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A Political Thread pt. 2

Is self-genocide a thing, because that seems to be what Lavrov is suggesting?
Is self-genocide a thing, because that seems to be what Lavrov is suggesting?
It's standard Russian gaslighting. Amazing the lengths they will go to to try to claim a Jewish president with a Jewish PM is actually running a Nazi regime... I'm staggered people actually believe the Russian lies as they aren't even attempting to be believable, they seem to just look through the big book of buzzwords for evil people and were like "Ah Nazi! That will work, along with our Victory day celebrations too!"

Russians love to forget how they actually sided with the Nazis at the start of WW2 to carve up Poland...
Didn't at least one of the Republican judges promise he wouldn't or others promised he wouldn't?
Also further highlights huge issues with American democracy. Courts should be politically neutral and yet it is just a battleground to try and appoint right wing or left wing judges to support one sides political agenda. Further instead of actually just ruling on issues, it seems like they actively make laws yet are unaccountable. On top rather than deal with other issues such as poverty or corruption their focus in on attacking women's rights and bodies. Honestly America is going backwards fast.
Didn't at least one of the Republican judges promise he wouldn't or others promised he wouldn't?
Apparently the vote is 5-4-1, he might be the 1 abstaining? Not sure on names etc.

Maybe not in our lifetimes, but in the not too distant future people are going to look back on how many overtly religious people were voted into positions of power and wonder wtf everyone was thinking
Its foul and goes against any sensible thinking much like the UKs refugee policy it doesn't actually prevent abortions what it does is prevent safe abortions. So even if your pro-life your not actually getting what you want just leading to people to be at further risk.

Way to actually reduce abortions,

Teach safe sex.
Persuade people its morally wrong - Not coerce or threaten.
So that ruling would ban abortions across the USA in all cases?
Leaves it solely in the hands of the individual states to decide - I read earlier that it means they would be illegal in at least 22 states

The document also mentions whichever case it was that legalised gay marriage as something that they want to scrap, so imagine that will be next
Its foul and goes against any sensible thinking much like the UKs refugee policy it doesn't actually prevent abortions what it does is prevent safe abortions. So even if your pro-life your not actually getting what you want just leading to people to be at further risk.
Point of order - it also opens up prosecution (not just denial of service) for people seeking abortion, or those who naturally lose the foetus - already enacted in Texas (I think, might have been Florida), and likely to be rolled out in other Republican States.
Rich ladies will simply side-step it, and avoid any real controversy.
Poor ladies will risk imprisonment if they go the back-alley route.

Chances are, striking down RvW will reduce abortions, but result in more deaths women than it saves foetus lives (and criminalise far more)
Why he usually hides in a fridge, blusters at PMQ's and usually goes for soft boil interviews.

Sunak's just as bad. Both acting like the things they gave done are making a difference when the reality is the are a drop in the ocean. But hey, these are the ones who understand the poor working class, after all they aren't the liberal elite.
Worth watching other clips looks like Reid have him a mauling.
So Republicans are fighting to stop teaching about sex in school, fighting against generally discussing sex topics, fighting against legalised abortions, fighting against cheaper contraception, fighting against additional support to new mothers...

Literally it seems the births are the be all and end all of their goal. The quality of life (or even continuation of life) of the child or mother seems to be a secondary concern.

It's ridiculous how Republicans seem to put "States rights" above people's rights. This was the **** attitude that led to the civil war and is little more than a means of persecution. Also, as has been pointed out, they didn't give a **** about states rights when it came to certifying the election.
So Republicans are fighting to stop teaching about sex in school, fighting against generally discussing sex topics, fighting against legalised abortions, fighting against cheaper contraception, fighting against additional support to new mothers...

******* odious when written down like that. So many different public health reasons to not have these stances.

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