I think that during the President's speech the other night we saw how the Democrats are so fixated on their hatred for Trump that they have lost the ability to recognize anything or anyone that doesn't advance their position by their reactions to the ordinary Americans that Trump recognized the other night. Regardless of Trump's motivations for having them there, those people are still Americans and some of them had very inspiring or impactful stories that should transcend any politics. They refused to stand and clap for
A 13-year-old cancer survivor who looks up to and wants to be a police officer
Ann 18-year-old young man who wants to serve the country by going to West Point
Two mothers whose daughters were murdered (regardless of the politics of the border issue their experiences are awful)
The capture of a terrorist who plotted an attack that killed 13 service members
A 19-year-old female athlete who was left with life altering and long-term injuries after being injured when forced to play volleyball against a male playing dress-up which is even more disturbing when so many of them wore pink as a sign of their desire to protect women, just not this woman
Their actions just showed such a lack of empathy and downright disdain for these Americans who they claim to be representing