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What's up with the BBC?

Yesterday there was a Panorama on collisions and brain damage.

Someone somewhere in the BBC enjoy taking an almighty kick at us in the country whenever we attempt to do anything sport wise unless it's the Olympics. Even then they tried a few things....
I think that's a clear instance of the BBC not being left-leaning. Just curious as to why anyone would think they were left-leaning.

The BBC political editors and their political reporters are f**ked off the Corbyn doesn't dance to their tune.

F**k them, their sharp suits and their stupid hairdos. Back of insidious bull*****ters the lot of them.
Now an article on drugs in rugby! The BBC are really hammering it home.

As the national broadcaster they should be doing their level best to promote the sport. But instead they choose to degrade it at every given opportunity
The BBC political editors and their political reporters are f**ked off the Corbyn doesn't dance to their tune.

F**k them, their sharp suits and their stupid hairdos. Back of insidious bull*****ters the lot of them.

As direct as ever Amiga...
I would have to agree at this point that the BBC do appear to be coming over as more than a little butthurt over not getting the TV don't they
Yesterday there was a Panorama on collisions and brain damage.

Someone somewhere in the BBC enjoy taking an almighty kick at us in the country whenever we attempt to do anything sport wise unless it's the Olympics. Even then they tried a few things....
I read about that. Are lots of older players suffering from dementia and other mental problems? It doesn't seem that way. All the old internationals seem in rude health.
I read about that. Are lots of older players suffering from dementia and other mental problems? It doesn't seem that way. All the old internationals seem in rude health.

I think the worry is more about recent professionals who have suffered bigger impacts than guys from the amateur era.
I read about that. Are lots of older players suffering from dementia and other mental problems? It doesn't seem that way. All the old internationals seem in rude health.

Yes they are but they knew how to drink and enjoy yourself!! Remember the French in the 1987 so called World Cup final putting out their fags on the way to the pitch!!!
Hopefully discussion of ITV's coverage is fair game on this thread - it doesn't really seem worthy of its own thread. Am I the only person who's getting really tired of the yes men the ITV have brought it (Jason Robinson being the worst of the bunch)? Half the time these guys are asked a question, you can see the politician style pause while they think of a positive spin or a way of deflecting it rather than telling us what they actually think.
Hopefully discussion of ITV's coverage is fair game on this thread - it doesn't really seem worthy of its own thread. Am I the only person who's getting really tired of the yes men the ITV have brought it (Jason Robinson being the worst of the bunch)? Half the time these guys are asked a question, you can see the politician style pause while they think of a positive spin or a way of deflecting it rather than telling us what they actually think.

That is why they get paid!! Can you imagine Greegan or Robinson saying that Namibia will be thrashed by 90 points......not good for viewing figures as demonstrated by Doyle's final words of "forget the score lets just enjoy one of the greatest teams playing"

Not why I watch rugby and why gave up on this game after about 10 minutes!!
I read about that. Are lots of older players suffering from dementia and other mental problems? It doesn't seem that way. All the old internationals seem in rude health.
Serge Blanco has beefed up on the pain au chocolat. Impossible to know because a retired player's health is his own business.

Not an expert, but I think the problem starts in the US with the NFL, who were forced to do a study on their retired players. The reports make very grim reading, but I haven't seen the study. In the UK there's growing compensation for pro soccer players from the '60s who had to head sodden leather balls that weighed a few pounds. Not sure what the position is for rugby union, but I'd say changes in the laws may have to come - maybe tackles only around the waist, because I guess knees to the head and head-clashes are the problem. George North was a bad advert. Tricky problem.
I once read that many former NHL players have problems as well, but it's not something they tend to talk about.
I'm not in the UK at the minute but as I recall the ITV coverage of the last RWC was pretty much unwatchable. We need the world cup on the BBC man. Sky and ITV are both absolutely horrible.

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Yes they are but they knew how to drink and enjoy yourself!! Remember the French in the 1987 so called World Cup final putting out their fags on the way to the pitch!!!

Hit me with a Youtube link man I have to see this.
I wouldn't go so far as to label them "a biased bunch of lefties"... but there is certainly a prevailingly left wing "agenda".

I say that as someone who loves the BBC.

From what I have seen of the BBC, they are left-wing on some issues, right wing on others. They have former Tory Party university society members like Nick Robinson and on the economy they are right wing. The BBC is definitely liberal / left on geo-politics, immigration, gay rights, women's rights etc. I am not all that into politics, but I notice that the BBC manages to **** off my Tory and Labour mates equally!

Sky on the other hand are obviously biased towards the Tories - have you seen that Kay Burley woman?!

I have a British mum and South African dad, so I approach this from a slight outsiders point of view!