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Quite catchy, but kinda weak vocalist, and the music is a bit like Benny Hill meets Ska.
Quite catchy, but kinda weak vocalist, and the music is a bit like Benny Hill meets Ska.

Everyone who I've linked the song to has said that about the vocalist, I am pretty tone deaf and can't hear it which makes it a really good song for me! :D
Everyone who I've linked the song to has said that about the vocalist, I am pretty tone deaf and can't hear it which makes it a really good song for me! :D

I imagine it may be the recording in that case. It's fairly easy to make a 'weak' vocalist sound stronger, but the 'carnival' type music (similar to original SKA (Bad Manners, Specials, Selekta etc) really does need a lot more work to make carry a weak(ish) vocalist) whereas the music can carry them in a lot of genres.
If you guys like songs about incestuous rape, murder, shoddy body disposal and suicide then do I have a song for you!
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Slap in headphones listen in high quality and surf through youtube in this type of music and you're in for a serious night
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Slap in headphones listen in high quality and surf through youtube in this type of music and you're in for a serious night

Great mix.
Sounds like Early Fleetwood Mack (Tusk etc). Not OTT at all, just bit of a heavier beat added.
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Great mix.
Sounds like Early Fleetwood Mack (Tusk etc). Not OTT at all, just bit of a heavier beat added.
Sick ,

Check out all KYGO stuff then , amazing chill mixes for the summer

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OK, this is one of the best YouTubes I've seen. Hilarious he actually plays a metal tune on top !!
Just add a filthy industrial metal bass drop to that and it's most definitely headbangable.

Damn, I like most music, especially death metal and the faster stuff, but that's just too heavy.

oh yeah man ! This is how I do it yo ! Whatchu think I'm just messin around here ? huh ? HUH ?! Don't you know I'm loco, bro ?!!!!!

Oh and, it would be nice (and more adequate, I'm sure) if they called themselves the "Backdoor Boys". Just implicit enough to keep the fans guessing, but still very provoking. I'm sure they have lots of fun together after the shows.
In the showers.
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OK, this is one of the best YouTubes I've seen. Hilarious he actually plays a metal tune on top !!
Just add a filthy industrial metal bass drop to that and it's most definitely headbangable.
Tell me about it!
Genuinely a really good rhythm - someone should make a full song out of it.

Unashamedly, I've been listening to a ton of paramore recently - everyone has a guilty pop-ish pleasure, and they're mine. Doesn't help that Hayley Williams is, arguably, my perfect woman.
Seriously, watch this and NOT find her amazing.
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Merry Christmas!
Unashamedly, I'm posting this.
Nothing is better than the muppets! (well Bacon is, but everything's better with bacon)

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I "watched" that a few days ago!

I say "watched" because I put it on in the backgroudn while absolutely twatted off a mix of fosters, prosecco, hooch and sourz shots while playing Cards Against Humanity :lol:
I "watched" that a few days ago!

I say "watched" because I put it on in the backgroudn while absolutely twatted off a mix of fosters, prosecco, hooch and sourz shots while playing Cards Against Humanity :lol:

That's just not safe. Cards are no good for your health!

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