D'you guys remember when Linkin Park was the sound of the future ? They weren't metal, they weren't "electronic rock" (didn't really exist yet), they weren't exactly nu-metal or typical alt.rock...just such a fresh, fresh bit of sound. I remember listening to this song on loop, it was my own little place when I was a young teen
And just wtffff, where the hell did they find that chick ??!!
good one. They've got way better though. Gotta love that tone they've got on those tremolo-picked riffs. Even live, that's insane. So fkn death metal (even if melodic).
Hybrid Theory was one hell of an album.
Better? Bah. That song is money.
Dunno how Scandinavians do it to be honest - they have a ridiculous knack for writing melodies.
I completely disagree with all of that. Saying something like "It's not like British and Scandinavian genetics are massively different" is such a strange, unserious statement...
Are you unaware of historic immigration to/from the British Isles?
Also... it's definitely not genetic.
It's definitely cultural.
The notion that it is any except cultural is bizarre. Being able to write metal melodies for only some genres is no where near genetic. Europeans (and humans in general) are very very very close genetically, there aren't huge differences. Anything more and it would be a different species. Everything come down to culture.A larger part is cultural identity. The death metal bands that made it big in Sweden and Finland had a great sense of melody (and obvious huge Iron Maiden influences). People copy local success, it's just a thing. American metalheads looked at their big local bands and they got guys like Slayer and Morbid Angel. Britain, we had Black Sabbath, which helps account for the large amount of doomy sludge we've put out them. And so on. Lets not forget there were a lot of Scandinavian bands in the early Death Metal scene... guys like Entombed, Dismember, Convulse. Just it never made as much of an impact as AtG, DT, Amorphis... I'm rabbiting on now. But I feel very sure its cultural and not genetic.
alright so I guess we are talking about thisbut briefly. There's tons to be said, so let's really make an effort to get to a point of agreement quickly. Where do you feel culture comes from, though ? If you say *just environment* like many ppl have, then I'm calling this a day. But if you have more to offer, I'm all ears (well, eyes...). Where does culture come from, if not from genetics in majority + environment a little bit ?