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Rugby 2005

Originally posted by mark_shaw@Jan 10 2005, 03:16 PM
do u think there will b free agents? e.g orene, tipoki etc??
dont worry mate these guys will surely feature 4 the auckland blues this
wat else cud b inclufed, i think reserves strolling around on the sideline, warming up, clapping smiling at the camera wen it scrolls past them etc, also touchies, reports, recomendations, and 3rd refs. comentaors actually chatting not just sayin names and waht happaning. (not that gameplay shud b left out but i find these other things more enjoyable 2) any1 want 2 elabirate? shoot
For future games it would be cool to have the ref talking. Tactics at the ruck could be included after they get the rest of the gameplay down. Use that kill the ball button for killing the ball and other cynical play and you could have the ref saying roll away or hands off and then if you kept on doing it you would get a penalty. Having a talking ref would be awesome.
I'm pretty sure console versions won't have ref or touch judge (apart from cut-scenes) but they will be able to be turned on in the pc version like Fifa...

No refs in any screens yet
Originally posted by nik@Jan 10 2005, 02:58 PM
whats "on-the-fly play calling"...its being mentioned in almost very rugby 2005 article..
For all those who want to see what it is before hand, I recommend playing Madden 2004 or 2005 and fiddle around with the ''Playmaker'' Mode
Wonder if certain tackles are restricted to certain players, and dives for that matter. Don't really wanna see Mehrts do a huge mofo tackle (although it would be cool, unrealistic) and like huge props doing that huge dive
Originally posted by umosay@Jan 10 2005, 10:42 PM
huge props doing that huge dive
thats winding material...

i wonder if rokocko has his own skill set...dummykick/step thing he did to wales...those tornado spins he does to everyone and those freaky frog-like dives he does when he scores...proberly not

but wondering about individual stats...how accurate will they be...?
Originally posted by mark_shaw@Jan 10 2005, 03:29 PM
wat else cud b inclufed, i think reserves strolling around on the sideline, warming up, clapping smiling at the camera wen it scrolls past them etc, also touchies, reports, recomendations, and 3rd refs. comentaors actually chatting not just sayin names and waht happaning. (not that gameplay shud b left out but i find these other things more enjoyable 2) any1 want 2 elabirate? shoot
Can anyone help? I've put this text through 8 different language translations on babelfish and am getting nothing.

As for the Pacific Islanders, EA would be fools and heathens if they do not include them.

I think you're going to be hard pressed to get the NPC as well. With EA reeling back on the stadiums, overhaul on graphics, and what looks to be a complete from-the-ground-up on gameplay, it seems as though they've gone back to the basics and will leave the 'spice' for Rugby 2006 -- based on how favorable Rugby 2005 is received.

To their credit, I think they want this game to bury anything and everything ever said about Rugby 2004.
what's the fascination with the NPC? It's hardly has a global following in the way the HEC or Super 12 does?
if the NPC gets in, the domestic leagues from europe shud get a chance too...

all in all, if FIFA games can get up to 350+ teams, I don't see why Rugby could not get the 100/120ish national and club teams that compete in the better known competitions (that number includes the top 30/40 national teams, Super 12, NPC, Currie Cup, Heineken Cup, Challenge Cup and European Shield as the better known comps)

tho I agree with Capt. america... extra teams could be kept over as an improvement for 2006 (or 2007 depending on how much the gameplay needs to be redeveloped!!)
Originally posted by cavan@Jan 11 2005, 06:17 AM
what's the fascination with the NPC? It's hardly has a global following in the way the HEC or Super 12 does?
Because they're kiwi and that's all they've got.

The only decent part of their argument is that the Lions will be playing a handful of NPC clubs. But I don't see it happening for this series in the compendium of rugby video games.

Super 12 and Heiny Cup it is.
I really cant believe how many people are just discussing what teams will be included. Has everyone forgotton about the shocking gameplay of Rugby 2004 ?

Belive me I would rather have the mother of all playability rugby games with only 2 teams than all the teams in the world and it plays like R2004.

At this stage I think the main hurdle we need to get over is " How does it play ". I am eagerly waiting for a magazine or some such to get hold of a copy and give us the low down.

I am trying so desperately hard not to get excited about this game as I have this gut feeling we are going to be let down AGAIN. I think everyone seems to be thinking " Naaaaaaaah they wouldnt cluck it up AGAIN " .... would they ?
Originally posted by knowsleyroader@Jan 11 2005, 08:14 AM
I think everyone seems to be thinking " Naaaaaaaah they wouldnt cluck it up AGAIN " .... would they ?
Knowsley, I admit, I'm in that camp for the most part.

But also, I'm in a complete passive aggressive mode about this game. If the gameplay is as shocking as it was in Rugby 2004 -- I won't be let down. In fact, I refuse to be let down by any of it. It's laughable.

I want it to be great, or, considerably better than it's previous installment, but I can wait until proper reviews etc.

Discussing the teams and chants and colors of the clouds is my way of biding the time until we actually know.

We have invested zero dollar so it's okay to let the mind wander about specifics. But it won't be the 'be all, end all' of rugby video games, though, it has the opportunity.

Luckily, we still have the great people at Swordfish who seem to want to make that game. I can only assume that EA/HB have taken some 'advice' from WCR, and I think the WCR franchise has the upper hand at the moment.
I've gotta agree with you on this one - people are starting to fall into the same old traps of previous versions.

Granted the game LOOKS alot better in this version, however the developers have inherited the FIFA engine/graphic style they had no part in originally designing so that is to be expected.......

However HB is the boofheads who will be putting together the AI, gameplay aspects etc, and going on past efforts you'd have to be pretty obtimistic to say that they have what it takes to get this right.

I mean one recent statement from them in regards to rugby 2005 was "new features include being able to play on from kicks at goal where the ball remains in play". Well whoopy!!!, I never expected that to be in there!!! The haka, big hits and fights was also mentioned by them in an earlier release.

Again these are "window dressing" aspects of the game, that without good solid gameplay will amount to nothing from a rugby gamers viewpoint.
Cricket 2004 is a good example of HB studios work........

That game is basically a "patched" version of cricket 2002, but with some extra gameplay problems, and a couple they didn't even bother fixing (ie. wicketkeepers not picking up the ball when it is approx 1mtr from them......).

This is after 2 years worth of work on the product, unlike rugby 2005's one year of development. I find it hard to believe that in one year they would be capable of basically producing a brand new rugby game.

My concern is that rugby 2005 will be the same as cricket 2004. Graphically superior due to the FIFA graphics, however with only slightly improved gameplay from rugby 2004, with some errors not fixed, and some new ones emerging........
Originally posted by NZL fan@Jan 11 2005, 08:46 AM
My concern is that rugby 2005 will be the same as cricket 2004. Graphically superior due to the FIFA graphics, however with only slightly improved gameplay from rugby 2004, with some errors not fixed, and some new ones emerging........
Harsh, but fair.

I admit, I was surprised when I heard the March release date.
as there has been next to no information released about the gameplay its hard to try and suppose what might or might not be added to R2005 when compared against R2004...

supposing about the modes, competitions and teams that may be included is a little easier as it would be hard for HB to f**k that aspect of things up in the same way the gameplay ... once you've got one team or competition, how hard can it be to include more with slight differences in ability?
Originally posted by bippy@Jan 11 2005, 12:58 PM
how come there all wearing soccer pants in the movies?
Wanna see a bit more leg?

Seriously, if passing and and rucks are bad - gameplay will be bad. Passing is what flows the game together and if its slow and ugly like 2004 then theres no way the gameplay could be good. Who here thinks rucks will be manual this time around?

And lets hope the general kicking doesn't fly like a bullet 10m off the ground and bounce 30 odd metres

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