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A Political Thread

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Et voila! That is what the left thinks of anybody who disagrees with them.
Exactly they dont listen they just get personally abusive and try to shut down all debate. They simply dont care about counter arguments or in particular about men and mens problems. For him to laugh off boys failing at school and huge rises in male teenage suicide it unforgivable

I also agree about middle classes in some cases backing the left to make themselves look good. Take russell brand ignores the collapses industrial areas and wants us to hug drug takers/pushers. Ignoring the huge rises in drug related crimes in these areas where innocent hard working people have to suffer
Et voila! That is what the left thinks of anybody who disagrees with them.
Exactly they dont listen they just get personally abusive and try to shut down all debate. They simply dont care about counter arguments or in particular about men and mens problems. For him to laugh off boys failing at school and huge rises in male teenage suicide it unforgivable
Yeah sure boys falling way behind in education
Yes abusive also know as not wasting my time but I'll bite on this one.

Except the vast majority of jobs for educated people go to males. Girls are doing better at secondary school so the drop off at 16 but by 21 males have a vast advantage over women. Whilst at secondary school girls and boys were about equal on STEM subjects in my school, then by College they made up something like 30% of the class by University women made up something like 5%. At my place of work about 2 years ago we had 0 female engineers.

If think boys doing badly at secondary school is the problem you are sadly mistaken.
Exactly they dont listen they just get personally abusive and try to shut down all debate. They simply dont care about counter arguments or in particular about men and mens problems. For him to laugh off boys failing at school and huge rises in male teenage suicide it unforgivable

I also agree about middle classes in some cases backing the left to make themselves look good. Take russell brand ignores the collapses industrial areas and wants us to hug drug takers/pushers. Ignoring the huge rises in drug related crimes in these areas where innocent hard working people have to suffer

Exactly that.

Russell Brand - I'd have no problem pushing him under a bus; the guy is faker than Katie Price's chest area.
Also thank you for saying I laughed at male suicide rates (which are a problem that need to be addressed you'll get no argument from parity in the NHS for Mental Health problems has been something Liberals have fought for both in and out and government look up Norman Lamb).

But that was point 4 of your list not point 1 which I laughed at.
Also thank you for saying I laughed at male suicide rates (which are a problem that need to be addressed you'll get no argument from parity in the NHS for Mental Health problems has been something Liberals have fought for both in and out and government look up Norman Lamb).

But that was point 4 of your list not point 1 which I laughed at.

Liberals cant even join the dots, boys have no male role models at home or in class, boys fall light years behind in education, boys have no work in broken industrial towns, boys if they get a girl pregnant have no rights to live with their child, further exacerbated by the massive difference in support for young boys, in terms of NHS, welfare, housing, refuges , support work , health funding, charities etc . In many cases that whole combination of circumstances is too much for a young boy to cope and results often in the record young male suicide rates we see.
Take russell brand ignores the collapses industrial areas and wants us to hug drug takers/pushers. Ignoring the huge rises in drug related crimes in these areas where innocent hard working people have to suffer
I mean....no? That's not what he's saying in the slightest.
He talks about trying to solve the issues of addiction, methadone addiction, and criminalising those trying to get clean.

But sure, keep making things up to prove whatever point it is you're trying to make (Radical feminism is killing poor men or something?)
Exactly that.

Russell Brand - I'd have no problem pushing him under a bus; the guy is faker than Katie Price's chest area.

Im very impressed with katie price current campaign where she got 200000 signatories to peititon against the abuse her disabled son receives online. Brand on the other hand is an ass
I mean....no? That's not what he's saying in the slightest.
He talks about trying to solve the issues of addiction, methadone addiction, and criminalising those trying to get clean.

But sure, keep making things up to prove whatever point it is you're trying to make (Radical feminism is killing poor men or something?)
Your forgetting that if you bring up something your clearly ignoring all these other problems. Because clearly society doesn't have tons of massive problems.
I mean....no? That's not what he's saying in the slightest.
He talks about trying to solve the issues of addiction, methadone addiction, and criminalising those trying to get clean.

But sure, keep making things up to prove whatever point it is you're trying to make (Radical feminism is killing poor men or something?)
But.... his names truthteller......
I mean....no? That's not what he's saying in the slightest.
He talks about trying to solve the issues of addiction, methadone addiction, and criminalising those trying to get clean.

But sure, keep making things up to prove whatever point it is you're trying to make (Radical feminism is killing poor men or something?)

What a vile fickle comment to dismiss all the mass of overlooked male problems? Shame on you
Brand is far too sympathetic to drug takers and never talks aboiut victims of drug related crime (drug related crime per head if 100s times worse than the USA) He also ignores the fact many users are also dealers who directly ir indirectly kill people with the drugs they supply them. He also ignores the fact population has risen 8 million in 3 decades and has pushed our public services to the brink and has displaced less well educated people from work. The benefits culture in these areas has entrapped these young people where work doesnt pay. It all leads to booze drugs apathy to work
I mean....no? That's not what he's saying in the slightest.
He talks about trying to solve the issues of addiction, methadone addiction, and criminalising those trying to get clean.

But sure, keep making things up to prove whatever point it is you're trying to make (Radical feminism is killing poor men or something?)

Which is admirable, but education about drugs and also tougher sentences for drug-dealing and forcing young and impressionable children to join drugs gangs should be top of any Government priority. We need to root out those responsible and punish them, sod their human rights as well as they don't care about the human rights of others!

We cannot afford to be soft on this issue, and personally I have lost family and friends to drugs so I support any decent and well thought out legislation and firm planned commitment towards getting the UK a drug-free country.
What a vile fickle comment to dismiss all the mass of overlooked male problems? Shame on you
Brand is far too sympathetic to drug takers and never talks aboiut victims of drug related crime (drug related crime per head if 100s times worse than the USA) He also ignores the fact many users are also dealers who directly ir indirectly kill people with the drugs they supply them. He also ignores the fact population has risen 8 million in 3 decades and has pushed our public services to the brink and has displaced less well educated people from work. The benefits culture in these areas has entrapped these young people where work doesnt pay. It all leads to booze drugs apathy to work

It should be harder to not work than to work, but I also agree that it should pay to work.

When Person A can get more in benefits than Person B who is a honest and loyal worker, something is totally rotten.
Im very impressed with katie price current campaign where she got 200000 signatories to peititon against the abuse her disabled son receives online. Brand on the other hand is an ass

So she should as well.

Whilst I am far from her biggest fan, what she does and her ethics are her business alone. To punish Harvey, as these trolls do, takes a mentally sick and twisted mind.
Which is admirable, but education about drugs and also tougher sentences for drug-dealing and forcing young and impressionable children to join drugs gangs should be top of any Government priority. We need to root out those responsible and punish them, sod their human rights as well as they don't care about the human rights of others!

We cannot afford to be soft on this issue, and personally I have lost family and friends to drugs so I support any decent and well thought out legislation and firm planned commitment towards getting the UK a drug-free country.

The left never talk about the amount of repeat offenders we see in the drug world, how much they drain police resources, how they terrorise their hard working neighbours , how they use the fact they were on drugs as an excuse for their criminal activities, how they make new contacts in these rehabiliation places. How drugs makes them beg borrow and steal. No criminal should be allowed onto the streets unless the judge and jury is 100% certain theyre not a danger to innocent people. Furthermore the vast numbers of crimes that are carried out by people on tag or day release (100s have murderd on day releases over the years) is also buried. People can and should be rehabilitated in prisons not on the streets putting innocent peoples lives at risk
It should be harder to not work than to work, but I also agree that it should pay to work.

When Person A can get more in benefits than Person B who is a honest and loyal worker, something is totally rotten.

Radical feminists will soon ban the next katie price from making a living in her various roles
The left never talk about the amount of repeat offenders we see in the drug world, how much they drain police resources, how they terrorise their hard working neighbours , how they use the fact they were on drugs as an excuse for their criminal activities, how they make new contacts in these rehabiliation places. How drugs makes them beg borrow and steal. No criminal should be allowed onto the streets unless the judge and jury is 100% certain theyre not a danger to innocent people. Furthermore the vast numbers of crimes that are carried out by people on tag or day release (100s have murderd on day releases over the years) is also buried. People can and should be rehabilitated in prisons not on the streets putting innocent peoples lives at risk

Exactly, and has been shown on this and other forums they have no intention of talking about this and similar issues.

On the issue of drugs, this video is well worth a watch:
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