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This I make composition. Short and sad pianos. I hoping you are like:

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I used to be a big metal fan, especially in my mid-teens. My tastes shifted drastically to more 'calm' stuff, not exactly electronic, but some maybe some synth-type rock. I like to put it on to relax after class, it doesn't distract me while I am trying to work, and just about blocks out other noises going on. Metal is just too 'much' going on for me these days.
It always amazes me the amount of people on here that are into metal. I know one person who is at all into metal and that's it. So I can't say I've had much exposure to it. I don't want to write it off but most of the limited amount I've heard I haven't been to keen on. But I'm not sure if they're only from one of the multitude of subsections. I have liked songs such as "Enter Sandman" which if consider metal and I presume is generally considered metal?

Overall I do have a fairly wide palette. Mostly rock but loads of stuff from the different sub genres . Also due to being a pianist and having done music in school for the past number of years I have a lot of time for classical works, mainly from the romantic and impressionist eras.

At at the moment I'm mainly listening to The Killers and Styx. The song that's stuck in my head is "This Time Tomorrow" by the Kinks mainly due to that John Lewis ad.
currently revisiting Chet Faker:

And Touch Sensitive - crazy 80s pish!

It always amazes me the amount of people on here that are into metal. I know one person who is at all into metal and that's it. So I can't say I've had much exposure to it. I don't want to write it off but most of the limited amount I've heard I haven't been to keen on. But I'm not sure if they're only from one of the multitude of subsections. I have liked songs such as "Enter Sandman" which if consider metal and I presume is generally considered metal?

Metallica are metal - their eponymous album that Enter Sandman is from is pretty poppy though - hence it's popularity.

Metal can be quite a divisive genre - mainly because sonically it can be very extreme.
A lot of the most interesting music also has some of the most unappealing sonic, textural and thematic qualities to mainstream music fans.
I always liken it to giving straight whiskey someone who has never drunk before - it's just gonna be too much for them... they aren't going to be able to discern the different flavours within it, the only thing they can taste is alcohol.
And while you could give them an alcopop - alcopops are ****.
The alcohol representing the vocals and tempo and all the other jarring qualities it can have.

I've been listening to metal since I was about 8 years old and I hated all the various forms of extreme metal until I was about 17 - I simply couldn't take in the musical content because the way it is delivered takes so much getting used to, and frankly, practice. If you persevere with it you will quite quickly start to be able to absorb the music.

If you're interested in trying to find some stuff you might like then I can try and recommend something.
I remember listening to only Puddle of Mud, mainstream Metallica, KoRn, p.o.d, that sort of stuff, when I'd just started, around 16. I remember listening to bands like Cannibal Corpse or Six Feet Under or Morbid Angel and thinking "what the fk is the point of this ?! It's so dark and congested". And the blast beats sounded like the drummer was hitting cans on steroids in his shhitty garage in urban Florida.
I did always have a sort of fascination for death metal though, but just couldn't understand it. So I listened to the stuff that appealed explicitly and without filter to my ears. My ears like=I liked. Simple formula.
Eventually I started to mature and understand what all that crap was, and I was blown away with the new scope I'd found in my mind. I realized what was happening, and couldn't ask for anything more, but could never return to anything less, so to speak. The brutal intensity I got from Cannibal Corpse, the spiritual/divine aura of Morbid Angel, pure technicality with Suffocation...just way too much and I never wanted it to end.
Now I'm almost 28 and I've come a long way and yes I have my criticism towards death metal, but as cheesy as it sounds and downright comedic, it'll always have a large nest in my heart :rolleyes:

On that note, I leave whomever read this with an instrumental (I may have posted before already). Non-metal listeners, tell me this isn't some of the most explicit, artistically accomplished, thought-provoking and envelope-pushing stuff you've ever and will ever hear in your life:
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I got into metal with Linkin Park and Metallica's Black album. I ended up jumping to extreme metal pretty quickly, but even then, there was a lot of stuff I didn't get - still kinda true. What rats and yoe have said resonates very closely for me.

This was the first song that really got me into death metal

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This weekend I went raving on an old skool jungle party and have been browsing the record collection ever since.

Went thru all my old skool :)

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On that note, I leave whomever read this with an instrumental (I may have posted before already). Non-metal listeners, tell me this isn't some of the most explicit, artistically accomplished, thought-provoking and envelope-pushing stuff you've ever and will ever hear in your life:

Yeah see, i just don't enjoy it... good mixdown though.

Otherwise i just kept expecting Christopher Guest to Walk out.
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Following on from all the metal....
This is just bloody awesome. Shame Coldplay (allegedly) got it removed from the Piano Guy's channel due to copyright infringement. Or is it because Chris Martin could never dream of being this talented?

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and tonight i've been listening to "Go Team"


Been liking this ever since I saw the first Guardians of the galaxy trailer. Bit different from what I usually like though.
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Nice little ditty:

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disturbing stuff, truth be told.
Reminds me of....this, made a little while back:
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METALHEADS !! Listen zis musics.

One of Morbid's all-time best. Profound lyrics too, absolutely love the opening verse:

"Consequence...now the panic comes
You've dabbled in magik your fingers are burned
Lost as you run towards the light
And deep in your heart you have nothing but fear"

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the harmony on the melodic part ? Yeah, that's Rutan's stuff. He added so much on this album. Brutal and profound stuff, MA.

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