So as a matter of interest I went on the Daily Fail comments about the impending cost of living crisis and problems with fuel costs. Know what one of the most popular comments was (other than being angry at the absence of any sort of governance surprisingly)? Blaming renewables. Yep, in a crisis largely driven by oil and gas, your DM readership is convinced renewables are actually the problem. You couldn't make it up, these people are utter morons and incapable of seeing they hold completely contradictory positions simultaneously.
On the one hand we are bad for investing in renewables and simply shouldn't have ever bothered but then renewables are also bad because they haven't get got to a stage where they provide enough to completely offset a massive fossil fuel crisis... Besides coal, which had been in decline for nearly a century, we have been fully exploiting our economical oil and gas reserves. Even without current moves away from it, a lot of the coal in the UK simply isn't economical to mine, as shown by the fact that the final death of it was after coal mining was privatised and still they were being shut down.