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Antisocial, societal issues thread

Ok I am making a distinction. BBC are lumping them together which they are not. It's not that they are not legal - they are not being ridden legally.
I hope you get your knockers just as twisted every time anyone anywhere refers to a motorbike as a bike.
The implication of your words was absolutely "electric motorbikes / surron bikes are illegal" - whether it's what you intended or not - it's how your words read.
Take a chill, and look at the words used
"E-motorbikes or Surron bikes. Not legal." vs "Electric motorbikes are absolutely legal"

I would be careful when it comes to disabilities. Not all disabilities are physical or obvious.
100% this.
If asking "Am I the bad guy" - the driver parking inconsiderately near a school at school drop-off time; or the person bullying the mother of a disabled child, and then boasting about it online... You might not get the answer you're looking for.

Please note - I've got nothing against you, or most of your posts in this thread. But one is a slightly pedantic thing blown out of proportion, and the other is an absolutely terrible look.
I think it started as a dig at white middle class American women who are seen as entitled and demanding.

There's a counter argument that is mainly used by men to shut down women or be derogatory to women. I can't think what the male equivalent is.
I would be careful when it comes to disabilities. Not all disabilities are physical or obvious.
I know. Hence why I said loudly to her - what about other people with disabilities?
I hope you get your knockers just as twisted every time anyone anywhere refers to a motorbike as a bike.
The implication of your words was absolutely "electric motorbikes / surron bikes are illegal" - whether it's what you intended or not - it's how your words read.
Take a chill, and look at the words used
"E-motorbikes or Surron bikes. Not legal." vs "Electric motorbikes are absolutely legal"
To be honest not sure what point you're try to make? I think you're the one being pedantic about them being legal. They are only legal if used on private land with the permission of the land owner. They are clearly not used and being used antisocially.

Caught one yesterday riding his on the pavement and using his mobile phone. Not a care in the world. Reported it to the police who only said - oh we'll log it to our anti social team.

100% this.
If asking "Am I the bad guy" - the driver parking inconsiderately near a school at school drop-off time; or the person bullying the mother of a disabled child, and then boasting about it online... You might not get the answer you're looking for.

Please note - I've got nothing against you, or most of your posts in this thread. But one is a slightly pedantic thing blown out of proportion, and the other is an absolutely terrible look.
Again as I said - she was lying. But she's
Just an example of one of many in society. She's using her child as an excuse and not thinking of others who use that dropped kerb. What about a blind person who wants to cross?

There was a perfectly good space behind where she parked but again she lied.

I am not boasting about it or being pedantic because as a society we tolerate these incidents. They are classic deflective behaviour to absolve themselves from anti-social self centred behaviour .
I think it started as a dig at white middle class American women who are seen as entitled and demanding.

There's a counter argument that is mainly used by men to shut down women or be derogatory to women. I can't think what the male equivalent is.
A Nigel ;)

A Karen is someone entitled woman usually is a customer service environment, my mother-in-law is definitely one. Its been overused to loose its meaning.
Kin hell. 😂
Yep, and you know what the operator said - called 101 not 999. Oh yeh nothing will get done because they can't ID him. I said yes, but at least you can log it so that you'll know there's a problem. She also acknowledged that there's an e-scooter problem.

My issue is that police know there's problem but now turn a blind eye. No doubt IMO scared because of those two boys who ended dying in a crash after being followed by a police van and subsequently causing a riot. But their parents get off Scot free for buying the son one and should know they aren't legal or their son doesn't have a CBT.

Now it's just becoming normalised and more and more kids and adults in my are getting one and can ride it wherever the hell and however they want with no consequences.
Yep, and you know what the operator said - called 101 not 999. Oh yeh nothing will get done because they can't ID him. I said yes, but at least you can log it so that you'll know there's a problem. She also acknowledged that there's an e-scooter problem.

My issue is that police know there's problem but now turn a blind eye. No doubt IMO scared because of those two boys who ended dying in a crash after being followed by a police van and subsequently causing a riot. But their parents get off Scot free for buying the son one and should know they aren't legal or their son doesn't have a CBT.

Now it's just becoming normalised and more and more kids and adults in my are getting one and can ride it wherever the hell and however they want with no consequences.
The police have probably got bigger things to worry about/deal with.
Yep, and you know what the operator said - called 101 not 999. Oh yeh nothing will get done because they can't ID him. I said yes, but at least you can log it so that you'll know there's a problem. She also acknowledged that there's an e-scooter problem.

My issue is that police know there's problem but now turn a blind eye. No doubt IMO scared because of those two boys who ended dying in a crash after being followed by a police van and subsequently causing a riot. But their parents get off Scot free for buying the son one and should know they aren't legal or their son doesn't have a CBT.

Now it's just becoming normalised and more and more kids and adults in my are getting one and can ride it wherever the hell and however they want with no consequences.
It's not illegal to buy an E-scooter, only depends on where you use it.

I don't think it's turning a blind eye. It's having priorities and key targets, when your under funded and under staffed. More a political issue.

I'd rather a cop on 40k a year iinvestigating crime and other more serious priorities. I'd rather have four cops on the drug squad rather than four seconded to the E-scooter response unit . Because they just don't have the people.

I'd love them to clamp down on all the red light jumping cyclists where I am but I know they probably have more urgent priorities.
The police have probably got bigger things to worry about/deal with.
Yep that's their excuse. And when these Surron riders smash into someone they'll just ride off Scott free. Doesn't make it right.
It's not illegal to buy an E-scooter, only depends on where you use it.

I don't think it's turning a blind eye. It's having priorities and key targets, when your under funded and under staffed. More a political issue.

I'd rather a cop on 40k a year iinvestigating crime and other more serious priorities. I'd rather have four cops on the drug squad rather than four seconded to the E-scooter response unit . Because they just don't have the people.
Yep, it's why it's social problem. Police can't be everywhere.

Personally I have no problem with e-scooters. It's idiots who ride them dangerously on pavements with peeps on them with smug grins on their faces plugged in with cans so they can't hear anything. Then when they do smash into someone they'll ride off- maybe a sorry. But they're not really.

Came across one who left his one unlocked out side a shop whilst he popped in. Was thinking what if I rode off with it? He's not insured and good luck reporting that to the police.
I'd love them to clamp down on all the red light jumping cyclists where I am but I know they probably have more urgent priorities.
Regardless of what transportation you'll get idiots. My take on cyclists who run red lights is that they are risking their own neck doing it - that's probably why they do it. I don't condone it and I stop at each red light when cycling (unless it's clearly not working) and I am not endangering anyone else.
Why so funny?
I just think it's silly and in the grand scheme of things there's much more productive things you could waste your energy on, or not waste the time of other people who do important work.

It reminds me of when I used to work in a housing department of a local council and you would have these curtain twitchers calling up to complain about the most inane things like "I saw number 23 going round on his mobility scooter to fast" "or those bloody kids outside my house talking loudly are riding their bikes on the grass" and I just think ******* people are annoying. Then I would have a serious call about someone being emotionally or physically abused or proper ASB issues with people fighting/being aggressive and I would realise that not all people are annoying, some have real problems that need dealing with.
I just think it's silly and in the grand scheme of things there's much more productive things you could waste your energy on, or not waste the time of other people who do important work.

It reminds me of when I used to work in a housing department of a local council and you would have these curtain twitchers calling up to complain about the most inane things like "I saw number 23 going round on his mobility scooter to fast" "or those bloody kids outside my house talking loudly are riding their bikes on the grass" and I just think ******* people are annoying. Then I would have a serious call about someone being emotionally or physically abused or proper ASB issues with people fighting/being aggressive and I would realise that not all people are annoying, some have real problems that need dealing with.
Well its a good job you're not an operator then. It's not up to you is it. Again it was 101 - so not like I called 999 like these total idiots who call to order a pizza or they can't get home and waste police operator's time.

And these incidents rely on our whole MYOB attitude, which is sadly reflected by your post. if it doesn't get logged then nothing gets done. There could be an operation the police do undertake in future to sweep all these surron bikes up - when budgets allowe. In the mean time communities just have to put up with it.

One I came across using his on a pedestrianised zone in town came up to me and said how utterly terrified they were and for her two children. This one was going in excess of 30mph before he avoided me on my legal e-bike and smashed right into a tree. looked like he broke his arm and leg doing it. His mate came along whilst he was lying stricken on the ground being tended by another, waiting for an ambulance, and rode off with it for him to use another day when he's recovered.

Also it is also a sad reflection of lack of community and soft policing where PCs were on the beat and who knew where all the trouble makers and lower level crime and could deal with issues like this without doing the whole chase them and then these idiots parents turning round and claiming to be the victims.
Well its a good job you're not an operator then. It's not up to you is it. Again it was 101 - so not like I called 999 like these total idiots who call to order a pizza or they can't get home and waste police operator's time.

And these incidents rely on our whole MYOB attitude, which is sadly reflected by your post. if it doesn't get logged then nothing gets done. There could be an operation the police do undertake in future to sweep all these surron bikes up - when budgets allowe. In the mean time communities just have to put up with it.

One I came across using his on a pedestrianised zone in town came up to me and said how utterly terrified they were and for her two children. This one was going in excess of 30mph before he avoided me on my legal e-bike and smashed right into a tree. looked like he broke his arm and leg doing it. His mate came along whilst he was lying stricken on the ground being tended by another, waiting for an ambulance, and rode off with it for him to use another day when he's recovered.

Also it is also a sad reflection of lack of community and soft policing where PCs were on the beat and who knew where all the trouble makers and lower level crime and could deal with issues like this without doing the whole chase them and then these idiots parents turning round and claiming to be the victims.
Mate, really, who gives a ****. I can tell you've lived a very sheltered life if this is what you spend your days worrying about, that and shouting at women and their disabled kids. Have a beer, smoke a spliff or something.
Well its a good job you're not an operator then. It's not up to you is it. Again it was 101 - so not like I called 999 like these total idiots who call to order a pizza or they can't get home and waste police operator's time.

And these incidents rely on our whole MYOB attitude, which is sadly reflected by your post. if it doesn't get logged then nothing gets done. There could be an operation the police do undertake in future to sweep all these surron bikes up - when budgets allowe. In the mean time communities just have to put up with it.

One I came across using his on a pedestrianised zone in town came up to me and said how utterly terrified they were and for her two children. This one was going in excess of 30mph before he avoided me on my legal e-bike and smashed right into a tree. looked like he broke his arm and leg doing it. His mate came along whilst he was lying stricken on the ground being tended by another, waiting for an ambulance, and rode off with it for him to use another day when he's recovered.

Also it is also a sad reflection of lack of community and soft policing where PCs were on the beat and who knew where all the trouble makers and lower level crime and could deal with issues like this without doing the whole chase them and then these idiots parents turning round and claiming to be the victims.
Problem with PC's on the beat is you can't measure how many crimes you prevented. That's why they moved away from PCSO's etc. Don't get me wrong I'm all for it but in reality it's only good for public reassurance and not overly great at reducing crime. Most low level ASB isn't a crime.

The police get measured on response times, crime detection and prosecution rates and total crimes reported as a rule. Unfortunately given resources, funding etc they are just jack of all trades and master of none.