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What are you listening to?

Osulli, you're a sarcastic pillock, but you've got some fine music taste there. Love this song

Love the girl doing the dancing more.
Yeah I'd give a few cows to arrange my marriage with her if you get my drift. I don't want to study as I have no ambition, so anther tune methinks. This one goes out to Peat who believed in me.
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Keane's best song, but hardly ever played...

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Couple of pretty unknown artists (as far as I'm aware). So many great songs can be picked up from lower budget tv series...

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And one final one, from the incredible voice that is Sade

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Well, let's share one of the highlights in recent years. Not specifically the lyrics or vocals, but the instrumental part is so freaking brilliant.

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Today, I'm listening to an old classic in the car stereo. It's only Rock N Roll by the stones. Mick Taylor's last Album. it kinda went to pot after this, at least until the
90's when Mick worked out why we liked 'em in the first place. Heres a song for the girls to shake what they got too.

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Caught The Black Keys at last years Reading Festival, great band.

Yessssssss! I bought the album a couple of months ago, and that's a tune.
Think this is my favourite:
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hey anybody here a metalhead ? As in, a real metalhead. No offense to anyone, I just want to know: is there any real metalhead on here ?

Just in case.
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As in literally made of metal?

My favourite music is metal, and it's what I listen to the most by a looooooong shot, but I like a lot of music from other genres - I'm not one those metalheads who dismiss everything that isn't metal, I'll listen to anything if I enjoy it.

It's the internet... we're everywhere...

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As in literally made of metal?

My favourite music is metal, and it's what I listen to the most by a looooooong shot, but I like a lot of music from other genres - I'm not one those metalheads who dismiss everything that isn't metal, I'll listen to anything if I enjoy it.

This isn't about listening just to metal, I obviously don't just listen to death metal at 27. This is about the metal you do listen, being the real deal.
So there's you potentially here, alright...good to know...

hah, well I must say I do think Immolation is pretty bad tbh...but I do appreciate seeing a death metal post here.
Seriously, just reading the last ten pages of the thread quickly shows the metalheads here... which is basically the English posters, and Draggs. Well. Draggs used to be. Profitus likes Eleuvitie iirc.

Olyy likes modern In Flames and is therefore clearly a douche.


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Sorry to disappoint, Peat.
Put on some Ensiferum and Heidevolk over the weekend, takes me back...
Olyy likes modern In Flames and is therefore clearly a douche.
Have you heard their new album? It's tip....top!

and, on that note, has anyone heard the newest Children of Bodom album? (Think it's like a year old by now, but I only heard it recently) - surprisingly good. Gone more back to their black(-esque) metal roots.
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