Good stuff, What about RC2? Why do you choose RC3 over RC2, doesn't RC2 play better? Just had a go with RC2 steam and it plays so good, once you tune the sliders. Do you know if there is updated mod for RC2 steam, with modern day teams? I have RC3 for xbox-s but they shut down the fan hub on Xbox , not sure on PS4. RC3 is good but I don't have on steam, always relied on updating teams on Fan Hub on xbox. But it is no longer available. Hopefully Ps4 RC3 fan hub is still available. Can't be bothered with RC4 since only 3 max in a ruck, they dumb down the rucks. The original RC4 release you could add 5 then they ruined it by making the game easier for mainstream to play. I had reached out to the company that is re-releasing Lomu challenge 4, asked them if they could mix the best or RC3 with best of RC4 in the re-release. If they did they would get many sales. Then just let the creators go to work in the fan hub. Could be the best Rugby game sorry it doesn't work worth rc1