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all rape cases have had to be reviewed as in nearly 1000 cases the police with held evidence supporting the male defendant. It is simply staggering that these corrupt cops didnt get sacked enmasse
Can you provide a reputable link (I'll take any broad sheet newspaper) for 1000 case claim? Or was that just a statistic you pulled out your arse?

Yes the cases have to be reviewed and the reasons why this evidence has not.come.to.light until late stages need to be looked at. But I'm inclined to belive the police that manpower to sift through the evidence might actually be the problem. So yup mass sacking and resigning that's sure to fix the problem of an overburdened police force.
Can you provide a reputable link (I'll take any broad sheet newspaper) for 1000 case claim? Or was that just a statistic you pulled out your arse?

Yes the cases have to be reviewed and the reasons why this evidence has not.come.to.light until late stages need to be looked at. But I'm inclined to belive the police that manpower to sift through the evidence might actually be the problem. So yup mass sacking and resigning that's sure to fix the problem of an overburdened police force.

ah the left politicizing the arrest and destruction of innocent mens lives, how shameful, cops that withheld this masses of crucial evidence for over a year that destroyed an innocent mans life should be sacked and replaced by more moral competent cops
Going back to 'White Privilege', I saw the following on Thought Catalog and it explains the misconception of White Privilege better than I could:

'White privilege refers to the myriad social advantages and benefits that come with being a member of the dominant race. In the book Privilege, Power, and Difference (rated 4 stars on Amazon), we find that the author, Allan G. Johnson, (Ph.d. in sociology) "links theory with engaging examples in ways that enable readers to see the underlying nature and consequences of privilege and their connection to it."

This means that it links theory with people's personal experiences and what they have seen as institutional racism and how people with "privilege" can identify with them. However, one has to remember that a personal experience is seen as a subjective observation—one that is not concrete and is thus subject to bias. An objective observation would be something that can be observed independently of personal bias. However, suggesting that their personal experiences are invalid due to no concrete evidence and possible bias is to marginalize their personal experience and deem it unimportant. Fair enough, but what kind of scientific theory would rely on subjective observation rather than objective observation?

That would be critical race theory. Also known as CRT, critical race theory is described as:

an academic discipline focused upon the application of race, law, and power.

Key elements of CRT include, but are not limited to: the critique of liberalism, revisionist interpretations of American civil-rights law and progress, essentialism philosophy, white privilege, appeal to emotion, and "naming one's own reality" or "counter-storytelling."

From a rational standpoint, CRT seems to utilize logical fallacies and aggressive tactics to argue issues of race.

Institutionalized racism can be described as "the structures, policies, practices, and norms resulting in differential access to the goods, services, and opportunities of society by race….It is structural, having been absorbed into our institutions of custom, practice and law, so there need not be an identifiable offender."

The highlighted part above is worth considering; this is basically saying that institutionalized racism is so real, we don't need evidence to point it out. Not only does CRT admit to using appeal to emotion and "naming one's own reality," but, it also utilizes what is known as the "bandwagon fallacy"—appealing to popularity or the fact that because many people believe or do something, it must be true. It's the same as arguing, "If Bigfoot isn't real, how come so many people have seen Bigfoot?"

So where does this use of logical fallacies stem from? If you're getting confused, let me clarify. Modern racial politics engages discourse on the topic of institutionalized racism and white privilege, in which most examples in contemporary America are mostly proven by critical race theory, which itself utilizes logical fallacies and aggressive discourse tactics which originally stem from critical theory.

What is critical theory? Well, there are two definitions. You have the literary and the philosophical. Literary critical theory focuses on knowledge via interpretation to understand the meaning of human texts and symbolic expressions. The philosophical is defined as a social theory oriented toward critiquing and changing society as a whole. But why would it aim to challenge and change society as a whole? If you read the link, you'd see that the beginning of the second paragraph states:

In philosophy, the term critical theory describes the Frankfurt School, which was developed in Germany in the 1930s.

Critical theory, it shows, is a school of thought that was developed with a political ideology and possible social agenda in mind. Of course, that doesn't mean it's wrong. People have their issues with different political ideologies all the time. We've all seen how rabid Republicans and Democrats can get during debates. So critical theory is used in discourse to bring about social change.

But what exactly are the methods used by critical theory in order to come to conclusions for change? As shown in the Qualitative Research Guideline Project, the methodology is focused on getting people to discuss and reflect on personal experiences, and the researcher provides a discourse for change. In short: using subjective observation to cause real social change. Not objective observation, but subjective—an observation we already know to be biased and thus not entirely reliable.

Using something that might not be real to change something that is real. That almost seems like circular logic. Why would it use logical fallacies to incite debate? The notion of modern institutionalized racism and white privilege can only be conceived and understood as narrative reality if one allows themselves to stop using logical reasoning and start jumping though illogical hoops with the triad of fallacies presented by critical theory and CRT.

It also shows that critical theory isn't a theory. It's a psychological tactic composed of handpicked logical fallacies with the purpose of destroying the very idea of opposition toward critical theorists from the mind of the critical theorists' target population. It also aims to degrade the social cohesion of the target population by convincing them that their social cohesion, indeed their very society, doesn't exist and therefore shouldn't exist. At the same time, it claims that social cohesion of the target population has created a social constraint toward the target's minority population that cannot be found to exist outside of one's own perception or illusion of reality.

When people who implore others to believe that modern institutional racism and white privilege exist, it's imperative to remember that they utilize these same flawed psychological tactics, for example:

Steve: You have offended me by being racist (appeal to emotion) as you have not recognized your white privilege (subjective observation).

Dave: You're making a subjective observation regarding my "privilege" and are using the appeal to emotion by claiming that I need to think about your feelings.

Steve: You are incapable of understanding because you are not thinking about my feelings (shame on you for not using the appeal to emotion) and are being biased in regard to your white privilege (shame on your for not using subjective observation).'
ah the left politicizing the arrest and destruction of innocent mens lives, how shameful, cops that withheld this masses of crucial evidence for over a year that destroyed an innocent mans life should be sacked and replaced by more moral competent cops
Can you provide a reputable link (I'll take any broad sheet newspaper) for 1000 case claim? Or was that just a statistic you pulled out your arse?

Yes the cases have to be reviewed and the reasons why this evidence has not.come.to.light until late stages need to be looked at. But I'm inclined to belive the police that manpower to sift through the evidence might actually be the problem. So yup mass sacking and resigning that's sure to fix the problem of an overburdened police force.

pull this out of your arse

"The number of prosecutions in England and Wales that collapsed because of a failure by police or prosecutors to disclose evidence increased by 70% in the last two years, the BBC can reveal.

Last year, 916 people had charges dropped over a failure to disclose evidence - up from 537 in 2014-15.

It comes after recent collapsed rape cases highlighted a failure to share evidence with defence solicitors.

The Crown Prosecution Service said the justice system had "systemic" problems.

In the lead up to criminal trials, police and prosecutors have a duty to disclose evidence that might either assist the defence case or undermine the prosecution's.

However, the recent collapse of several rape cases has heightened concerns that evidence is not being disclosed early enough, and that the rules are not being followed.
ah the left politicizing the arrest and destruction of innocent mens lives, how shameful, cops that withheld this masses of crucial evidence for over a year that destroyed an innocent mans life should be sacked and replaced by more moral competent cops
Still don't have that link for the statistic but nice grandstanding all the same but you essentially repeated yourself. Yes a man's life is in tatters and that's pretty awful. But I want to know why the police were unable to give over the evidence through a through investigation before you know spouting out whatever I want belive.
pull this out of your arse

"The number of prosecutions in England and Wales that collapsed because of a failure by police or prosecutors to disclose evidence increased by 70% in the last two years, the BBC can reveal.

Last year, 916 people had charges dropped over a failure to disclose evidence - up from 537 in 2014-15.

It comes after recent collapsed rape cases highlighted a failure to share evidence with defence solicitors.

The Crown Prosecution Service said the justice system had "systemic" problems.

In the lead up to criminal trials, police and prosecutors have a duty to disclose evidence that might either assist the defence case or undermine the prosecution's.

However, the recent collapse of several rape cases has heightened concerns that evidence is not being disclosed early enough, and that the rules are not being followed.
No link
Still don't have that link for the statistic but nice grandstanding all the same but you essentially repeated yourself. Yes a man's life is in tatters and that's pretty awful. But I want to know why the police were unable to give over the evidence through a through investigation before you know spouting out whatever I want belive.
what a tedious troll you are Ive provided the contents of the report you KNOW what Im saying is true, heres your link, http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-42795058 do your own bloody homework in future and try to find some modicum of humanity and empathy for these falsely accused men who lives and famiies have been destroyed
what a tedious troll you are Ive provided the contents of the report you KNOW what Im saying is true, heres your link, http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-42795058 do your own bloody homework in future and try to find some modicum of humanity and empathy for these falsely accused men who lives and famiies have been destroyed
It is up to you to provide the evidence to your case. Not me incidentally I did try looking up I couldn't find it.

First up 916 is not 1000 it's close but 900 is a fairer figure of rounding to nearest 100.

Next up if your claim that it's was in cases for a male defendant the article says this was for all cases so that claim is also untrue for you. By your writing you also seam to think this is in all rape cases but that was also false.

So yeah your being deliberately misleading.

I'm not saying it's not an issue but it's needs to be properly looked at miscarriage of justice is hugely important think to make sure it does not happen. But uninformed people on a message board are not going to solve it.
It is up to you to provide the evidence to your case. Not me incidentally I did try looking up I couldn't find it.

First up 916 is not 1000 it's close but 900 is a fairer figure of rounding to nearest 100.

Next up if your claim that it's was in cases for a male defendant the article says this was for all cases so that claim is also untrue for you. By your writing you also seam to think this is in all rape cases but that was also false.

So yeah your being deliberately misleading.

I'm not saying it's not an issue but it's needs to be properly looked at miscarriage of justice is hugely important think to make sure it does not happen. But uninformed people on a message board are not going to solve it.
Yes you are uninformed and youre not going to solve it and you make no contribution. I do offer contributions and I do choose to open up on this difficult topic. Instead of contributing you simply troll to deliberately ruin the thread. You have the evidence its high time You actually contributed to the topic at hand instead of aiming your abuse at me and others
Yes you are uninformed and youre not going to solve it and you make no contribution. I do offer contributions and I do choose to open up on this difficult topic. Instead of contributing you simply troll to deliberately ruin the thread. You have the evidence its high time You actually contributed to the topic at hand instead of aiming your abuse at me and others
Have you offered solutions? I apart from sack the police force because I see none.

And you not contributing to this thread your opening gambit was an attack on feminism through completely unjustified posturing. Youve then wailed at anyone saying your wrong whinging about lefty stuff.

You going to answer my post on statistics of women entering paying jobs in STEM roles who are supposedly way better educated than men? Or are you going to cry about men getting paid more to do uneducated jobs instead despite there being loads more educated women who clearly aren't taking the educated job?

Or maybe just maybe your rhetoric is full of **** against the feminazi conspiracy.
Have you offered solutions? I apart from sack the police force because I see none.

And you not contributing to this thread your opening gambit was an attack on feminism through completely unjustified posturing. Youve then wailed at anyone saying your wrong whinging about lefty stuff.

You going to answer my post on statistics of women entering paying jobs in STEM roles who are supposedly way better educated than men? Or are you going to cry about men getting paid more to do uneducated jobs instead despite there being loads more educated women who clearly aren't taking the educated job?

Or maybe just maybe your rhetoric is full of **** against the feminazi conspiracy.
I have provided links on the 900 , you have provided nothing. You used the foul feminazi word, I didnt. I have provided lengthy reasons where men are struggling. You have ignored them shown no empathy and simply sneered and mocked. Your input is pathetic.
I have provided links on the 900 , you have provided nothing. You used the foul feminazi word, I didnt. I have provided lengthy reasons where men are struggling. You have ignored them shown no empathy and simply sneered and mocked. Your input is pathetic.
Yet the post you quoted directly references another post where I address number 1 of your points and it expands upon your theory showing it to be even more flawed.

But yeah keep on accusing me of sneering and mocking instead of addressing what I actually said.
Yet the post you quoted directly references another post where I address number 1 of your points and it expands upon your theory showing it to be even more flawed.

But yeah keep on accusing me of sneering and mocking instead of addressing what I actually said.
You contribute nothing and you ignore the links and the list of 10 massive areas where men have struggled on a massive scale across the UK and the world, areas totally ignored by the feminist movement and by people like you
You contribute nothing and you ignore the links and the list of 10 massive areas where men have struggled on a massive scale across the UK and the world, areas totally ignored by the feminist movement and by people like you
You do love to repeat yourself don't you?

I've tried discussing it on point 1 of your list. But your refusing to combat a single one of my points in rebuttal. Yes I'm the one not engaging.
You do love to repeat yourself don't you?

I've tried discussing it on point 1 of your list. But your refusing to combat a single one of my points in rebuttal. Yes I'm the one not engaging.

There are 10 points, stop repeating yourself and try contributing for a change
No I'm asking for a defence of point number 1 after I showed how it was flawed argument. Due to fact women subtaintially earn less and make up less of the workforce in both educated and uneducated jobs.

Your argument was that made are hugely disadvantaged because it yet by most regards they seem to be doing well despite women apparently having the education advantage over them.

If you can't defend your first point why should I waste my time on your other 9?
I was waiting for someone to claim to be offended , its ridiculous. Anyways dont worry soon all conversation will be banned and everything will be black and white and the whole world will be far worse off including for women too who will be banned from doing 100s of jobs and mothers will be looked down upon for choosing to stay at home. Equality has been achieved, IF a woman is paid less than a man OR vice versa when they do the exact same job to the exact same level then they can go to court and sue for damages.

As for feminism it should be scrapped in favour of simply equal opportunities now. The trouble with feminism is it ONLY targets areas where women are behind men allegedly. BUT it ignores ALL the mass of areas where men are way behind women

Heres just a few areas totally ignored by media and government in the UK

1) Boys are light years behind girls in schools. In fact white boys especially fare the worst of all groups at all ages. There are almost no male teachers in nursaries, very few in primary either (less than 10%) nearly half of children do not live with their fathers so have no male role model and this is proved to affect boys even moreso.

2) Women have far more spending power. Despite the overall average being 2% behind men , in many cases the women are in charge of the house budget and the money in joint accounts. The vast majority of the women get the benefits too. family allowance etc

3) 85% of divorces see women get to keep the family home, the children and half their ex partners incomes. Plus any social security benefits goes to the mothers. In many of these cases the men lose everything. This is why 90% of the homeless are men. No one ever mentions this fact.

4) men die 5 years younger than women in every nation on earth. why doesnt feminism or equality tackle that

5) men kill themselves at 5 times the rate of women in every nation on earth , why doesnt feminism or equality tackle that

6) cancer kills far more men than women. sorry to be blunt it does. yet the funing for womens cnacers is 2 and a half times the level of funding for mens cancer. Breats cancer for women has fallen every year for decade and thats marvellous. But at the same time male prostate has risen every year to record levels. why doesnt feminism or equality do something about that? The funding comes from the same pot, so its a clear case of womens lives being priorised as more important than mens

7) In everyday culture , men get sacked for the a misplaced comment or even a joke about a female referee. meanwhile the term stale male and pale is trotted out by feminists to denigrade men and despite this being racist, ageist, sexist its allowed to continue. This inherent double standard should be called out.

8) The BBC is inherently biased and the pro feminist stories outweigh those of mens issue at a rate of 20 to 1. I actually went on question time once OFF CAMERA by dimbleby and was told prior to the start that NO MEN could ask the main questions that night. I wrote to complain , no one responded. Meanwhile women only shortlists continue. totally undemocratic , discriminatory and illegal. They say its fine as we want parliament to LOOK like the public? Yet they only have 1 disabled MP when millions of the public have disablilities? Imagine these women only towns? imagine some of the millions of brilliant men banned from running for that party? all that talent lost to parliament forever due to this slavish biased anti democratic anti free speech dogma. best PERSON FOR THE JOB, end of. Oh and if you care about equal opportunities lets have some more disabled acccess please? much of westminster is very difficult for wheelchair users as are 1000s of builings across the UK.

9) There are 1000s more outlets charities refuges for women. Again thats due to funding and the end result is 90% homeless are men.

10) Revisionist history taught in schools. Black or white all men bad all women good. No context. LLoyd george a man gave women the vote that is ignored. 5.6 million men were not allowed to vote either in 1918. Prior to that working class men barely had the right to vote as it was all controlled by their phenomenally wealthy landowners. 120 years ago the working class MEN were mostly dying in rich peoples wars , or shot for refusing to fight. Those who did stay at home nearly all died of TB in a coal pit or slate quarry working for a slaves wage. Mans world? 80 million poor working class young men died in world war 2. Millions more died in world war 1 fighting for the uber rich. Vietnam the average age was 19 year old boys.

Its a rich PERSONS WORLD. the blair women mps 98% of them voted for the illegal iraq war so shoe horning women in just because their women is not only morally repugnant and anti democratic it will not change the world for the better. We needed a movement 100 years ago. Now all we need is balance and fairness. We are not getting it and at this rate eevryone will be worse off, including women
Oh man up
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