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A Political Thread pt. 2

I still say get rid of them all together so the English and Irish rugby teams practically vanish overnight and we become undisputed best Rugby team in Europe.

Bar France.
My friends who went to private schools that have spoken about it tend to say this is less of the problem (and their parents were the teachers). Its not really the teachers are better but the smaller class sizes combined with not being strapped for cash in terms of facilities/procurement meant the quality of education the teachers could provide was much higher.

This said my English teacher for GCSE's took me from a predicted D to an actual B in English Lit. He was ex private school but I don't know if that was because he was great or just because instead of being low-set and getting a stand in Art teacher for English for 3 years and getting an actual full time English teacher made the real difference.

Speaking from experience Private schools do poach generally most of the top young teachers.

I'm a private school lad (scholarship helped a lot), and all the best teachers under the age of 40 had been nicked from various state schools all over the country.

It's expected it happens in every industry head hunting on smaller or poorer companies whatever.
Zahawi is going to completely destroy public services if he gets in......

Zahawi is going to completely destroy public services if he gets in......

Think I read that he reckons public sector pay is too high. I hope he's talking about politicians and civil servants, because definitely not nurses and teachers etc...
Think I read that he reckons public sector pay is too high. I hope he's talking about politicians and civil servants, because definitely not nurses and teachers etc...
I mean it doesn't matter how he does it a 20% reduction across the board will gut just about ever department....
Yes it is all hypothetical as it's a hypothetical scenario. The reality of larger nations bullying smaller ones though I'd argue is much less hypothetical. The belief that a smaller nation could avoid such confrontation by not playing an active role on the world stage wouldn't hold up either if the larger power decides to make something an issue and demands everyone follow along, eg see Russia now and China/USA at many points in recent history. The bullying is not meant as the EU bullying Scotland or necessarily any developed nation, it's more the rising powers with an anti-western agenda such as China and India. China are already attempting to enforce their censorship on the rest of the world. The issue isn't with self determination as such, it's with the consequences of being a small nation in a globalised world where the majority of countries are not healthy, functioning democracies and many of those that are are sliding into nationalism.

Which in part is why all 32 council areas in Scotland voted to remain in the EU, membership of that union now can only be achieved by leaving the UK union of the crowns. I'd sooner have the worlds joint largest trading bloc having my back in global negotiations than just the UK.

Of course, future Scottish security is compromised by historic reluctance about NATO but I don't see any grounds for thinking the US wouldn't be very keen to retain control over critical Scottish waters.

Greece, Italy and Portugal have politicians that spin the yarn that the big bad EU bullied them but the bottom line is they weren't sticking to the rules and the EU is all about rules. Ireland got the same 'bullying' as the above three over Euro rules and just rolled their sleeves up and got on with it. If getting huge low interest bailout loans from Angela Merkal is bullying I'd be nervous of being left alone with her if she ever wanted to be nice to me. I'd be worried she'd be after my exchange rate mechanism!
I'm all for ragging on the Tories but is that video really that shocking?
Private school --> Oxbridge --> Banking, is it a surprise he doesn't have any working class friends?
At the same age I'd just gone from state school --> average uni --> working in a warehouse, unsurprisingly I wasn't mucking around with many multi-millionaires

Just a product of his environment at that stage
Not shocking. But just goes to prove you have to go to right schools and "Oxbridge/top red brick unis" to get to increase chances of getting to the very top positions. Even if you are from an Asian ethnicity.

I remember going to an interview at Linklaters and the solicitor/partner laughing at my humble working class roots - parents ran a fish and chip shop.

Speak posh and get the right connections is what it's all about even for Rishi.

The class thing is still there in this country.
Oh 100%, it's just weird seeing this video spread around as some kind of gotcha moment for him
Speaking from experience Private schools do poach generally most of the top young teachers.

I'm a private school lad (scholarship helped a lot), and all the best teachers under the age of 40 had been nicked from various state schools all over the country.

It's expected it happens in every industry head hunting on smaller or poorer companies whatever.
I'm sure this is true but isn't it also true that they can employ anyone they want, even someone who has no teaching qualifications or even experience.
I'm sure this is true but isn't it also true that they can employ anyone they want, even someone who has no teaching qualifications or even experience.

Well obviously.

My point is though more towards how stupid it is they have a charity status yet actively participate in keeping down schools that are genuinely charities.

Same with Private hospitals.
NHS has to pay business rates whereas private hospitals with charity status save 80%
Well obviously.

My point is though more towards how stupid it is they have a charity status yet actively participate in keeping down schools that are genuinely charities.

Same with Private hospitals.
NHS has to pay business rates whereas private hospitals with charity status save 80%
Yeah I just mean I'm sure there's some dog **** teachers in private schools as well though I'm sure they're outweighed by the good ones. I'm not sure how you tell how a good a good teacher is anyway?

I didn't know that re your second point. Another thing that is just wild to me.
TBF, this government doing something lawful is a step up!
True though only because the law doesn't actually deal with private devices and platforms. Basically their use is criticised, but it's not illegal as the law doesn't say anything about them. Basically a loophole to allow corruption.
I believe Rishi went to Winchester Public school and then Oxford where he did PPE like Cameron. Made a packet in investment banking and then onto Parliament. His understanding of ordinary working people - very low indeed even from a young age.

His total incomprehension of why his wife's non dom status and taking advantage of it whilst he was chancellor poorly reflected on him imo.

I'm not sure how you tell how a good a good teacher is anyway?
One abiding memory from secondary school first and foremost one who can control a class and that boils down to respecting them. Can't teach if pupils don't respect the teacher. Of course, each teacher has their own way - fear or few were down to pure inspiration.

I recall a history teacher would deliberately go mental when he covered lower year groups, behaviour that would today verge on verbal and emotional assault, so that when he taught them when they got to gcse level, he would have a well behaved class.
I believe Rishi went to Winchester Public school and then Oxford where he did PPE like Cameron. Made a packet in investment banking and then onto Parliament. His understanding of ordinary working people - very low indeed even from a young age.

His total incomprehension of why his wife's non dom status and taking advantage of it whilst he was chancellor poorly reflected on him imo.
Isn't he supposed to be playing on his 'humble roots' though or is that Javid?

If he is then the video is fair game.

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