Sir, you are a tosser with quite an imagination it would seem. That's quite a fairytale ending you have fabricated there along with the rather unfounded suggestion that the general consensus in Scotland is that England aren't good at rugby.
The words Richard and head come to mind. I f England are no good what do you call the lower ranks. You play well with other things it would seem, let's see if you can free your hands long enough to beat us. In that instance I will admit England must be cr*p.
Guess I had to say this some time.
People, I get that emotions run high during the 6N. I get that banter is part of why many love the game and coming on here. I get that salty language is intrinsic to rugby.
But if conversations end up offering nothing but personal insults and bad feeling, as here, those people will get banned.
Talk about the game, not each other.