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A Political Thread

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Trump "I was only in the bunker to inspect it"... Christ wept.
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Chester zoo under threat of closure
Twycross are screwed as well,
Seems crazy that they can't open - largely outdoors, easy to regulate numbers in the parks, could quite easily set up supermarket style 2m markers around the enclosures/viewing areas.
If IKEA et al can open then Zoos should be fine
The problem we have in the UK is that there are too many fookwits who are happy to vote in elections and referendums and even have very strong opinions in the lead up (usually based on F*** all or lies that are fed to them) and they then switch off from politics for the next five years until the next election. They have no interest in checking if those elected are standing by their promises or being held accountable.
I'm seeing so many stories like this coming out - it' almost as if it's an official part of the police playbook - to break up medical and support facilities - often as violently as possible - presumably to terrorise disuade the medical staff from coming back.

It's directly against the Geneva convention, of course, and labelled a war crime by the US - but obviously, thi doesn't apply when it's US cops perpetrating against US civillians.

America - where peaceful protestors exercising their 1st ammendment righs are "terrorists" whilst violent cops comitting war crimes with the specific aim of spreading terror, are "staunch defenders of our liberties"
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Your leader ladies and gentlemen. Doesn't he just exude gravitas and competence? A born leader if ever I saw one. PMQ clip here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-52855208

******* shambles.

He still looks ill to me from the virus. Yeh his legacy is tainted from his mishandling of the crisis, which will surely be confirmed in a future public enquiry. He was never the sharpest on detail and now getting rightfully torn to pieces by Starmer over this.
Starmer is turning PMQ's into a 5 year long court case. I bet Cockwomble is missing Corbyn like crazy.

Thought this was quite interesting on why white evangelicals continue to back Trump.
I try not to listen to Nick Ferrari on LBC but it's hard to find another talk show when Stephen Nolan on Radio Ulster get the pond life from Northern Ireland calling in and doesn't have a good grasp of the topic they are discussing.

I'm just finding filler shows before James O'Brien on LBC.

There was a point in today's Nick Ferrari show which really shocked me.

The discussion was whether it was right for UK police officers to 'take the knee' for a few seconds showing solidarity with the protestors.

Ferrari used the argument that if the police do it for Black Lives Matters, then they have to do it for all other protests so as to not disrespect them.

He suggested that police would need to show solidarity with fox hunting protestors.

Yes he compared the murder in USA to fox hunting.
Yeah its not difficult being anti-racist should not be a political issue...

Same goes for when the police have joined in with Pride events.
Our Police should not be taking the knee or otherwise expressing views on any cause whether it's one that most people would agree with or not. Their job is to maintain peace and enforce the law with neutrality.

There's one pic of a Met PC taking the knee while 5 of his colleagues are standing. Do they agree with his action or not? Doesn't matter, but some people will perceive, or choose to perceive, them as not agreeing or indifferent. That has the potential to inflame. The UK is not the tinder box the US is, but we have issues and the Met has previously been branded institutionally racist. The high command has to navigate extremely carefully and individual officers expressing their own views is not helpful, regardless of intent.
I have a question that I've been thinking about for a couple days... Let me be clear that it's just a question and slightly playing devil's advocate with myself but something I've thought about nevertheless.

What is the goal of the protests?

People have pointed to civil rights protests in the US over the last century, but the protest's goal was clear: the civil rights act, an end to segregation in law etc. The important thing being that they campaigned for something specific, a change in law to ensure equality was a legally protected right.
As Amiga has mentioned in terms of NI, there was systematic and legally enabled opression of Catholics. Protests and the civil rights movements had a finite goal: to protect catholics from discrimination under the law.

In that vein, what is the end goal for these protests? As far as I know, there is not really any legal change needed here (i may be wrong, please call me out if I am), it is a social change needed. I understand why people need their voices heard, but for progress to be really achieved there needs to be an end goal that can be defined and worked towards. This may just be indicative that this movement needs a MLK or Malcolm X to point it towards something specific.

If that end goal is a bottom up change in the public discourse to eliminate racism from society, are protests the best way to achieve that, or is discourse around the issue? I dont know...

If it is a demonstration of solidarity with those who have experienced racism, what happens once the protests stop? Are we just going to immediately go back to how we were? Or does it prompt discourse? Thus, is discourse and understanding the real instigator for societal change rather then protesting?

Long story short, I think that, in order to achieve real societal change here, and try and bring an end to the discrimination that has plagued all societies on every continent and towards virtually every group, there needs to be promotion of a conversation about why those problems still exist and how to solve them, with the racist people that perpetuate them, rather than simply condemning them and leaving it at that... which is something I think has been missing in this movement.

There is nothing rational in being racist. It is something that comes from hatred and is intrinsically emotional. We need to adress where that hatred comes from and solve those problems if we are to achieve something here.

You can, of course and as many have, make the argument that some people are intrinsically hateful and there is no reason for it, and thus you shouldn't engage with them. But then racism is unsolvable surely.

I'm attatching a ted talk below, I really do think that every single person on this thread needs to watch it.

For me at least, the attitutde demonstrated in the talk demonstrates how to achieve real, long lasting change.

I would be surprised if any racist person has seen the protests and suddenly decided that they are not racist. There is only one way to solve societal racism: discussion.


Thought this was quite interesting on why white evangelicals continue to back Trump.

This is exactly why I left the evangelical church that I attended for a long time and went back to my mainline Protestant roots in 2016. Mainline Christian leaders have been speaking out against Trump since he first ran for office, with the exception of a lot of Baptists. The other mainline denominations Presbyterians, Methodists, Lutherans and Episcopalians have spoken out against Trump on several occasions but they haven't gotten much press until Trump pulled his Bible stunt on June 1st. And that's all it was, a PR stunt for his evangelical supporters (Trumpanzees/Cult 45).
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