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A Political Thread pt. 2

She was injured by a spike to the face.

Again, I am not debating Trump's motives or design for inviting them, but to completely ignore them? How do you not clap and recognize the struggles of a 13-year-old with cancer or a mother whose daughter was murdered?
Because you are so deluded by the messenger, you refuse to acknowledge the message.
Still a non contact sport and the argument is kinda flawed. Volleyball is played as a mixed gender sport between friends on a beach. So it could happen to anyone.

Deluded by the messenger? What are you on?
Where ever did I deny not applauding the struggles? That wasn't the point of my comment, which you stated in your initial sentence. I was questioning the motive.
Still a non contact sport and the argument is kinda flawed. Volleyball is played as a mixed gender sport between friends on a beach. So it could happen to anyone.

Deluded by the messenger? What are you on?
Where ever did I deny not applauding the struggles? That wasn't the point of my comment, which you stated in your initial sentence. I was questioning the motive.

Apologize if that came out wrong, I did not mean to imply you as in you were deluded by the messenger, I meant it as an indictment on anyone there that did not clap or show any recognition.

Mixed gender sport on the beach between friends is not the same as a competitive level high school sport. And playing with friends on the beach is a choice, not being forced to play against a male
I just watched the video, nothing showing anyone holding their fingers in their ears. I saw one person not clapping in the audience. I get the feeling sour patch likes to run with the truth until it's not the truth
I watched the entire speech. The democrats were not clapping as a group and it was a female representative in pink that put her finger in her ear
They just ignored them. When people were clapping for the 13 year old, one Democrat even plugged her ears. What kind of disdain and hardened heart do you have to have to do that?
Refusing to clap people being used as cheap political pawns and to further an agenda of a terrible, sub human, piece of **** person. Not the worst thing in the world.
The only thing I was annoyed about when watching it was that only 1 Dem got thrown out. The Dems should've been booing Trump and his constant lies non stop ages before the kid with cancer and other people.
I watched the entire speech. The democrats were not clapping as a group and it was a female representative in pink that put her finger in her ear
She was indeed the person not clapping, but that was on the 2nd round applause. Just maybe she clapped the once, and didn't want to carry on clapping again and again? I'm the kind of person that won't keep clapping the same thing.

However in that specific moment with the 13 year old, she didn't put her fingers in her ears
Apologize if that came out wrong, I did not mean to imply you as in you were deluded by the messenger, I meant it as an indictment on anyone there that did not clap or show any recognition.

Mixed gender sport on the beach between friends is not the same as a competitive level high school sport. And playing with friends on the beach is a choice, not being forced to play against a male
What about mixed doubles in Tennis and Badminton?
I think that during the President's speech the other night we saw how the Democrats are so fixated on their hatred for Trump that they have lost the ability to recognize anything or anyone that doesn't advance their position by their reactions to the ordinary Americans that Trump recognized the other night. Regardless of Trump's motivations for having them there, those people are still Americans and some of them had very inspiring or impactful stories that should transcend any politics. They refused to stand and clap for
A 13-year-old cancer survivor who looks up to and wants to be a police officer
Ann 18-year-old young man who wants to serve the country by going to West Point
Two mothers whose daughters were murdered (regardless of the politics of the border issue their experiences are awful)
The capture of a terrorist who plotted an attack that killed 13 service members
A 19-year-old female athlete who was left with life altering and long-term injuries after being injured when forced to play volleyball against a male playing dress-up which is even more disturbing when so many of them wore pink as a sign of their desire to protect women, just not this woman

Their actions just showed such a lack of empathy and downright disdain for these Americans who they claim to be representing
All I saw was a Neros court of republicans clapping as hard as they could so they don't get primariried. Something very disturbing about how republicans are fawning over him in the way politburo members in North Korea and the Soviet Union fawned over Fat Kim and Stalin.

If you don't see anything wrong that then you're kinda lost
All I saw was a Neros court of republicans clapping as hard as they could so they don't get primariried. Something very disturbing about how republicans are fawning over him in the way politburo members in North Korea and the Soviet Union fawned over Fat Kim and Stalin.

If you don't see anything wrong that then you're kinda lost
As expected, you are deliberately misrepresenting and ignoring my initial point
What about it? We are talking about a teen female being forced to play against a male playing dress up and make believe. Too many states have enacted sanctions against players, coaches and teams that refuse to participate in that charade. Players and organizations are afraid to speak up due to the ridiculous penalties and sanctions that they face.
Left hand problem..ignore the current state of the economy and Americans collapse on the world stage
I don't agree with transgenders playing in women / men sports, but I suspect this is being blown out of proportion for political gain.
I don't agree with transgenders playing in women / men sports, but I suspect this is being blown out of proportion for political gain.
That is why I was not discussing any motivation on the part of politicians to have her there, simply the life altering injuries she has suffered and now must live with and her struggle to get by
That is why I was not discussing any motivation on the part of politicians to have her there, simply the life altering injuries she has suffered and now must live with and her struggle to get by
I also would doubt the comment of life altering injuries. She suffered a severe concussion and neck injury.

If that's deemed life altering, then the bar is low.
I don't agree with transgenders playing in women / men sports, but I suspect this is being blown out of proportion for political gain.

Sinister right wing politicians know full well that it's one of a few highly emotive subjects that divides people and so they put it front and centre and use it for political gain. It also touches on religion and conservatism which is always going to stir up emotion. Same with illegal migration and other culture wars stuff.

Why heal division and inspire people to feel good about themselves when you can win more votes by making them angry and fight amongst each other.
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Sinister right wing politicians know full well that it's one of a few highly emotive subjects that divides people and so they put it front and centre and use it for political gain. It also touches on religion and conservatism which is always going to stir up emotion. Same with illegal immigration and other culture wars stuff.

Why heal division and inspire people to feel good about themselves when you can win more votes by making them angry and fight amongst each other.
Similar to one of the arguments I heard about why Vance made the comments he did to the Europeans at the summit.

The Republicans and Maga crowd see Europe as weak. That we are more concerned about arguing about what is a man and gender neutral toilets than the wolf at the door.

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