Sir Speedy

Big Trouble in Little China - not as good as I remember it being. Still quite charming (Kurt Russell I heart) and eerie. The movie resounds with a typically 80's-sounding score which sounds great. The dialogue and acting are both terrible, though the delivery of the lines is almost comical, "Son of a ***** must pay!", so it is saved in this department. It could've been very good if it were not for the awful, awful fight scenes. They are almost satirical in how over-the-top and ridiculous they are, but even if that is the intention, they are still terrible. 5 or 6/10.

Stalker (Russian) - The cinematography is probably the best I've ever seen. Especially during the opening scenes in the industrial, military zone. Not a single shot of scenery during that sequence is below amazing. The script is mostly philosophical, but isn't pretentious; almost beautiful. You are gripped by anticipation for the most part, but fear, aswell. A lot of scenes Tarkovsky draws out splendidly to allow the tension to build itself up. 10/10 - One of my favourite movies.