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A Political Thread pt. 2

I think you are posing the question in a way that makes the power dynamic exclusively between the couple. When in reality it is a third party telling a family that the way they are operating in not ethical. It is then up to the family to sort out how to solve the dilemma.
But that's not true. It's not a family unit in question. It's one member of the family being questioned about another member's decisions.

Are they responsible for the decisions of their partner? If you deem it so, then I can only assume your of the opinion they can override the decisions of their partner...?

Ugh. My demolition toddler wants me to go somewhere. Complete this later
But that's not true. It's not a family unit in question. It's one member of the family being questioned about another member's decisions.

Are they responsible for the decisions of their partner? If you deem it so, then I can only assume your of the opinion they can override the decisions of their partner...?

Ugh. My demolition toddler wants me to go somewhere. Complete this later
it's not so much they are responsible for the decisions of their partner, but that it will be impossible for them to do their job properly when their spouse has a financial stake in a company that could be affected by their role. It is then up for the family to decide whether having a seat in government or a financial stake in a company is more important.

The person who is serving in government always gets mores **** for it cause they "supposedly" answer to the people.
Makes you wonder what is going to make up the short fall when we are all driving electric cars
Well, I expect they'll do some kind of pay according to mileage. Install a box in each electric EV like a smart metre. The more you use the more you pay. And then tax wise have some kind of tariff to reflect those who use for business/haulage. But yeh heck of lot of Revenue to make up once EVs become more and more the norm.
Apparently more Russian high ranking officers are being killed, one supposedly was intentionally run over by his own men due to the high losses for men under his command. If true, the Russian army could really be in serious trouble with a possible breakdown of command.
Russia has also announced that "the first phase of the war is over" and they will concentrate on the Donbas region. That certainly suggests things have not gone to plan.

Yes, sounds like a climb down and the Ukrainian counteroffensive around Kyiv is bizarre and simply should not be possible against competent, motivated forces. The Russian army is proving truly inept in various locations (mainly Kyiv and Kharkiv fronts).

Suggestion that a Chinese company has just suspended £500 million investment in Russia due to sanctions may be a contributory factor in this announcement. China will not destroy its economy in order to support Russia. I was also surprised to see Biden suggest a military response by NATO in the event of WMD use by Russia.

Also Uzbekistan came out last week fully supporting Ukraine and not recognising breakaway Donbass. So even countries well within Russia's historic sphere of influence are disassociating themselves from an unpredictable and clearly not so militarily fearsome nation. Putin has completely shat the bed.

The only folk Putin can rely on for support internationally are old Soviet allies like India and the ANC who are so incredibly thick they cant see that Putin's entire creed is about as anti-Soviet and ultra nationalist as it comes (regardless of his career history).
I was also surprised to see Biden suggest a military response by NATO in the event of WMD use by Russia.
Tbh he has to even if he doesn't mean it. WMDs are negated purely by the other side having them and mutual destruction being assured. You can't have one power use them with no consequences because it would completely disrupt the balance. I know Biden and Nato are worried about WW3, but you have to draw a line in the sand somewhere. If Russia knew it could use WMDs without serious consequences it would change the balance of power massively.
Russia has also announced that "the first phase of the war is over" and they will concentrate on the Donbas region. That certainly suggests things have not gone to plan.
Yeah, they just don't have the capability to fight a wider war. There have been reports of large Ukrainian counter attacks near Kyiv and the south, obviously there was a very difficult meeting today at the Kremlin and the options were not very good. Russia has become an absolute laughing stock. Didn't think anyone could top Brexit but the Russians have.
In my admittedly not extensive life, I cannot think of a western leader who had this cult of personality who ruled in my lifetime. Most presidents **** off and shut up once they are done, especially 1 term ones. What's happening with Trump and his enablers in the Republican party is so far away from normal it's staggering they can't see it. I really hope he actually ends up in jail and doesn't dodge it somehow.

Its crazy if Ukraine takes back Kherson. Large parts of the Russian military must be refusing to actually fight or something. Or maybe the generals are so terrified of being assassinated they are just letting it deteriorate into a rudderless mess rather than heading up to the front and sorting things out. How can this happen with almost complete Russian air supremacy and a huge edge in tanks?
Its crazy if Ukraine takes back Kherson. Large parts of the Russian military must be refusing to actually fight or something. Or maybe the generals are so terrified of being assassinated they are just letting it deteriorate into a rudderless mess rather than heading up to the front and sorting things out. How can this happen with almost complete Russian air supremacy and a huge edge in tanks?
And as if by magic...

Honestly, Yes Minister has to be one of the best comedies of all time. Depressingly though it's still so relevant and shows when it comes to those in power, very little has changed.
Maps showing Russia has made huge strides in Luhansk following an agreed ceasefire and evacuation earlier in the week (that the UK media appeared not to report because they were too busy saying Russia had stalled on all fronts). Russia have about 90%+ of that territory under their control. Half of Dontesk Provence still up for grabs but Russia close to getting their revised goals. Latest maps indicate possible pullback in Kyiv area. The problem for Russia is if they pull back from certain places too early then Ukraine can refocus on Donetsk.

The further problem for Russia if they give up on regime change is that they haven't taken Ukraine NATO membership off the table or Ukrainian disarmament. If they aren't actively threatening Kyiv or Kharkiv with imminent capture then their negotiating position falls apart unless they can get Belarus involved in the war or obtain Chinese military supplies.

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