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The Movie Thread


Big Trouble in Little China - not as good as I remember it being. Still quite charming (Kurt Russell I heart) and eerie. The movie resounds with a typically 80's-sounding score which sounds great. The dialogue and acting are both terrible, though the delivery of the lines is almost comical, "Son of a ***** must pay!", so it is saved in this department. It could've been very good if it were not for the awful, awful fight scenes. They are almost satirical in how over-the-top and ridiculous they are, but even if that is the intention, they are still terrible. 5 or 6/10.


Stalker (Russian) - The cinematography is probably the best I've ever seen. Especially during the opening scenes in the industrial, military zone. Not a single shot of scenery during that sequence is below amazing. The script is mostly philosophical, but isn't pretentious; almost beautiful. You are gripped by anticipation for the most part, but fear, aswell. A lot of scenes Tarkovsky draws out splendidly to allow the tension to build itself up. 10/10 - One of my favourite movies.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (jawmalawm24 @ Sep 18 2009, 08:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>
Watched 'Twilight' for the millionth time and damn that Alice chick is so sexy I wan't to instantly fox her. Good movie can't wait for the next one to come out especially with all the werewolves and stuff should be cool.[/b]

We need a medic here stat! Man down, I repeat man down.
Man why everyone hating on 'Twilight' must of watched it if you know what it's about lol.

@Sir Speedy is that 'mullholland drive' the one when those 2 chicks make sexytime with eachother? and 'Big Trouble Little China' I love that damn movie man can remember watching it when I was about 4-5 years old about 22 years ago.

I watched a old movie yesterday 'Coming To America' with Eddie Murphy it was still a crackup movie and it had quite a few stars in it Arsenio Hall, Samuel L Jackson, James Earl Jones and that funny looking black dude with the moustache from E.R or one of those hospital shows. Very entertaining and it brings back some memories too.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Sir. Speedy @ Sep 27 2009, 12:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>
Yes it is. It had far more substance to it than just lesbian sex, though. :p[/b]
What could be more substantial than lesbian sex? that's one of the greatest things god put on this earth for me and you and all the good people of this world lol. I'm sure it had a story but I so couldn't get pass Naomi Watts in a rug munching scene.
Angels and Demons.

When a murder of a physicist, Leonardo Vetra, finds a symbolist, Robert Langdon, and Mr. Vetra's daughter, Vittoria, on an adventure for a secret brotherhood, The Illuminati. Clues lead them all around the Vatican, including the four alters of science, Earth, Air, Fire and Water. An Assassin, working for the Illuminati, has captured four cardinals, and murders each, painfully. Robert and Vittoria also are searching for a new very destructive weapon that could kill millions.

Now I have read the book many times and in all honesty prefer it but overall a good film.

The Day The Earth Stood Still. (1951)

Doesn't seem to've aged well. The anti-war moral is annoying for the most part and the ending was horrible. The protagonist, Claatu, or something, is interesting, and the mentions of conflict with the Kremlin make it eerily realistic. The early parts where the alien stays at the boarding house are the only scenes where the movie kept my attention. As a matter of fact, the entire second half of the movie exhausted me.

Probably doesn't help that I saw the awful remake before this, though. 5/10
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (jawmalawm24 @ Sep 27 2009, 09:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>
Man why everyone hating on 'Twilight' must of watched it if you know what it's about lol.

@Sir Speedy is that 'mullholland drive' the one when those 2 chicks make sexytime with eachother? and 'Big Trouble Little China' I love that damn movie man can remember watching it when I was about 4-5 years old about 22 years ago.

I watched a old movie yesterday 'Coming To America' with Eddie Murphy it was still a crackup movie and it had quite a few stars in it Arsenio Hall, Samuel L Jackson, James Earl Jones and that funny looking black dude with the moustache from E.R or one of those hospital shows. Very entertaining and it brings back some memories too.[/b]

But most of us regret ever having having heard the word "TwilighT", even my wife heavily noted for enjoying chick flicks thought it sucked the life out of the universe.

When you get to the grill that's when the real money starts.

A Nightmare On Elm Street 4 : The Dream Master a dog resurrecting Freddy by ******* fire, that's not something you see every day. And I really wished I hadn't, this franchise is worse than Halloween even including Rob Zombie's entries.
I saw Star Trek this morning, the new one.

Its as amazing as when I saw it at the cinema. Great film visually and I think it's a film to enjoy even if you have never seen Star Trek films previously. Simon Pegg brings great comic relief as Scotty and Zachry Quitno (Sylar off of Heroes) is great as Spock.
Highly reccomended

Green Street 2.

Quite a let down compared to the original Green Street/Green Street Hooligans.

The only thing this sequel had going for it was the Russian guy.

Andrei Rublev. I was confused a lot while watching, as I am not educated in Russian history. Still, the story didn't seem to flow very well between scenes. That's just me anyway. I found it hard to keep up. I did enjoy the setting though which absorbed me right into the era. I'm beginning to love Anatoly Solonitsyn. His protagonist was a warming but flawed presence.
I found the ending disappointing aswell. It just felt like nothing was concluded. The latter three scenes were great though; The Raid, The Silence and The Bell, that is. 9/10.

Fargo. Was quite hit or miss. Some of the scenes were excellent; some were just plan awkward or pointless. The diner scene where Marge meets the old Asian acquaintance, for example; I cringed through the entirety of it. Though I suppose that was the point. Speaking of which, I loved Frances McDormand. She was exuberant and warming and if I liked women, I'd totally want to marry someone like her. The dialogue was funny for the most part, especially nearly everything said by Steve Buscemi's 'Carl'. I liked a lot of the characters actually; they are the movie's redeeming factor.

Watched Dragonball Evolution this morning and to be honest I thought it was pretty good not special but good enough attempt to show me that they might be able to do better on a part 2 if they were to even think about making one.

The effects and stuff were good fight scenes were good and they stuck to most of the story from the cartoon series. Overall I thought it's worth a watch if you're a Dragonall fan but if you're not I'm not really sure how it would go down really.

What a great movie. Bursting with perfect drama, excellent performances and a great plot to boot. It seemed to be filled with a bunch of sub-plots, but they were all essential to the central storyline. Each character was interesting in some small way; the conflicts between them kept you interested and the dry and at times apathetic Kevin Spacey brought a small but necessary amount of comic relief. And it ended with the perfect monologue; which may seem kinda cheesy from an outsider observer's perspective, but in the context of the movie it wrapped everything up superbly. 10/10.
Watched Doomsday early this morning at like 2:30am couldn't get to sleep anyhow it's all been done before end of the world virus that's gonna kill everyone bunch of people come together and unite to put a end to it all. Actually watched the whole thing because Rhona Mitra was on it and she keeps me sexyfied. Other than that was below average and I give it a rating of *poot*

As expected it was colourful and visually exuberant and set to the sound of wonderful music, a lot of the shots were absolutely mesmerising. Really, the visuals are outstanding; it's probably the company's most colourful work aswell, and in spite of this you never feel that it needed to be toned down. The tale of Carl flying off to fulfill his life goal of reaching that waterfall in South America is very desperate and melancholy, though it had occasional uplifting moments which inspired nothing but joy for me. It is probably Pixar's most upsetting movie to date; I often found myself crying.

It surpasses the much lauded 'Wall-E' in that it manages to move you constantly, and never disappoints on the story front, though it did feel briefly lethargic whilst:


They'd move into the jungle and first meet the bird

though this inconsistency in pace is short-lived as we meet the dog shortly after, who provides most of the film's comic-relief. As does the bitter Carl, throughout his adventure. The young kid offers a source of childish humour for younger viewers, aswell, but even still he manages to utter some witty lines. 9/10.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Sir. Speedy @ Oct 21 2009, 09:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

As expected it was colourful and visually exuberant and set to the sound of wonderful music, a lot of the shots were absolutely mesmerising. Really, the visuals are outstanding; it's probably the company's most colourful work aswell, and in spite of this you never feel that it needed to be toned down. The tale of Carl flying off to fulfill his life goal of reaching that waterfall in South America is very desperate and melancholy, though it had occasional uplifting moments which inspired nothing but joy for me. It is probably Pixar's most upsetting movie to date; I often found myself crying.

It surpasses the much lauded 'Wall-E' in that it manages to move you constantly, and never disappoints on the story front, though it did feel briefly lethargic whilst:


They'd move into the jungle and first meet the bird

though this inconsistency in pace is short-lived as we meet the dog shortly after, who provides most of the film's comic-relief. As does the bitter Carl, throughout his adventure. The young kid offers a source of childish humour for younger viewers, aswell, but even still he manages to utter some witty lines. 9/10.[/b]

Looking back at UP and Wall E it get the feeling that Pixar are now producing films that are probably appreciated more by adults (wether it be the Parents bringing their children or people in my own age group [collegey age]).

I still prefer Wall-E (but not by much) but Up is magnificent.

Unlike Speedy I didn't cry coz I'm not a complete WOMAN but if I were I'd totally have cried (which I repeat; I did not). The Silent part at the start was moving/demoralising/inspiring/upsetting/sombre (I just can't pick the right word) and less manly people than I most definitely got weepy at one moment towards the end. But the dogs were humerous and the animation brilliant. Loved it.

- - - - - - - - - Possible Spoiler - - - - - - - - -

The ending may seem happy to a children's eyes but the theme of the film (especially at the start) seemed to be that life can pass you by while your goals go unachieved.
And the ending involved the child's hope's being dashed when his father did show up...thank god most children wouldn't pick up such themes or they'd go into a depression.
Eh, I think Pixar has always produced movies for all audiences. The Incredibles, my favourite movie by them, contains quite a lot of adult themes, and I maintain that it is only second to The Dark Knight in terms of superhero movies.

Yeh, the silent bit set to the rousing and sad music at the beginning. was amazing. Also, excuse me for having emotions. D:<
Grow a pair you big girl's blouse!

Edit: hope the funny side of that showed through, should have added a :p

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