Sir Speedy

Up in The Air. Great film. One of my favourites of '09. Funny but with a strong emotional resonance. Clooney is charming, and Kendrick will probably win the Best Actress Oscar.
Saw Click the other night.
Quite enjoyed it.[/b]
Haven't seen Semi Pro but yeah, he'll never top Anchorman.but nothing in comparison to his greatest (anchorman)[/b]
Will Ferrel's greatest has to be OLD SCHOOL. What A Film.Lol.
Saw Jeniffer's Body the other night.
Semi-Pro, kinda funny, but nothing in comparison to his greatest (anchorman)[/b]
Going to try and finally watch the sixth Harry Potter tonight. Apparently it's not all that, but wharreva ini.
Either that or a Hitchcock.[/b]
Watched Million Dollar Baby last night.
Amazing film. One of the best films ive seen in a long time.
Great plot, brilliant characters and what a freaking ending![/b]
You came to your senses and saw the Hitchcock instead, right?Going to try and finally watch the sixth Harry Potter tonight. Apparently it's not all that, but wharreva ini.
Either that or a Hitchcock.[/b]