselves very visible.


It's on the tip of my tongue...


Was it something about wanting less violence...


I'm pretty sure it was about wanting safer neighborhoods


You're either being willfully disingenuous or dangerously naive.

I said it right in the beginning. The first protest in Minneapolis was legitimate. The subsequent and spreading protests were not and I provided substantial and direct evidence why.

Nobody has provided opposing evidence besides word salads about how white people could never understand.
Dude, everyone sees this as you just masturbating at this point. Our argument started when you equated these protests to people having cans in the park*, I've said my piece and you've continued to come after me whenever you find anything that you think is bad about BLM**. It's so transparent that you just don't like the protests because they aren't in support of Trump and nothing else. I've acknowledged negatives and condemned certain actions whereas you haven't besides the bare minimum of saying you agreed with the original protests.

So yeah, that was about as clever a post as you're capable of. If someone read it as a standalone they might even think you're very clever, and we know you'd love that, it's what anyone who blindly follows anything or anyone wants and it's a ******* hard sell when you blindly follow a brain-dead egomaniac like you do. Unfortunately for you they only need to read back a few pages and all my "word salads" cover the points your trying to make. (or don't in the case of the "evil red BLM movement")

*Ironically you're tune has changed on this one, you're last COVID thread post making the States out to be the dogs balls when it comes to the pandemic.

**Who cares if they have socialist origins by the way? That would have been a death sentence during McCarthyism but it's fairly obvious now that the only people who care are those trying to discredit anti-fascist protests.
Anti-Israel? Dead right too, how can an organisation who support racial and social equality support a regime as oppressive as that of Israel.
You're entire point on this crumbled when you said the following anyway

They are a political movement, not a social justice movement.

Firstly, they are the same thing, not very clever of you.

Secondly, I never said otherwise, one of my very first points was that the protests were urgent because it was an election year.

Finally, our disagreement is that you think that Trump is the best president for black people in the States because of a few achievements that would come naturally to any president in a time of unprecedented economic growth. This is an opinion you, Trump, a bunch of at best ignorant white Americans, and that one black fascist youtuber you threw up share, you're not going to convince anyone else no matter how many loaded questions or articles entirely missing the point you throw up.
It feels inevitable at this point.
I suspect we'll get some last minute hashed together thing that will cause a lot of pain but not as much as no deal. I don't think anyone seriously contemplates it as a sensible move. But yet we must pretend it is a sensible move for damn good reason at all..
Why is it offensive? I've always struggled with this... Like what is the reason?

I'm genuinely asking btw cause no-one has ever really explained it to me
"Redskin" is a slur - similar in use to "gypsy" in that many people wouldn't think it is because it seems so commonplace, but if you asked the people it's directed at then they'd say otherwise.

From what i remember the actual depiction of the native american is seen as a bit of an offensive/ignorant caricature as well - with the war bonnet being an item of great spiritual/political significance not a "cowboys and indians" dress up costume.

Edit: Was mis-remembering the logo and just realised it doesn't have the war bonnet, but I know that fans wearing them in the crowds is a sensitive issue.
It was the Cleveland Indians that had the ridiculous logo (up until a couple of years ago).
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I really feel that the media need to pick up on the narrative of an "Australia style deal". This is bo*lox.

It's a No Deal and either way Australia apparently has some kind of wine deal with the EU - the UK would have nothing.

It would be better described as an "outer Mongolia style deal"*

*With out closest trading partners and the biggest trading bloc in the world
"Redskin" is a slur - similar in use to "gypsy" in that many people wouldn't think it is because it seems so commonplace, but if you asked the people it's directed at then they'd say otherwise.

From what i remember the actual depiction of the native american is seen as a bit of an offensive/ignorant caricature as well - with the war bonnet being an item of great spiritual/political significance not a "cowboys and indians" dress up costume.
I believed its roughly the equivalent of calling the team the Washington Negroes.

Ah right that makes sense actually cheers
I don't really get the uproar over changing the name, as well - teams in the NFL are always changing stuff.
Changing the Oakland Raiders to the Las Vegas Raiders seems a way bigger upheaval than changing the Washington nickname
I don't really get the uproar over changing the name, as well - teams in the NFL are always changing stuff.
Changing the Oakland Raiders to the Las Vegas Raiders seems a way bigger upheaval than changing the Washington nickname

Plus people would have to buy new, replacement merchandise. So could make some money.
I don't really get the uproar over changing the name, as well - teams in the NFL are always changing stuff.
Changing the Oakland Raiders to the Las Vegas Raiders seems a way bigger upheaval than changing the Washington nickname

Very good point. It's a strange city in which a team called Bullets was considered offensive enough to change 25 years ago, but using a racial slur as a nickname is okay today. Saying that, you don't see a lot of lakes in LA!
Plus people would have to buy new, replacement merchandise. So could make some money.
And throw all the old unsold merchandise in the trash..I think it's a bad idea to change team's name (especially for a well-known team): there's a team's history under the old name..
Happy 4th of July. I see the orange buffoon was at Mount Rushmore.
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