Its very easy to take cheap pot shots, hurl abuse and say anyone else would have done better.
Of course mistakes have been made, but Johnson, and other world leaders, are facing an issue of unprecedented magnitude in peacetime. It's incredibly complex and must be phenomenally stressful. There's no rule book for this and monumental decisions are having to be made on the hoof without the luxury of time to research and really think things through.
We only have a tiny insight into all the factors that these people are having to wrestle with. Asserting that others would have done a better job is laughably without foundation. Precisely whose CV suggests they would have handled this better?
Dislike Johnson all you like, I'm no great fan, but he's our PM and is doing his damnedest. I'm bloody sure that no-one in positions of power is sleeping easily knowing that the decisions they are having to take will determine whether people live or die and may tank the economy for years.