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The Movie Thread

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (wairarapa_cullen @ Nov 16 2009, 12:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>
Nice one Speedy. Have you seen Rear Window yet? I'd say it's Hitchcock's best by far, and that's saying a lot because The Birds, Dial M for Murder and Vertigo are all up their with my all time favourites.

I don't know why Psycho is commonly hailed as his best, it's good, but not as twisted and eery as some of the others I mentioned. People obviously got startled by the shower stabbing scene... also Bates is one crazy schizophrenic mo-fo afterall.[/b]
Yeh, I loved Rear Window, though I'd say Vertigo is my favourite by Hitchcock; though I've only seen four (Psycho, the two aforementioned and The Birds) so I have a lot to go through yet.

EDIT: I just realised how awful my style of writing in my little reviews is. It's like I'm writing some English fricking essay. >.>

Further EDIT: This forum could sure use some spoiler tags for threads like these.

Further Further EDIT: Long time No see. Welcome back. :p
I know it's not a movie, but I just finished watching Life.

Brilliant BRILLIANT Series.


Also watched American Virgin.

Some funny moments... but that's about it.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Sir. Speedy @ Nov 16 2009, 10:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (wairarapa_cullen @ Nov 16 2009, 12:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Nice one Speedy. Have you seen Rear Window yet? I'd say it's Hitchcock's best by far, and that's saying a lot because The Birds, Dial M for Murder and Vertigo are all up their with my all time favourites.

I don't know why Psycho is commonly hailed as his best, it's good, but not as twisted and eery as some of the others I mentioned. People obviously got startled by the shower stabbing scene... also Bates is one crazy schizophrenic mo-fo afterall.[/b]
Yeh, I loved Rear Window, though I'd say Vertigo is my favourite by Hitchcock; though I've only seen four (Psycho, the two aforementioned and The Birds) so I have a lot to go through yet.

EDIT: I just realised how awful my style of writing in my little reviews is. It's like I'm writing some English fricking essay. >.>

Further EDIT: This forum could sure use some spoiler tags for threads like these.

Further Further EDIT: Long time No see. Welcome back. :p

And how much influence has Hitchcock had on the horror genre! The Birds directly influenced Romero's Night of the Living Dead for example.

2012 - Emmerich destroying stuff ... awesome, Yellowstone simply explodes! The movie is complete crap but the disaster stuff is worth watching on a large screen.
Twilight New Moon I liked it because anything with vampires and werewolves is cool. I guess if most people read the books they'll know what happens but I'm lazy and not a very good reader so I just wait for the movie to come out just like Harry Potter.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (jawmalawm24 @ Nov 29 2009, 11:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>
Twilight New Moon I liked it because anything with vampires and werewolves is cool. I guess if most people read the books they'll know what happens but I'm lazy and not a very good reader so I just wait for the movie to come out just like Harry Potter.[/b]

Yeah I went and saw New Moon as well...Not really my type of movie it wasn't as good as the first one but I loved the action parts of it with the werewolves fighting each other and same with the vampires there was just too much lovey dovey stuff in it but I guess this movie is aimed at the female viewers!
The 2nd Transformer Film on DVD, not bad but the storyline at the end sucked a little!
Watched Astro Boy this morning it's a remake of the old episodes they use to show back around about the 80's if any of you remember. Anyway it's a good movie that has quite a bit of action, kind of sad how he becomes Astro Boy but it's a funny movie throughout and I'm sure most kids would love it.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Jethro @ Nov 25 2009, 10:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>
And how much influence has Hitchcock had on the horror genre! The Birds directly influenced Romero's Night of the Living Dead for example.[/b]
The birds become the zombies?

Hitchcock was amazing: Mr & Mrs Smith, 39 Steps, Rebecca, Strangers on a Train, Dial M for Murder. And a murder mystery where the whole story was done in one take - forget which one.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (shtove @ Dec 2 2009, 10:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Jethro @ Nov 25 2009, 10:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
And how much influence has Hitchcock had on the horror genre! The Birds directly influenced Romero's Night of the Living Dead for example.[/b]
The birds become the zombies?


The whole siege thing dude :p

Beautiful - Aussie thriller, not too bad.

Visually gorgeous; constantly vibrant and lively. Amelie is a lovely little character (Audrey Tautou is beautiful...) whose drive to bring happiness to the world is a great feel-good experience. I love her cheeky little grins at the camera every so often after she has accomplished something. I also love the sharp humour used throughout; it's a very intelligent movie. Given how happy it is, maybe it's weird that my favourite scene is so heartbreaking

When she's in her kitchen cleaning dishes and she imagines that Nino is on his way to greeting her through those beady drape things. When the beads actually rustle behind her in real life, she believes it to be true, but it's actually her cat brushing its tail against them. She then begins to cry to some marvellous piano in the background and it's absolutely tragic and beautiful.


- 9/10


Paths of Glory. I'd give it a nine or ten. Really it doesn't matter. It's quite fantastic. The sets are fantastic, especially the trench scenes. Probably the best scenes in the movie are when the characters are walking down the trench with bombs going off on either side. It's scarily realistic. George Macready is excellent, though Douglas and Meeker are very good aswell, but Macready runs everything with his character's angry patriotism and vanity.
I thought 2012 was a good movie just like most end of the world movies it has alot of explosions and action. It's one of those movies that sometimes makes you say things like "come on would you really do that" or "that's a load of s#@!" but than I thought to myself hell I've never been in that situation so what would I know. Anyway a good movie if you're into the Armageddon, Deep Impact type movies and I'm sure it'll make a killing at the box office.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Sir. Speedy @ Dec 6 2009, 02:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

Visually gorgeous; constantly vibrant and lively. Amelie is a lovely little character (Audrey Tautou is beautiful...) whose drive to bring happiness to the world is a great feel-good experience. I love her cheeky little grins at the camera every so often after she has accomplished something. I also love the sharp humour used throughout; it's a very intelligent movie. Given how happy it is, maybe it's weird that my favourite scene is so heartbreaking

Yes, a truly feel goood movie. That's why the French are full of angst - so they can get over it once in a while and produce something uplifting. Like their rugby. 10/10.

Man Bites Dog, sharp serial-killer satire from Belgium in the early '90s. Don't discuss the rape scene with a feminist - she might bite back!

East of Eden. - 7/10. Jimmy Dean is very good, and the story is quite sound, though we can thank Steinbeck for that. His pro-feminism themes seem to be here, aswell as in Of Mice and Men, and I like how the events of the past generation had effected the new generation's characters. The ending sucked though.

The best Bond film there has been. The identity of Yannis is such a twist and you would never have guessed it in the lead up to the reveal.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Logorrhea @ Nov 24 2009, 11:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

Tongue in cheek zomcom.

Absolutely brilliant[/b]

Rule 32 enjoy the little things.

Excellent zom-com with great performances all round.

Paranormal Activity - best horror flick in a long time, that ending just nails it. First movie I've been to where the audience were screaming and we had people walking out who couldn't take the tension. We didn't get anyone vomiting in our session, disappointed there.

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