The House approved an amendment for the yearly defense spending bill on Wednesday that compels government officials to prepare a report on instances of white supremacy and neo-Nazi activity in unif…
House approves measure to monitor white supremacy in military, law enforcement"
Of course it is met with a unanimous opposing vote from Republicans. Says it all really. Republicans have completely given up even attempting to pretend they aren't what everyone says they are. This coupled with the supreme court reversing decades of tradition and due to pass judgement on a case where they will almost certainly vote in favour of Republicans who are trying to heavily gerrymander a state so much that a near 50-50 split of the vote turns into a 2.5 times seat advantage for the Republicans.
The USA is falling off a cliff as the far right are looking at dismantling everything. Polling has also shown that a majority of polled Republicans view the Jan 6th events as a "legitimate protest" and not an insurrection or riot. Absolutely ******* unbelievable how unreasonable and militaristic the right wing in the USA has become. I mean seriously, they view violently storming Congress off the back of what everyone with half a brain knows are a pack of lies as legitimate but the election as not! That country is sliding into fascism. If a large segment of the population have already reached the point where they have reasoned that they can ignore the outcome of an election and use violence to get the result they want, that is extremely dangerous territory.