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MMA/UFC thread

Holy ****,
McGregor vs RDA
March 5th, UFC 197

God Damn this is going to be good!
McGregor already gone into overdrive in his announcement message saying he will "behead the gringo" saying RDA has turned his back on Brazil and is trying to be American.

Also, Conor's **** talking was on point even 5 years ago:

Holly Holm vs Miesha Tate on the same card,
God DAMN this is going to be good.
I'm supposed to be in work at 6am the morning after (main card starts around 3am) so I feel like i'm going to pulling a sicky.
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She hasn't changed. Her lack of awareness is mind blowing.
I love how Ellen says "I expected you to win" - as his she's the be all and end all of MMA commentary and knowledge :lol:

Is that the interview where she says she was considering suicide until she realised she wanted to have babies with her piece of **** boyfriend?

If that's true then she needs to step away from the fight game as she doesn't have the mentality.
At the very least step back from the public eye and change camps.
I love how Ellen says "I expected you to win" - as his she's the be all and end all of MMA commentary and knowledge :lol:

Is that the interview where she says she was considering suicide until she realised she wanted to have babies with her piece of **** boyfriend?

If that's true then she needs to step away from the fight game as she doesn't have the mentality.
At the very least step back from the public eye and change camps.

Yep that is the interview.

I think she is banking on Tate beating Holm if not she knows she isn't in Holms league and will retire saying I'm pregnant or something.

Be glad when she is away from the sport now TBH, she was brilliant for it to start with but since she has lost she it has been unbearable that the press still talk about her all the time (Well when UFC gets mentioned) yet give Holm nothing.

LOL'd at Ellen comment at the end basically saying yeh watch out Holm LOL she does knowHolm was the one who knocked the crap out of Rousey.
The RR/HH fight is up on the UFC youtube as one of the free fights - I watched it again the other day and it was literally a perfect fight from Holly. Such domination.

Love Rogan slamming Goldie
"Ronda looks exhausted: Hands are down, chin is up"
"It takes a lot of energy being a rockstar"
"She's getting punched in the face it's got nothing to do with being a rockstar, she's getting lit up!"
I think she is banking on Tate beating Holm if not she knows she isn't in Holms league and will retire saying I'm pregnant or something.
I see where you are coming from, but having watched some of HH's previous fights (vs Pennington in particular) i am not convinced.
HH had the perfect plan and her execution was flawless. I also think RR underestimated her. Skill wise, she's got what it takes, easily. Intuitively, it is easier to get closer to someone than to keep someone away.

The main issue for me is RR's mental strength right now. She appeared to be SO strong pre-fight, almost Nadal-like, but now this interview kinda destroys her cred.

Can you imagine if a day before the fight someone told RR, "your next public appearance will be in 3 months (that's how much it'll take your face to heal) and you'll be crying, talking about babies and how much you love your bf"?

And the hate she received was, if not deserved, understandable at the very least.
That interview seemed like a plea to stay relevant. Imagine Conor McGregor, who I think is a fair comparison considering both their statuses, coming out with something similar if he loses to Dos Anjos! He'd be the laughing stock of the UFC. If RR comes back to the sport it will be on a guarunteed ***le win, I think she's too scared to fight HH or anyone as good again.
I agree with your first statement. Not sure about the rest thou.
I think there is a big difference between McG and RR. McG comes across as cocky, arrogant, takes the ****, etc, but he is an all-around likable guy. He doesn't do stuff like refusing to touch gloves, and he is gracious when he wins. He has praised Aldo several times after the fight. He is funny too. Look at their behavior in TUF. McG and Urijaj got along fine. Then compare that to how RR and Miesha got along.
McG is the kind of guy i wouldn't mind sharing a beer with and talk about anything but fighting. I wouldn't even cross the street to share a conversation with RR. Well, maybe i might but i hope you get the point.

McG can go from being a nasty guy taking the **** out of another fighter's kids to a super amicable guy, and pull that off convincingly. Ronda cannot. McG is eloquent, RR is not.

I'd be willing to bet that McG's persona, as extravagant as it appears, is ridiculously similar to what he is with his mates. I do not believe for a second RR's persona is a constant 24/7 tough girl. This interview kinda shows that. People smell those sort of things.

And i don't think McG would be the laughing stock if he loses to DA for two reasons.

1) He's earned his stripes. He's been calling his own fights for years and he's done so even when the stakes were ridiculously high, accurately forecasting them again and again. That earns you credibility. I think people will be forgiving.
2) He is going for the stars, in the sense that what he is trying to achieve is so ridiculously difficult that i believe people will take that into account and cut him some slack.

Another not minor thing is that McG has lost before, and came back stronger.
McG is going up a weight class to fight the champ, no bs. RR has been dodging Cyborg for some time now. She single handedly managed to get 3 out of the 4 best female mma fighters to get along!!


If RR comes back to the sport it will be on a guarunteed ***le win, I think she's too scared to fight HH or anyone as good again.
I think she can probably chose when to come back, but she's put herself into a position that if her opponent is not HH (or someone who just beat HH), then she loses face, and she knows it.
Anyone looking forward to the London UFC fightnight next week?

Bisping vs Silva should be a decent scrap. I know most people hate Bisping but I got into UFC about the time he won TUF and he was the first British UFC fighter I knew, so I've always had a softspot.
He's never been a top level fighter, or anywhere near Silva's level, but since Silva can't roid his nuts off, and since the leg break, I think this could be relatively close. Bisping has a huge engine and shows real heart - If he can avoid getting knocked out or tapping (easier said than done) I reckon he could win a decision in front of a home crowd.

One to watch is Tom Breese - he's from my neck of the woods (though is based at Tristar in Canada now) so I'm legally obliged to back him, but he's a great fighter. 9-0 record (all stoppages) and his last fight (Fightnight Dublin) he annihilated the Irish guy he was fighting (Pendred, who was a team/gym mate of McGregor), which went down really well with the crowd/McG :lol:
I like Bisping. Good all-rounder. Thought jugdes were a bit unfair with him against Sonnen and Evans. Both were very close calls against top tier fighters. Having said that, he does like to talk and sometimes it backfires, i'm thinking Rockhold and Henderson. His pre-game arguments with Rockhold were quite funny thou.
RDJ is out with a broken foot!
Lot of people saying hes scared or he's not clean, but i trust his injury more than Aldo's.

Cowboy or Diaz being spoken about as possible replacements. I don't think Conor will cancel.
Might have to be at catch weight, though, as 12 days is not a long time to cut to fight weight.
I'm disappointed with that, I thought Conor had great chance of winning the legit lightweight ***le, Interim ***les are just bs. I think he still has a good chance of beating those 2 as well but they are different fights and he isn't prepared for them.

I was hoping to see Conor face Lawler next, that would have been pretty massive.
RDA at 196 then Lawler at 200 would've been great.
I'm hoping it's Diaz that he goes up against.

It's a shame Khabib has been out injured so long otherwise I'd have throw him in against McGregor. 20 odd wins, no losses.

Edit: Just seen that Khabib offered, but UFC have said no. Probably smart considering his lack of fight time, that he's currently training for a fight in April(?) so won't be tip top shape, and his knees are held together with spit and sawdust.
Diaz confirmed! Fight's at 170lbs!
He's got as big a mouth as Conor - let the smack talk begin!

First press conference was a hoot.
"You make gang signs with one hand and balloon animals with the other, you're a credit to the community"
"You knocked out three midgets and now you're all pumped up"
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Bah. I really hope khabib and conor end up facing each other. Khabib's style should counter mcg's nicely.

Khabib made dos anjos look like a rag doll.
The Count beats The Spider on points!

Really enjoyed the fight - did feel like Silva was holding back, or at least was more interested in waiting for a KO opportunity than fighting the whole fight.
Bisping looked like he'd been in a car crash!

Win for Tom Breese as well. Didn't see the fight but was apparently a good fight and went the distance too, so he'll have learnt a lot.
Great fight by Bisping. I had him winning rounds 1-2 and 4, so fair result in my book.
Silva was pratting about to much good fight bisping showed huge heart glad I watched it on the Tb the Frampton fight has only just started getting interesting.

If only UFC London had the boxing atmosphere.
Second press conference was a cracker.
Getting bored of all McGregor's money talk. It's like he has PR writing his witty one liners but then when he's gotta come up with something on the spot he just starts saying how rich he is.
Diaz laying into Ido Portal was genuinely hilarious. "You're too busy playing touch butt in the park with that dork with the ponytail".

Bit of a scuffle at the face off - McGregor threw a hook into Diaz' hand and Nate looked to be holding it/massaging it in some discomfort after it all died down, hope he hasn't broken something, hands can be pretty fragile.
Nate did get a cheeky kick into McGregor round the side of Dana afterwards, though.
Great to see the scrap pack all charge on stage - Jake Shields pretending to break it up to get close to McGregor before security spotted him and shooed him away :lol:
Nick Diaz looked ready to snap someone in half - at one point he stole McGregor's belt from the guy holding it :lol:

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