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Stunning is the right word for that. Looking forward to more new stuff coming. Listened to the new Eminem album (The Marshall Mathers LP2) the other day, not like Relapse or Recovery this album had a different feel to it. I didnt like Beserk when I first heard it but it has grown on me, Survival is a good track but So Far is my fave.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/oM9eNIAutuA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Loving this girls voice.

Yes...good stuff!
I don't know if any of you are religious or not, but if you are, I am really digging an indie artist called Audrey Assad: http://youtu.be/e5xEYgGr6ms
Very genuine, sincere music. A refreshing break to all the other pop, EDM stuff normally in my mix.
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I'm loving these lads at the moment. Along with some ska classics as well!!!
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I know this is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too soon, but I'm dedicating this to Ireland...tought it was a good idea for a terrible joke as to say "hey, it's just a sport, better to laugh about it..".
One of my most hated Metallica songs, the first line Hetfield sings:

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Classing up TRF.....with Rob Ford videos, and classical Italian librettos two things that go together like Wine and cheese, love and passion.

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Van Halen's 1984 in my car. and all three Union Cds as well as best of Credence Clearwater Revival and Jefferson Airplane in my hifi. I love checking out old bands because alot of rock music is ageless anyway. Credence rocks. Jefferson Airplane is good without blowing me away, although I am enjoying Plastic Fantastic Lover. The Union is classy blues rock but what else would you expect from Luke Morley? Van Halen's 1984 has the awesome Jump, Panama and Hot For Teacher, although the rest of the CD can't live up to those awesome rockers. So there ya, go, I would advise that you check out Credence on Spotify :)

Oh! and I forgot to mention that I was listening to Traffic on spotify last week. They're trippin'!

I like dis song. It make my ear happy :)
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Dis man all time favourite song. Mmmm clown fight.
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Rooting through the attic and found these lads Greatest Hits, this is a brilliant song!
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Loving this group, she's got an amazing voice, and so far not heard a bad song from them...

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In reply to 'where is the girl from Foxes from?'

Southampton, England.
Lads, this is mental as and I suggest you all get it listened to

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For the 'more experienced' generation who like a bit of Depeche Mode, this group supported them on tour, and are doing 'synthpop' proud.

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The entire Led Zeppellin is in the process of being uploaded onto Spotify (Thank you Jimmy!). I'm taking my fav Led Zep II album out for a spin as I type this.

Now if only AC/DC will see the light as well...
Bought the new Chthonic album earlier, so only seems right we appreciate their bassist for a while


made this vid the last few days...the heaviest/grooviest/most brutal rhythm sections from post thrash/death...etc...bands. It's got some absolutely shytty humor all along, and it's the very best I've heard in over a decade of head banging my behind off:

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Saw this guy for the first time a few nights ago. Nice singer songwriter, if a bit corny.

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