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Tigs Man: check out a bit of this one again. Some fantastic declination of the main musical theme.
Anyways, was thinking just how influential Pantera were just the other night. One of my fav. bands, Decapitated: Vogg wouldn't sound anything like he does without the existence of Dimebag. The entire post-thrash movement would need to be invented, and it would've taken a bunch more time. Machine Head, and later LOGod wouldn't sound the same. By extension, the entire new wave of American heavy metal (Chimaira and co.) would've sounded nothing like they do. And by extension of that, but we don't give a shht about that scene but still: the whole metalcore scene would have a different sound (KSEngage type bands).
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oh hey there ungrateful basterd who doesn't thank ppl !
You should watch his cover for 'Spheres of madness', he headbangs like crazy with his shhitty little clarinet. It's pretty fkn hilarious. Wait I'll go get it, but this Necrophaggot one, clarinet with full on 300bpm blasts in the background :p :p anyways here:

Look at him stand up and headbang like a motherfkr at 1:19, gets me every - single - time :lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh, that got me! Not so much the lazy head banging with no hair but the slight few hops from side to side on tippie toe. Well, it looks like he is enjoying himself which is the important thing and he did bring a tear to my eye. A clarinet. Sure. Why not.
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Can't tell you how many times I've listed to this in the past week.
Tigs Man: check out a bit of this one again. Some fantastic declination of the main musical theme.
Anyways, was thinking just how influential Pantera were just the other night. One of my fav. bands, Decapitated: Vogg wouldn't sound anything like he does without the existence of Dimebag. The entire post-thrash movement would need to be invented, and it would've taken a bunch more time. Machine Head, and later LOGod wouldn't sound the same. By extension, the entire new wave of American heavy metal (Chimaira and co.) would've sounded nothing like they do. And by extension of that, but we don't give a shht about that scene but still: the whole metalcore scene would have a different sound (KSEngage type bands).

Couldn't agree more Ewis I remember as a wide eyed 13 year old being introduced to Heavy Metal by a friend who lent Vulgar display of power to me and my mind was blown.

Pantera saved Metal in the 90's from being "Soft Metal" crap which was to try and generate more album sales, that in itself shows how important they were and still is to metal.

The likes of Paul and Dimebag were masters of they trade and inspired countless of metal artists.
Pantera saved Metal in the 90's from being "Soft Metal" crap which was to try and generate more album sales, that in itself shows how important they were and still is to metal.

The likes of Paul and Dimebag were masters of they trade and inspired countless of metal artists.

Hadn't thought about it, but it makes sense. The 90's saw thrash legends Slayer, Metallica, Anthrax, Megadeth go soft as a limp dick. Pantera and Sepultura were the only main bands in thrash that actually got heavier.
I'm a bit of a house head and this has been locked on rotation for the last day or so:


Glasgows Finest!
mediocreNumber10 I have a question for you: I listen to many styles that are very much apart but this isn't in it, but I'd like to understand what someone would like out of this. I don't mean this as an edgy way, I'm just asking myself the question: 'why would you listen to this ?' What's the actual reason.
For example, as an outsider my first reaction, and the easy criticism, is this is too repetitive. I understand it's a simple, almost minimalistic phrase they keep adding layers on as it goes. And the sound itself ain't bad. But are you looking for just mood ? Does it make you any different as you listen to it, or is it just a background sound that establishes a fun vibe ? Do you prefer to be under some influence as you listen, or sober does it for you ?
England's King Crimson and their masterpiece "Frame by Frame":

Love the vocalist's demeanor.
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mediocreNumber10 I have a question for you: I listen to many styles that are very much apart but this isn't in it, but I'd like to understand what someone would like out of this. I don't mean this as an edgy way, I'm just asking myself the question: 'why would you listen to this ?' What's the actual reason.
For example, as an outsider my first reaction, and the easy criticism, is this is too repetitive. I understand it's a simple, almost minimalistic phrase they keep adding layers on as it goes. And the sound itself ain't bad. But are you looking for just mood ? Does it make you any different as you listen to it, or is it just a background sound that establishes a fun vibe ? Do you prefer to be under some influence as you listen, or sober does it for you ?

Sober, i don't drink anymore. :)

I dunno it just appeals to me, I love soul and disco and 70's funk so I like the locked groove/repetitive nature of stuff like this - but i also love the way elements just drift up and add to the tonality of it the way it changes the track without you noticing it changes.

The sound quality is awesome as well, I'm quite into music production so I listen to that element within tracks a lot.

Hold on, i'll post something here form another computer in a second that is similar in how it just starts and gets where it's going almost without you noticing it's conatantly changing.


Just the way it constantly mutates is immense. It's just Euphoric in how it's constantly adding and building up... it's almost the same effect as a massive key change, but slower cooked.
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yeah, no, I can't enjoy this...thanks for your reply. Some years ago I'd have not even wondered because as a metalhead I'd say it doesn't have enough substance musically; which, it's true, it's very thin; but right now the best I can do is ask ppl about their world, their tastes, how it all works...it's just 180° from me and all things 'me', but I figured if you're going to live on this planet, might as well learn about all kinds of things in it, not just the things you're naturally drawn to.
Because, you know, I'm such a magnificent human being and all that...
yeah, no, I can't enjoy this...thanks for your reply. Some years ago I'd have not even wondered because as a metalhead I'd say it doesn't have enough substance musically; which, it's true, it's very thin; but right now the best I can do is ask ppl about their world, their tastes, how it all works...it's just 180° from me and all things 'me', but I figured if you're going to live on this planet, might as well learn about all kinds of things in it, not just the things you're naturally drawn to.
Because, you know, I'm such a magnificent human being and all that...

It's interesting you say it's thin, as i was thinking i struggle with metal because it's almost too much :)

I wouldn't say it's thin musically, but i get where you're coming from.

I actually write a couple of blogs about music, and If i'm honest i like a bit of everything - if i like it i listen if i don't i wont, i've never been too much of a stickler for Genres.
well, as a composer myself, my criticism against those styles, and I'd even throw in some eras of Pink Floyd, but mostly electronic stuff, is that it lacks substance. Coming from a death metal background, although I write prog. rock now, I want to make sure every section has a solid riff with loads of melodic articulations, there's harmony around it, technical drums, good texture like synth and what not...so space is good within a section, but too much space can only mean there's a hollowness about a part, unless it's just one part in a song that serves a purpose, but otherwise I need texture, something to hold onto, a bit of complexity at least because as a guy who's been writing for more than a decade, I can't settle for "too simple". I need some sort of a challenge, not a whole lot, but something intricate or original enough, and that requires some form of complexity because you can't have identity without displaying complex traits. I'm not saying ultra-technical by all means, but something like even Depeche Mode has enough activity that you're stuffed after the ride (that is the song).
yeah, i hear you.

It's certainly a very different approach to writing compared to traditional instrument based compositions - with house/dance music it's more about pushing a singular element to breaking point (it's the only way I can think to explain it), and it can be a lot more about the engineering and production side than the compositional side.

I've been producing for about 20 years, i'm not going to lie sometimes i find dance music production very limiting, but it just hits home with me when it's done really well.

I mean s lot of the more deeper Disco and Funk is very similar in just that it's a groove taken to the Nth degree... especially some of the more dubby space disco stuff.

Horse and course though isn't it? I can appreciate a decent bit of Prog, I've got quite a bit of Rare Earth stuff which borders on the proggy side of Blues and R'N'B. I grew up listening to quite a bit of Rush as well - not saying that's the best stuff out there, but i can see where you're coming from.

Do you like stuff like Weather Report?
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well I don't so much listen to any prog. rock, I just make my own...I never got the sound or artistic direction I wished for out of existing bands, so I do my own thing lol. Wish it wasn't so, but it is.

And about electro stuff. Same thing. It just so happens I've never heard anything compelling composition-wise, like, the stuff you hear nowadays, ALL OF IT with no exception is an absolute joke compared to, say, Baroque composers. So in 400 years, we've degraded brutally if we compare both all-instrumental genres. But synths have TONNSSSSSSSSSSS of potential, and it's a travesty the "artists" in the industry can't come up with something decent. Of course, almost the entire time it's really about making something cool and edgy enough for raves and parties and DJ's and wtvr...worlds from the actual composer's mindset to push the envelope technically and artistically.
well I don't so much listen to any prog. rock, I just make my own...I never got the sound or artistic direction I wished for out of existing bands, so I do my own thing lol. Wish it wasn't so, but it is.

And about electro stuff. Same thing. It just so happens I've never heard anything compelling composition-wise, like, the stuff you hear nowadays, ALL OF IT with no exception is an absolute joke compared to, say, Baroque composers. So in 400 years, we've degraded brutally if we compare both all-instrumental genres. But synths have TONNSSSSSSSSSSS of potential, and it's a travesty the "artists" in the industry can't come up with something decent. Of course, almost the entire time it's really about making something cool and edgy enough for raves and parties and DJ's and wtvr...worlds from the actual composer's mindset to push the envelope technically and artistically.

interesting discussion.

I think the methodology has changed so much... the advent of computers has literally changed everything,a nd as a result the more traditional methods have changed and been replaced and music has changed so much from that occurance.

out of curiosity, do you hear the difference in something like i posted and something like Guetta or Akoi, swedish house mafia stuff? only the term electro is not a reference i'd use for the stuff i posted, but a lot of people seem to lump everything under that banner at the moment.
Since you ask, because I've never heard anything that caught my attention in all those circles combined, I refer to absolutely all of it as "electronic music".
I definitely have the same issues when listening to non-metal stuff, Ewis...

The sheer volume of riffs/themes/ideas that are present in a single metal song (particularly DM stuff) means that I find other genres that might only have 1-2 riffs or a single theme to be quite jarring.

As you say, no10, a lot of electronic music (in particular) is more about the sonics/production than the actual musical content.

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