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TRF EA Rugby '06 NZ Tournament

Well guys, I'm happy with the rules as posted earlier by Gay Guy and the others.

So the comp is going to be international teams and I guess everyone will be picking NZ, SAF, AUS or ENG? I mean someone isn't going to pick Scotland only to have the other guy go the AB's are they?

How bout a rule that if the first person picks a team, then the second one must pick one no better than say 5 overall points greater? I dunno, just throwing it out there so we can see more than just the top few teams playing.

Although GG will be picking Fiji or Samoa and beating us anyway, :rolleyes: :lol: !!!
Originally posted by C A Iversen@Aug 28 2006, 11:35 AM
How bout a rule that if the first person picks a team, then the second one must pick one no better than say 5 overall points greater? I dunno, just throwing it out there so we can see more than just the top few teams playing.

Problem with that is that people will be choosing Japan all the time.

I for one will be using the "rotation policy" and having a different team as often as possible. I hope to play 10 teams for the duration of the comp.....Aus, Eng, Fij, Fra, Ire, NZ, Rus, S.A, Sam, and Wales. The bottom line here is that due to the first choice rule, no one will have one team for the entire comp, and the players who are very good will hopefully use lesser teams against lesser opponents perhaps out of good sportsmanship. Winning is a priority, but if the gap is too big against someone then perhaps one couild stem the try onslaught by using a lower team. Obviously if someone is simply out of their league they will not be expected to "rotate" their teams.

An update on my progress....I think I am 80% prepared now for the comp. I feel more confident with my defence and have just a few things to iron out. I have to clean up a few points with my kicking game but that should not be too hard. Then finally I have to finalise my final rosters for each of my ten teams. I have the final lineups for France and NZ and have almost completed Ireland, Australia, Wales. I have a bit of a clue about England, South Africa and Samoa but there is still work to be done.

Something I would like now is some tough local competition as my trainer is starting to look ordinary now. So therefore if i played some good players that were strangers I would have "ambush" experience......learning to adjust quickly to a new persons style. So Bully the Guru....where are you? And all the other Auckland people?????
People will choose Japan all the time? Are you mad?

My suggestion is only reliant on some common sense. Saying that people who are good will pick lesser teams out of being a "good sport" to lesser players is a joke.

People are more likely to NOT be a good sport, than pick Japan for a sneaky advantage. ;)

My suggestion enable the first guy who's picking a team to be able to pick, say Ireland, without fear that the other guy picks NZ.

I admit, my idea needs some streamlining, but I think it's a fair call. To be honest, along with being a bit busy of late, I've not contributed much to this section for a while, as every time I put up an idea it gets pumped full of lead!

I don't have a glaring track record of pulling the rug out from anyone elses tourney suggestions either! :lol:

I noted the other guys who felt France ruined a game a bit were shot down too. I can see your point GG, but re-embrace democracy, lol! :lol:

I also want to know if Ceejay will be there. He'd be awesome. :cheers:
Originally posted by C A Iversen@Aug 28 2006, 04:39 PM
People will choose Japan all the time? Are you mad?

My suggestion is only reliant on some common sense. Saying that people who are good will pick lesser teams out of being a "good sport" to lesser players is a joke.

People are more likely to NOT be a good sport, than pick Japan for a sneaky advantage. ;)

My suggestion enable the first guy who's picking a team to be able to pick, say Ireland, without fear that the other guy picks NZ.

I admit, my idea needs some streamlining, but I think it's a fair call. To be honest, along with being a bit busy of late, I've not contributed much to this section for a while, as every time I put up an idea it gets pumped full of lead!

I don't have a glaring track record of pulling the rug out from anyone elses tourney suggestions either! :lol:

I noted the other guys who felt France ruined a game a bit were shot down too. I can see your point GG, but re-embrace democracy, lol! :lol:

I also want to know if Ceejay will be there. He'd be awesome. :cheers:
Well I am all for Democracy. If the majority want something I am against then I will tow the line if my opinion is different. :)

However I am also all for people airing their opinions and things being debated out hopefully leading towards the best conclusion. I want everyone to get the most satisfaction out of this tourney. If I feel something may impinge on this I will speak out. Most times in debate being politically correct can slow the process down. With the France issue I did not say "no" arrogantly, but gave my reasons why I felt France should still remain in the comp as reasons should always back up an opinion, otherwise it is bias based on preference. My reasons are opened to be challenged, however EVEN if people still do not have any counter arguments against my reasons but still as a majority wanted France out of the comp simply because of their preference, then I would go with it.

We have potential to make this tournament lean towards a certain degree of professionalism rather than the normal casual comps we play every weekend...so why not give it a go then? Most of us are taking time off work and traveliing a fair distance to be there. i believe every effort should be made to make it worthwhile and as best as we can do possible we should try and leave no stone unturned. I know most of us try and do our best when we organise something for others.....we should do the same here.

I do know what you mean about trying to get people to choose more teams and to have more variety. It is a difficult proposition due to the fact that everyone wnats to have a stronger team than their opponent. Your idea of making a team choice and restricting the other person to no more than 5 points above it is a good idea in a world where people are allowing. however in competition people will take advantage of it and play a team which is very good for their ranking (like Russia) and where any team below, the same, or 5 points above are no where near as good as a lot of those rankings do not tell the true story on the pitch. Then we may be reduced to minor league games of Russia vs Spain as people try and capitalise on this rule. England for example are ranked 5 points below NZ and South Africa 4 points below but play on the same level if not a notch better than the Kiwis on the pitch.

The bottom line I feel is that....a lot of the "rules" need to be black and white. From there it is up to the players whether they will play by the rules or show some "consideration." To try and create rule changes to encourage consideration in a comp will always have people looking for ways to bend it. That is the nature of rugby and the rules associated with it.

I am just trying to get things finalised and set before the comp starts even if it does sound like I am being pushy. However with every suggestion that gets nutted out I will adhere to the majority decision. :cheers:
Do agree with the getting everything written in stone in advance aspect, as no doubt some issues will arise that will need consideration once we kick off, and the less the better.
Originally posted by Dumbo@Aug 28 2006, 06:29 PM
Have you thought of doing a draw... teams in hat, pick and play?
That sounds good however someone did mention that something like that will bring up those old "you won cos you had the better team" issues. This is why the current format has been decided on with two games against each player in the round robin so each player will get a first choice. Then with the playoffs the higher ranked player from the round robin getting the first choice in every game. With this system no one can say they lost cos they had a worse team. If you made it to the playoffs and got second choice to someone else it was because they played better in the round robin than you. So it is a fair system as one can be in an uneven environment where good play gets its fair reward and bad play gets what due it. In the end whoever loses cannot fall back on an excuse. They were simply not good enough.

It is a bit like the philosophy of rucking in rugby where the rules are based on a fair yet uneven contest. The rules lean towards the team with the ball going into the ruck has a slight advantage. Bottom line is........make sure you are the one with possession in rugby. Based on the philosophy where rugby should be a running game first.
Originally posted by Gay-Guy@Aug 28 2006, 04:25 PM
finalise my final rosters for each of my ten teams
Out of curiosity how are we implelmenting our preferred lineups? Are they to be created prior and saved to a profile, or are we going to sit through each game with us putting our squads together?

I'm in favour of putting your own squads together, but am aware the time it would waste if done manually each game. Minor adjustments would be fine each game of course but not entire lineups...
Originally posted by dobrien7+Aug 28 2006, 07:27 PM-->
@Aug 28 2006, 04:25 PM
finalise my final rosters for each of my ten teams
Out of curiosity how are we implelmenting our preferred lineups? Are they to be created prior and saved to a profile, or are we going to sit through each game with us putting our squads together?

I'm in favour of putting your own squads together, but am aware the time it would waste if done manually each game. Minor adjustments would be fine each game of course but not entire lineups... [/b]
As long as we are not trying to decide who we want right then and there. It is the deciding that takes ages.

If you know who you want then it can be quite straight forward.

Maybe we can set a deadline for rosters? Perhaps 3 days before the tournament (just like real rugby :lol: ). Then have the rosters posted up so that mine, woosahs, and danny bullens xboxs can be worked on with us putting the names into them...saved as (name) first then (country) second. So my teams would read in the rosters as:


etc etc......

Of course we would put in the rosters of people who decided to gate crash on the day. However these people should be given a time limit for each xbox of maybe 5 minutes to put as much of their rosters as they can.

We should also save the default lineup and call it "default" for anybody who did not put a rostered team in and so they don't end up playing someones elses lineup and look confused halfway during the game.
Originally posted by 2wordz@Aug 28 2006, 10:26 PM
Why dont we all just use the default teams?
I'm not adversed to that. After all we want this tourney to be as simple to get into as possible.
Just my opinion.
From having played tourno before I would say go for default team for sure and not waste time so that you can as many games as possible :D
im not a part of this but why dont you guys just pick two teams i.e. england v new zealand and have those two teams play every game so everyone has to use the two teams

or you could just some shitty teams i.e. usa v japan and have that be a battle of managerial talent!
Originally posted by TheBokke@Aug 29 2006, 12:53 AM
From having played tourno before I would say go for default team for sure and not waste time so that you can as many games as possible :D
Default teams sound good to avoid a lot of hassles :cheers:

Then the play is focussed on skill rather than team management.

There is a lot of player changing when you have your rosters and often it comes down to who knows how to gwet the right personnel in.

Are we talking about default teams and only changing the lineup at the start of the game? Or are we talking about just starting as is without changing anyones positions at all?
Actually that would be a lot simpler wouldn't it. I say you can only make changes to the starting lineups before each game from the default squads, say a minute max to do this?
also having 10 different profiles for every person, stuff that i am not going to do that o_O. you can only use one profile at a time anyway so that wouldnt work properly.

default team yes and maybe a 2 minute grace period to change your players. i say 2 minutes cause sometimes it can take a while to change who ya want in and out.
yep 2min should be fine - bloody good idea going default, for me i will definitely be writing my teams down so that i can make the changes i need as quick as possible - its the indecision when choosing that wastes the time.

2 days till deadline for written in stone rules too organisers.....
Yep would be simpler still if we wrote down our favourite combinations as it's the shall I put him or him in there, now what's the comparison between their so and so stats that will waste time...

We should repost all rules etc that we've come up with for all entrants to look over (a new thread perhaps, maybe pin it too?) and review.

International Teams only.
Default teams only. 2 mins at start of game to switch players around
Round robin twice (Each player having a go at home/team first choice/kit choice and side to sit on)
S14 points system (bonus points/for an against points/ etc)
Old NRL 5 team playoff system
During all playoff games the higher ranked player from the round robin has first choice of team, home advantage, side to sit, and kit choice (except final where the location will be changed to random)
No early tackles with penalties as follows: Within own 22 then lineout throw at halfway, own 22 to halfway then lineout throw opposition 22, halfway or opposition half then lineout throw opposition 5m line. All throws are at the cam sideline. If time is up in any half then instead of a lineout it is to be an attacking ruck 5 metres from the cam side touchline and at the field desinated position for the penalty
10 mins each half
Major Semi Final, Final, and Grand Final 20 min half games
Wind: Strong
Difficulty: Elite
Drawn games during playoff then Golden point rules.
Management dealings only to be accessed when ball is out of play. Any infringement of this then the early tackle ball penalty guidelines are to be followed. Management accessing during a conversion or penalty kick window showing and the ball not yet being "inflight" will result in a 5m attacking lineout at the next start of play. If time is up and the kick could potentially have equalled the game or perhaps won it, then game will restart with the aforementioned rules occuring and the Golden point rule in force. To safeguard from false management accessing accusation happening the non kicker can place his control pad in the hands of the kicker and declare "no access" until he (or she) chooses to take the controller back at any time. Non kicker is free from management access issues during the time when kicker has the control pad.
Player info on. All other display options off (names, offside line, etc)

Keep it coming.... :cheers: 40 hours to go....
i still dont get that last rule wtf is that about?

i am not smart honest :) i have no idea what it is

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