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A Political Thread

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Think I've admitted on several occasions to being one. You haven't offered any evidence and I'm treating it all with the contempt it deserves.
Keep your head buried then. See what happens in November
Your problem is you seem to think that I somehow support Trump. I don't. I think he is a megalomaniac but I'm also not stupid enough to think any alternative is acceptable because it isn't.

Your little rant at the end about decency, facts, integrity, honesty etc is funny because it's a lack of those things in mainstream American politics that has led to Trump.

What could Obama have done in Flint? Well quite a lot really he has executive powers which he could have acted on. I'm not going to bother with Bush as everyone knows his handling of Catrina was a joke.
You clearly are stupid enough to think that Trump and what is currently happening in the USA, or Johnson and this country, are the equivalent of what has gone before. How do you account for the numerous people working in both administrations who have said these right wing populists are far more corrupt than what has come before? You keep trying to claim it's all the same but it just simply isn't. The fact that they are more openly corrupt and dishonest doesn't mean that by some perverse reasoning they are therefore less corrupt or dishonest.

No what led to Trump was the tea party movement, Republican obstructionism and the outright disregard for basic decency. The whole thing spawned in from the birther movement and Obama being a Communist / Muslim. From that movement we got the tea party whose sole aim was to oppose and obstruct. When Obama was president they did nothing productive, all they did was divide. Lies upon lies and a complete lack of integrity so in a way you are right, the lack of it is what led to Trump. The bit you miss out is the people who most lacked it and most contributed to it are the people who are backing Trump. Trump didn't arise in opposition to it, he is the culmination of nearly a decade of Republican ****. You are even highlighting it here by trying to pin Flint (a REPUBLICAN issue by a republican governor in a Republican state run by a Republican legislature) on Obama. Executive powers are not all-encompassing and it is not the job of a president to override a decision on where an individual town gets their water from. It was the governors responsibility entirely and he completely abdicated that responsibility so how about you put the blame where it should actually be, at the feet of the Republicans?

Yes Bush ****** up Katrina, show me where I said otherwise. What Bush did NOT do is politicise Katrina and try to attack the people suffering based on their relative wealth or political leanings. Trump has done that numerous times (Puerto Rico, all Democrat states in Covid, west coast forest fires). Bush was incompetent, Trump is malicious (and incompetent). He has openly stated he wants to deny aid to those suffering because they are Democrats. This is NOT the same ffs.
It's a sad day for America. :( RBG - may the good Judge rest in peace.

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I wonder if McConnell still thinks that a president shouldn't be allowed to appoint a judge in an election year?
Like the man can even spell the word "integrity"
Already come out and said 'rule' doesn't apply.
So we've officially scrapped our GPS satellite system plans and are looking to see if we can rejoing the EU's one.

Funny how the government were told it wouldn't work, the Tories pushed it anyway, and now we've flushed £500m down the toilet and have absolutely nothing to show for it.
So we've officially scrapped our GPS satellite system plans and are looking to see if we can rejoing the EU's one.

Funny how the government were told it wouldn't work, the Tories pushed it anyway, and now we've flushed £500m down the toilet and have absolutely nothing to show for it.
I'm sure there was no way anyone could possible have foreseen this result.
So we've officially scrapped our GPS satellite system plans and are looking to see if we can rejoing the EU's one.

Funny how the government were told it wouldn't work, the Tories pushed it anyway, and now we've flushed £500m down the toilet and have absolutely nothing to show for it.

Here's something on the original decision. £500m to a company that was going through bankruptcy in America and was having it's assets sold off...
Trump tells Trump supporters that they are genetically superior.
I seem to remember another far-right leader going down this path...

Oh, whilst I'm here:
2016: Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas): "It has been 80 years since a Supreme Court vacancy was nominated and confirmed in an election year. There is a long tradition that you don't do this in an election year."
2018: Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.): "If an opening comes in the last year of President Trump's term, and the primary process has started, we'll wait to the next election."
2016: Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.): "I don't think we should be moving on a nominee in the last year of this president's term - I would say that if it was a Republican president."
2016: Sen. David Perdue (R-Ga.): "The very balance of our nation's highest court is in serious jeopardy. As a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, I will do everything in my power to encourage the president and Senate leadership not to start this process until we hear from the American people."
2016: Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa): "A lifetime appointment that could dramatically impact individual freedoms and change the direction of the court for at least a generation is too important to get bogged down in politics. The American people shouldn't be denied a voice."
2016: Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.): "The campaign is already under way. It is essential to the institution of the Senate and to the very health of our republic to not launch our nation into a partisan, divisive confirmation battle during the very same time the American people are casting their ballots to elect our next president."
2016: Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.): "In this election year, the American people will have an opportunity to have their say in the future direction of our country. For this reason, I believe the vacancy left open by Justice Antonin Scalia should not be filled until there is a new president."
2016: Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.): "The Senate should not confirm a new Supreme Court justice until we have a new president."
2016: Sen. Cory Gardner (R-Col.): "I think we're too close to the election. The president who is elected in November should be the one who makes this decision."
2016: Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio): "I believe the best thing for the country is to trust the American people to weigh in on who should make a lifetime appointment that could reshape the Supreme Court for generations. This wouldn't be unusual. It is common practice for the Senate to stop acting on lifetime appointments during the last year of a presidential term, and it's been nearly 80 years since any president was permitted to immediately fill a vacancy that arose in a presidential election year."
2016: Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.): "I strongly agree that the American people should decide the future direction of the Supreme Court by their votes for president and the majority party in the U.S. Senate."
** "The American people should have a voice in the selection of their next Supreme Court Justice. Therefore, this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new president."
-- Mitch McConnell, March 2016

According to YouGov - the UK is now in 22nd place in terms of "How well do you think the government is handling coronavirus"
Out of 22 countries

According to YouGov - the UK is now in 22nd place in terms of "How well do you think the government is handling coronavirus"
Out of 22 countries

Well thats good news at least in some ways we could be much higher with people deluded.
This Bojo-in-Italy, meeting with Russian oligarchs, thing is a mess.
No.10 categorically deny he went, but....he's done it in the past, and the airport says that he was there on the dates that are claimed.
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