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Rutan absolutely killed it on that album - his solo at 2:20 on Inquisition... is probably my favorite of his.
If you're a fan of his you should probably check out these...


And I'm assuming you know Dim Mak?

the harmony on the melodic part ?

It's not a harmony. :cool:
The left and right channels are playing two separate melodies.

He does the same thing at 2:55 in Bringer Of Storms and there are loads of little bits of it in all his albums.
Trey actually does it a bit too - like the main melody from Visions From The Dark Side.

Not really a big fan of that sort of stuff, Peat.
But I helped out with a Hate Eternal sound check a couple of years ago and Rutan has the most ridiculous guitar tone I have ever heard in my life.
He's just one of those guys that makes everything sound awesome - his mixes can lack clarity sometimes, but the tones themselves are always phenomenal.
Begone, metal!

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Speaking of Rutan, believe he was the producer for this song

http://www.avclub.com/article/tombs-shovel-tons-gloom-over-deathtripper-204179 - give it a listen, metalheads

surprisingly I like that thing a lot. Very melancholic. Reminds me of Justin Broadrick's stuff.

I know Alas, but although I was excited when I first heard the album, and the first song is pretty good, I realized the entire album was basically one song. A very half-as$ed effort, very limited song-writing. And I don't listen to death metal before a certain date.
And actually you're right about "Nothing but Fear". The opening riff is a harmony, he just plays the right-pan on a higher octave. But the melodic part is a counter-melody.

The best counterpoint I've heard in death metal is in this song, 1:53

So fkng inventive. This musical idea is so different from anything I've ever heard.

About Erik Rutan: I'm not a fan of anything past 'I, Monarch'. They went all brutal/ultra-percussive, very little song-writing. The aforementioned album is the most complete, musically achieved one they made, and it was pretty fkn good.

I saw Hate Eternal too in Mtrl, but Derek Roddy wasn't behind the kit, unfortunately. HUGE sound. Before entering the hall, I was at the entrance and could hear the low frequencies through the door, reverberating. It felt like that room was holding a monster and it was practically intimidating to open the door and go inside :p
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a much better, more ripe counter-melody Azagthoth wrote is this one imo (0:28 )

I adore that riff. It's so bizarre; between melodic/melancholic and haunting.
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You like Heretic.... good man!
You know that riff from Pain Divine is the riff from Vision From The Dark Side, played in reverse? :lol:

I agree totally on the Alas album and the later HE stuff.
I couldn't listen to Alas all the way through, but damn some of the riffs are sick... and because its got regular rock style drumming it's very easy to hear what's going on.
I, Monarch isn't my favorite, but It's definitely the most individual record of his. It almost sounds shamanic to me?!

What do you mean you don't listen to DM before a certain date?
...you don't listen to old stuff?

Have you ever listened to Ulcerate?
You like Heretic.... good man!
You know that riff from Pain Divine is the riff from Vision From The Dark Side, played in reverse? :lol:

I agree totally on the Alas album and the later HE stuff.
I couldn't listen to Alas all the way through, but damn some of the riffs are sick... and because its got regular rock style drumming it's very easy to hear what's going on.
I, Monarch isn't my favorite, but It's definitely the most individual record of his. It almost sounds shamanic to me?!

What do you mean you don't listen to DM before a certain date?
...you don't listen to old stuff?

Have you ever listened to Ulcerate?

there's a lot of BS on Heretic, but some of it is still great, great Trey Azagthoth stuff. Oh that's right about Pain Divine/Visions from the Dark Side. Hehe..

I've given Ulcerate a chance before. Didn't think it was worth it and never picked it up again. Should I ?

I don't listen to any death metal before it got really established with a proper sound. I can listen to Leprosy, but can't really Scream Bloody Gore too much (eponymous song is good though). I listen to Cannibal Corpse only starting from Tomb. I don't listen to Altars a lot although it's a good album. Deicide SUCKS before the mid-90's, so does Vital Remains. Suffocation only gets good around the mid-90's...

I mean, the distortion is way dry, drums and vocals sound awful, the song-writing is very uninteresting, it's often extremely naive and weak artistically. People call it 'raw', I call it immature. I want real song-writing, developed patterns. And early death metal has none of that. Just compare Eaten Back to Life to fkn Gallery of Suicide, musically and production wise. It's pathetic.
Which Ulcerate album have you listened to? All of them are good, but Everything is Fire is the only one I listened to a lot, the others are a bit too doomy for my tastes.
There is some absolutely mental stuff going on:


Deicide's first two records are by far their best. Legion is a masterpiece.

Effigy of The Forgotten is probably the best DM record of all time IMO.
Way ahead of it's time - the arguments that you make can definitely be used against bands like CC, VR and to a certain extent Death.
But it's not universal by any means - a lot of the most interesting DM was written in the late 80's and very early 90's.

Do you use Guitar Pro?
haha, been using GP4 (specifically 4 !) for the past 11 years. I write all my stuff on there. Why, what tab do you want me to check out ?

I've got to disagree with you about Legion, I think it sounds like a bunch of very angry teens pretending to be all evil and Satanic, and though there is some substance, the overall product is highly uninteresting. I like Deicide on Once Upon and Serpents. Although I'm a Christian lol, the music is pretty good, and the lyrics very well written, surprisingly well in fact, to the point I thought it was dubious Benton wrote them. "I am No One" does raise some questions.

You seem to enjoy highly percussive death metal. The Hate Eternal vid you posted, Ulcerate...

I think the best death metal material isn't from a specific era. I think the best death metal is Cannibal Corpse (late 90's and forth), Decapitated (first 4), Suffocation (mid-90's and forth) and Morbid Angel.
I think Suffocation's best was 'Pierced', and the eponymous track is the best I've ever heard from them. BRUUUUUUUUU-TAL, goddamn.

Ulcerate is pretty good. But they're too rhythm-oriented imo. Don't get me wrong, I'm a rhythm guy to the bone, but I like my death metal crunchy and riffy, single-note attack-laden riffing, and more definition in the texture. This is highly homogenous, and very relevant musically, but too flat for me. They'll use a ton of dissonance and odd chords, some broken time signatures I see, and a ton of blasts.

Different but similar are The Amenta. These industrial boys from Down Undah offer more order in the song-writing and give more direction and pace control than Ulcerate, but still highly percussive, although very different of course, I'm not comparing quality. They've got choruses and everything, check it:

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I think my favorite death metal band has to be Tortured Lambs on Fire. Certainly great Proto-psychodelic progressive thrash death metal. When he plays the guitar really fast and beautifully sings "RAAWWWRR MUUHH GRRLLLL IZZZ ARRRGGHHHH", well it...it's hard to describe the depth of emotions I feel.
I think my favorite death metal band has to be Tortured Lambs on Fire. Certainly great Proto-psychodelic progressive thrash death metal. When he plays the guitar really fast and beautifully sings "RAAWWWRR MUUHH GRRLLLL IZZZ ARRRGGHHHH", well it...it's hard to describe the depth of emotions I feel.

But do you like it as much as Rugby... that minority sport played by jocks who lack the skill for football?
I bet you clap and nod very politely at the kick tennis.
But do you like it as much as Rugby... that minority sport played by jocks who lack the skill for football?
I bet you clap and nod very politely at the kick tennis.


I need to listen to a bit of "Jizzed in a Dead Squirrel's Eye", only death metal can understand the pain you cause me. I'm hoping there is a slight bit of variation from the last song, that means I can say I discovered a new genre.
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Guitar Pro is the shiznit. Man I loved that programme. Guitar Pro 6 sucketh the donkey dong. I think I've got 4 somewhere actually...

Anyway, lets continue the theme here

Ewis, rats, either of you listened to Ageless Oblivion?
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answer the posts that matter rats. What about GP ?

Peat, awesome pick. One of my all-time favorite death metal tunes. Brilliant atmosphere. Pure filth. That chorus is soooo thought-provoking and inspiring.
"World of sick - blessed our we to taste this life of sin". It's fkng badass, surprisingly deep philosophically and not on the cheesy side of things (which is hard to avoid with these sorts of lyrics).
Never heard of Ageless Oblivion.
I tabbed out a couple of Hate Eternal tunes from King Of All Kings recently, if you want them. I've got a pretty large collection of tabs aside from that too, which I can share if you like.

I've got to disagree with you about Legion, I think it sounds like a bunch of very angry teens pretending to be all evil and Satanic, and though there is some substance, the overall product is highly uninteresting. I like Deicide on Once Upon and Serpents. Although I'm a Christian lol, the music is pretty good, and the lyrics very well written, surprisingly well in fact, to the point I thought it was dubious Benton wrote them. "I am No One" does raise some questions.

That's ostensibly what Deicide are though (even now) - just trolling any christians who take the bait. Musically Deicide are at their best when they're catchy as **** - and their first two are far and away the catchiest IMO.

You seem to enjoy highly percussive death metal. The Hate Eternal vid you posted, Ulcerate...

I think the best death metal material isn't from a specific era. I think the best death metal is Cannibal Corpse (late 90's and forth), Decapitated (first 4), Suffocation (mid-90's and forth) and Morbid Angel.
I think Suffocation's best was 'Pierced', and the eponymous track is the best I've ever heard from them. BRUUUUUUUUU-TAL, goddamn.

I guess - I can't think of much death metal which isn't very percussive though... I just like riffs - I don't care too much how they're presented.

I find it weird that someone can like Pierced From Within and not like their two previous records... it's basically a mix of the two.
Is it the production that's put you off it? Because the music is ****ing stellar.

Just had a quick listen to Ageless oblivion... not doing much for me.
I'll get back to you on that rats, but having listened to all Suffocation albums, I naturally picked 'Pierced' at the time. I like some stuff on the later ones too. Earlier stuff I don't remember much of because at the time I'd deemed it unnecessary to 'study' them up...

Well Cannibal Corpse aren't percussive. It's all about the riff. Drums are just....being drums. They're not guiding the entire sections or completing the riffs.

Listened to Ageless olive-lion, nope...me neither.

What tabs do you have ? Do you post them on 911tabs or ultimate-guitar or smt ??
I've posted most of the ones I've done on UG - but my "collection" is pretty large, and a lot of it's been edited for accuracy and audio quality (instrument pre-sets so the RSE doesn't sound like dick).
We need a major break from the metal here, something WAYYYYYYY softer with great vocals and one of the most acclaimed music videos of all time.

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tonight i've mainly been listening to 20Syl without his C2C mates:


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