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A Political Thread

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Turns out one of the people who was gassed so Trump could get a photo op at the church was a reverend of that exact church. What a ******* disaster...
The amount of videos of the police acting like pure scum, it's absolutely disgusting.

***** decked out like RoboCop brutally assaulting civilians, specifically targeting clearly marked media/reporters.

Then they're crying because people saying ACAB hurts their fee fees.

Where's the international condemnation?
The amount of videos of the police acting like pure scum, it's absolutely disgusting.

***** decked out like RoboCop brutally assaulting civilians, specifically targeting clearly marked media/reporters.

Then they're crying because people saying ACAB hurts their fee fees.

Where's the international condemnation?

I'm sure his mate Piers Morgan is preparing to condemn him on Twitter. Oh wait, there's not a peep about Trump on his page. Very strange when he's so vocal about everything else.
Only 52%, it should be a lot more. But there's still a lot of racists in America, and they all love Trumpanzee.


Honestly thought that was the Onion, or some other parody account.
"We're covering up our badge numbers and/or body cams.......to commemorate people who lost their lives to CovId.....no other reason....honest"

I'm constantly staggered at just how these idiots either don't know or don't care about how transparent their bullshit is... You'd think this is the absolute last time as a police department you'd want to be caught doing stupid **** yet it seems if anything they are doing it even more than usual. Cops still putting their knees on peoples necks even when being filmed, attacking the media live on camera, conveniently covering up or turning off body cams, hiding badge numbers, randomly attacking or attempting to arrest mostly black people... The stupid fuckers still haven't got the message.
Where's the international condemnation?
This is it isn't it.

Ignore the fact that it's America and what you have is an ethnic minority consistently mistreated and often just murdered by a country's police. Unsurprisingly, this leads to mass demonstrations which are then brutally and violently suppressed, up to and including using tear gas on peaceful protesters so the President could have a photo op.

Like you say, most other countries would be widely condemned by this stage.
This is it isn't it.

Ignore the fact that it's America and what you have is an ethnic minority consistently mistreated and often just murdered by a country's police. Unsurprisingly, this leads to mass demonstrations which are then brutally and violently suppressed, up to and including using tear gas on peaceful protesters so the President could have a photo op.

Like you say, most other countries would be widely condemned by this stage.

They're not mistreated. They are more violent by nature and cause more crime. What it shows is multiculturalism doesn't work and is inherently flawed.
Republicans are going to get so ****** over when they finally lose control of the various branches of government. They have twisted the system so much to avoid scrutiny, avoid the truth, avoid oversight that it's going to hurt them so badly when they no longer are the ones getting the protection.
There was a case a few years back with a racial element to it where 2 police officers killed a 6 year old boy even though the boy's father's hands were in the air. The cops were sent to prison.

This got hardly a mention though because the victims were white and the officers black. I had to use duckduckgo to find the case because I couldn't find it on Google.


Couldn't quite figure out the point of this one.

This was just about subtle enough (barely that is) to ignore.

They're not mistreated. They are more violent by nature and cause more crime. What it shows is multiculturalism doesn't work and is inherently flawed.

And bang. ******.

Not that it needs a rebuttal but this is from an Irish person. We have one of the smallest population of black people in the world and a huge problem with violent crime. Not that you'd expect basic thinking from racists but still, it's there in his face.
Not that it needs a rebuttal but this is from an Irish person. We have one of the smallest population of black people in the world and a huge problem with violent crime. Not that you'd expect basic thinking from racists but still, it's there in his face.


If he wanted evidence of how sh* t happens when people are oppressed by security services and only lip service is paid to the problems by those in charge, maybe he could do with looking a couple hundred miles up the road the stupid c** t.

Maybe in profitius' world the Bloody Sunday protesters were "more violent by nature and cause more crime" and "what it shows is religious pluralism doesn't work and is inherently flawed"...


Some f**king Irishman he is. Dic khead.
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