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What's up with the BBC?

Try dealing with news coverage that can be bought at the whim of those with deep pockets. Having lived in the states for the best part of 5 years I can assure you that it is no fun. The same goes for quality radio broadcasting. I was very much of your mindset before suffering the alternative.
Why is it PC? Half the population are women, whats the problem with televising womens' sport?

Spot on - the BBC is a big corporation, but the internet little-staters don't realise that without it they'll be dominated by an even bigger corporation. ITV advertising for the RWC? Groan.

And I'm all for women. More of them, in various positions.
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I wouldn't go so far as to label them "a biased bunch of lefties"... but there is certainly a prevailingly left wing "agenda".

I say that as someone who loves the BBC.
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I wouldn't go so far as to label them "a biased bunch of lefties"... but there is certainly a prevailingly left wing "agenda".

I say that as someone who loves the BBC.
There's currently a 83,000 strong petition trying to stop the BBC being "anti-Corbyn":
Every time Jeremy Corbyn is mentioned in a news report on the BBC he is referred to as 'the left wing Labour Party leader'. In the interest of fairness and un-biased reporting, David Cameron should also be referred to in terms of his place on the political spectrum - 'the right-wing Prime Minister '

I think that's a clear instance of the BBC not being left-leaning. Just curious as to why anyone would think they were left-leaning.
There's currently a 83,000 strong petition trying to stop the BBC being "anti-Corbyn":

I think that's a clear instance of the BBC not being left-leaning. Just curious as to why anyone would think they were left-leaning.

Damned if they do and damned if they don't. The Daily Hate love to print a story about them, yet fail to disclose their significant shareholdings in ITV.

Maybe its because of the socialised nature of the cost of the BBC. Everything else is now sold to the highest bidder, whereas the BBC remains unbuyable. It had a liberal sensibility - not that thats a bad thing, at all - when I was there about a decade ago. Very bright, maybe a little self-satisfied, yet not driven by money does rather lead to a relatively-left employee base. Note relatively-left, not absolute left.
Damned if they do and damned if they don't. The Daily Hate love to print a story about them, yet fail to disclose their significant shareholdings in ITV.

Maybe its because of the socialised nature of the cost of the BBC. Everything else is now sold to the highest bidder, whereas the BBC remains unbuyable. It had a liberal sensibility - not that thats a bad thing, at all - when I was there about a decade ago. Very bright, maybe a little self-satisfied, yet not driven by money does rather lead to a relatively-left employee base. Note relatively-left, not absolute left.

Isn't it time the licence fees were scrapped and BBC started advertising, perhaps with a level playing field criticism of the Beeb by me and others would stop.
As far as ITV goes I thank them for giving us the WC without us having to pay through the nose, long may their coverage continue. I do have a couple of moans though, they need to recruit a decent commentator and do we have to have adverts between the anthems and kick off, the first of these points is addressed by turning the volume down and putting the radio coverage on, the 2nd I just have to put up with.
My point re the commentator is the uninitiated/new rugby watcher needs to be informed, non better than Ian Robertson, he shows no bias, is informative about the players and their background and constantly informs the viewers whats happening. Mullins and Harrison etc are rubbish and sound like a couple of condescending public school boys, I can't be the only one who switches the sound off when their droning voices start.
The problem with moving the BBC to advertising is it starts the slippery slope to privatisation and becoming beholden to shareholders. That will then divide our TV viewing into true biased media like USA.

As noted both sides moan about 'bias' of the BBC so they are probably about right. I'd be happy if someone said they were too liberal at times but that's different to left-bias.
Isn't it time the licence fees were scrapped and BBC started advertising, perhaps with a level playing field criticism of the Beeb by me and others would stop.
As far as ITV goes I thank them for giving us the WC without us having to pay through the nose, long may their coverage continue. I do have a couple of moans though, they need to recruit a decent commentator and do we have to have adverts between the anthems and kick off, the first of these points is addressed by turning the volume down and putting the radio coverage on, the 2nd I just have to put up with.
My point re the commentator is the uninitiated/new rugby watcher needs to be informed, non better than Ian Robertson, he shows no bias, is informative about the players and their background and constantly informs the viewers whats happening. Mullins and Harrison etc are rubbish and sound like a couple of condescending public school boys, I can't be the only one who switches the sound off when their droning voices start.

If the licence feel was done away with, would this create a shortfall in the budget required to maintain the network infrastructure?

Maybe I'm being overly sensitive because it's a "new" (albeit all experienced elsewhere) broadcasting crew, but I've been surprised by the number of silly mistakes I've picked up on from the ITV so far. Two that stick in my mind (possibly because the game was early enough that I was stone cold sober) are Tonga being referred to as New Zealand and Gorgodze being referred to as Godzilla as opposed to Gorgodzilla. I'm sure there have been many others. Maybe just innocent slips of the tongue, maybe indicative of a lack of a genuine knowledge or understanding of the game.

Nick Mullins' jibe about Fiji was pretty patronising and reprehensible as was his refusal to acknowledge the tweet calling him out on it (all IMO of course).

I agree 100% about Ian Robertson, back in the analogue days when everything synced up, I often used to mute the TV and listen to him on Radio 5. Unfortunately it appears that the face (or should that be voice) doesn't appear to fit these days.
If the licence feel was done away with, would this create a shortfall in the budget required to maintain the network infrastructure?

Maybe I'm being overly sensitive because it's a "new" (albeit all experienced elsewhere) broadcasting crew, but I've been surprised by the number of silly mistakes I've picked up on from the ITV so far. Two that stick in my mind (possibly because the game was early enough that I was stone cold sober) are Tonga being referred to as New Zealand and Gorgodze being referred to as Godzilla as opposed to Gorgodzilla. I'm sure there have been many others. Maybe just innocent slips of the tongue, maybe indicative of a lack of a genuine knowledge or understanding of the game.

Nick Mullins' jibe about Fiji was pretty patronising and reprehensible as was his refusal to acknowledge the tweet calling him out on it (all IMO of course).

I agree 100% about Ian Robertson, back in the analogue days when everything synced up, I often used to mute the TV and listen to him on Radio 5. Unfortunately it appears that the face (or should that be voice) doesn't appear to fit these days.

I did a bit of TV work at Uni, and its all very well knowing what you want to say but as soon as you get going little things can distract you and that influences what you say. Things that seem smart in your head or on your notes become not so much once you say them, I believe Nick Mullins didn't think his comment would be seen in the light it was. We've all made jokes that fell on their arses.

As for the Beeb, I always find amusing is the ones who one minute despise paying something, then tweet "OMG Dr Who, I loves it" etc. Without the lic fee most of that goes away, Bbc turns into yet another commercialised entity looking to maximize profits. Its also currently law, so you know.

As for the bias - "impartiality is mostly seen by those who are as impartial themselves"
I did a bit of TV work at Uni, and its all very well knowing what you want to say but as soon as you get going little things can distract you and that influences what you say. Things that seem smart in your head or on your notes become not so much once you say them, I believe Nick Mullins didn't think his comment would be seen in the light it was. We've all made jokes that fell on their arses.

Surely that's the difference between being a seasoned professional and a student trying their hand. I don't recall such a volume of mistakes from other broadcasters (although as I say, I may be unfairly putting \iTV under the microscope). I take your point about Mullins' joke, I have seen it suggested that this was a reference to a story very much along those lines which happened in a village in 2007. Surely experience in this day and age dictates that jokes involving race are best avoided though - if he was referencing the story I mentioned, he could hardly expect many listeners to know it. As I intimated, some sort of statement / apology for any offence cause would have been sufficient to but the matter to bed in my mind.
So this has gone a tad off topic...

Glad the BBC are now reporting the rugby.
BBC, the only UK news source not to be carrying the story about Cameron and the pig. It's a left-leaning news source's dream, for such dirt to be uncovered on a Tory PM...
Yeah, the BBC is reporting the story about Ashcroft's non-dom status and whether the book release is of revenge, but won't go into detail on the pig story, which is being reported everywhere else.

see: http://www.independent.co.uk/voices...t-david-cameron-is-unacceptable-10511162.html

The fact that seemingly the only coverage that the BBC has released of the pig story is a refutation by a spokeswoman for Cameron (the interview you posted) makes the above stand out even more.
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TBH the said story has pretty much been discredited already and most newspapers are hiding behind the fact it is just in a book and the revenge aspect hence why BBC are not reporting it.

The non Dom has more about it.

If BBC had reported it and it was found false it would have been in even more bother with the right leaning lot than it is already.

There is a reason Twitter have taken it of the trend list.
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Mind you did any one watch Oakeshott on channel 4 news, Was pretty poor.

I thought she was a respected journalist?
Who has not done the same when they were a student that is what I ask??