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A Political Thread

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Yes seriously. How about the people who were killed in Syria, Iraq and Libya due to lies? Or were the political classes telling us all the truth when the west attacked them?

Or do we blame Trump for the past 19 years of American wars?

If you think Biden or Harries are any better than Trump then you know nothing about them. The whole American political system is a wreck and Trump is a symptom of that not the cause.

Trump is a symptom but like some symptoms, they can make the matter worse. Trump was certainly in favour of the Iraq war in case you are trying to pretend somehow he wasn't. We ultimately don't know what was happening in Syria, Libya and Iraq. There were almost certainly lies told about those too but again you are ignore the scale and frequency. Trump lies about EVERYTHING. Can you think of anything he has actually been honest about at all? You assume the likes of Biden and Harris lie as much, we know Trump lies that much.

Biden and Harris are both poor options but you are doing the same and Heineken "Oh it's all the same, one small lie is identical to 10,000 large ones". Biden and Harris wouldn't have messed up the Covid response like Trump did, they wouldn't have been standing there saying it will go away like magic, they wouldn't have filled their administration with criminals, they wouldn't have worked with foreign governments to rig the system, they wouldn't have appointed a postmaster general with no previous experience after he gave a $600,000 donation to simultaneously tear apart the oldest service in the US, commit a crime of interfering with mail delivery and intentionally try to sabotage mail in voting. They would not have called into question the legitimacy of both the election they won and another election before it even happened. They would not have been telling their supporters to arm themselves incase the result doesn't go their way, they would not have turned the department of justice into their personal defence.

So say the election comes and goes, Trump decides he won't accept the result and calls it all rigged, what then? Still no worse than anyone else?

Also I don't know why admitting Trump lies after saying he doesn't need to is supposed to be a defence. So he doesn't lie when he needs to, he lies when he doesn't, he lies as a matter of course but that's ok? Here is the very simple test, replace "Trump" with "Biden" for any of the things he's done and then tell me you'd sit there shrugging your shoulders and saying "well everyone does it".

You all seem to be ignoring the numerous members of government who have worked under both Democrat and Republican administrations who have said the current administration is unprecedented in it's corruption and lack of professionalism. Or is that all just "big state" the evil, undefined "them" who want to get at Trump?
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Political academic papers will be written for years about how Trump managed convince people he was on equal footing with his contemporaries and predcessorors.

I say this knowing Americans (generally liberals not man conservatives venture outside of America) who work both within various federal/sate departments and academics. Have worked under both Democratic and Republican governments. And they say without question this is the most corrupt and anti truth/fact people they've worked under. It's not that it hasn't happened before but the sheer scale of it. They say if you think someone Clinton is as bad as Trump you are massively deluded.
Political academic papers will be written for years about how Trump managed convince people he was on equal footing with his contemporaries and predcessorors.

I say this knowing Americans (generally liberals not man conservatives venture outside of America) who work both within various federal/sate departments and academics. Have worked under both Democratic and Republican governments. And they say without question this is the most corrupt and anti truth/fact people they've worked under. It's not that it hasn't happened before but the sheer scale of it. They say if you think someone Clinton is as bad as Trump you are massively deluded.
Who actually won the democratic nomination in 2016?
Trump is a symptom but like some symptoms, they can make the matter worse. Trump was certainly in favour of the Iraq war in case you are trying to pretend somehow he wasn't. We ultimately don't know what was happening in Syria, Libya and Iraq. There were almost certainly lies told about those too but again you are ignore the scale and frequency. Trump lies about EVERYTHING. Can you think of anything he has actually been honest about at all? You assume the likes of Biden and Harris lie as much, we know Trump lies that much.

Biden and Harris are both poor options but you are doing the same and Heineken "Oh it's all the same, one small lie is identical to 10,000 large ones". Biden and Harris wouldn't have messed up the Covid response like Trump did, they wouldn't have been standing there saying it will go away like magic, they wouldn't have filled their administration with criminals, they wouldn't have worked with foreign governments to rig the system, they wouldn't have appointed a postmaster general with no previous experience after he gave a $600,000 donation to simultaneously tear apart the oldest service in the US, commit a crime of interfering with mail delivery and intentionally try to sabotage mail in voting. They would not have called into question the legitimacy of both the election they won and another election before it even happened. They would not have been telling their supporters to arm themselves incase the result doesn't go their way, they would not have turned the department of justice into their personal defence.

So say the election comes and goes, Trump decides he won't accept the result and calls it all rigged, what then? Still no worse than anyone else?

Also I don't know why admitting Trump lies after saying he doesn't need to is supposed to be a defence. So he doesn't lie when he needs to, he lies when he doesn't, he lies as a matter of course but that's ok? Here is the very simple test, replace "Trump" with "Biden" for any of the things he's done and then tell me you'd sit there shrugging your shoulders and saying "well everyone does it".

You all seem to be ignoring the numerous members of government who have worked under both Democrat and Republican administrations who have said the current administration is unprecedented in it's corruption and lack of professionalism. Or is that all just "big state" the evil, undefined "them" who want to get at Trump?
You don't know how Harris and Biden would have behaved in Covid. Perhaps the same as Obama did in the Flint water crisis or Bush did after catrina.

The only person shrugging their shoulders is you "oh trumps so terrible we have to replace him with a senile corpse and a woman who likes locking the parents of truant kids up"
Clinton unless your a conspiracy nut....
Ah there it is! The dismissal.

Bernie Sanders won but Clinton ruled the party and it was her turn to be president... Oh dear there could have been a real candidate for change but we ended up with Trump. Way to go Democrat's!
Ah there it is! The dismissal.

Bernie Sanders won but Clinton ruled the party and it was her turn to be president... Oh dear there could have been a real candidate for change but we ended up with Trump. Way to go Democrat's!
Sorry you're ******* idiot.
Wait for it lads were two posts away fro tallshort claiming the Clinton's are in charge of a secret satanic pedophile gang withing th upper echelons of society.
Wait for it lads were two posts away fro tallshort claiming the Clinton's are in charge of a secret satanic pedophile gang withing th upper echelons of society.
Well she and her husband were big friends with Jeff Epstian. Or is that a conspiracy?
Why? Because I disagree with you? You honestly think Clinton won the nomination, that she couldn't have pulled that off?
Because in the history of conspiracy theories all you usually find are a bunch of guys in tinfoil hats. They all fall apart when the numbers of people required to be in on the conspiracy....

You do realise how hard it is to legtimimately rig a ballot? To the extent your saying? There would multiple smoking guns. The actual press would all have to be in on it not a single proper investigative journalist finding a shred of evidence. It's not that they couldn't of done it it's just impossible they wouldn't of be found out.
Well she and her husband were big friends with Jeff Epstian. Or is that a conspiracy?
How much of friends they were is debatable problem when you have utter scumbags at the top levels of society. People get invited to dos regardless of how culpable they because they have to be seen in society. Trump was also friends and has clear evidence of attending parties.

Of course the only high profile person I believe to be guilty is Prince Andrew. There has been no smoking gun for Trump or Clinton. Whilst I'd like to believe it about Trump (in to destroy his reputation, if it could be said he has one) I don't say it or believe it because no certifiable facts have been presented other than a couple of pictures with him. The women who have openly accused him of rape, sexual assault and solicitation those I believe.
Because in the history of conspiracy theories all you usually find are a bunch of guys in tinfoil hats. They all fall apart when the numbers of people required to be in on the conspiracy....

You do realise how hard it is to legtimimately rig a ballot? To the extent your saying? There would multiple smoking guns. The actual press would all have to be in on it not a single proper investigative journalist finding a shred of evidence. It's not that they couldn't of done it it's just impossible they wouldn't of be found out.

How much of friends they were is debatable problem when you have utter scumbags at the top levels of society. People get invited to dos regardless of how culpable they because they have to be seen in society. Trump was also friends and has clear evidence of attending parties.

Of course the only high profile person I believe to be guilty is Prince Andrew. There has been no smoking gun for Trump or Clinton. Whilst I'd like to believe it about Trump (in to destroy his reputation, if it could be said he has one) I don't say it or believe it because no certifiable facts have been presented other than a couple of pictures with him. The women who have openly accused him of rape, sexual assault and solicitation those I believe.
Was an investigation ever carried out? No. But I will stick with foil hat and you keep your theory that the democratics didn't want a genuine change candidate.

Regards Epstein and the Clinton's he was a friend of Bill and Bill spent holidays etc with him this has been witnessed does that make the Clinton's head of a pedophile ring but I'm pretty sure Epstein was protected at least in his initial arrest from politicians from both parties.

Agree about Andrew. Doubt he will see justice though
There's a difference between not wanting a change candidate (although Bernie's popularity was probably more a very enthusiastic base than real support) and rigging an election.

The reality is elections are typically won on the center ground not by extremes either left or right. Let's remember Clinton won the popular vote in 2016 by a large amount just a massively wanked electoral system stopped her. It's why you typically get boring candidates because people in the center don't like extremes.
You don't know how Harris and Biden would have behaved in Covid. Perhaps the same as Obama did in the Flint water crisis or Bush did after catrina.

The only person shrugging their shoulders is you "oh trumps so terrible we have to replace him with a senile corpse and a woman who likes locking the parents of truant kids up"

Well we have what Biden in particular was saying should have been done at the time. Obama and Flint? You mean where a Republican state governor decided to change the supply of his state water to a contaminated source? In what way is that Obama's business? It was a state decision at a state level and the solution needed to be done at state level. How the hell can you compare that to the Coronavirus?

Bush after Katrina? You mean where he was a few days late deploying federal resources and then threw everything at it once he made the decision? At no point did he blame the people of New Orleans, demand they be thankful to him, suggest they should pay for it, say that federal funds should be withheld because they are Democrats? Again how about you find an actual comparable scenario? Kinda telling that you are struggling to.

You call Biden senile? Also do you even know what the hell shrugging your shoulders signifies? It signifies apathy. How the **** do you deem I am apathetic about all this? Try harder. Funny isn't it how your cases against Biden and Harris are senile and locking families up. You really have absolutely no concept of irony do you? That's been a pretty consistent theme from the right wing the last few years, such a bunch of hypocrites. You accuse everyone else of what you do, you accuse other candidates of what your candidate does.

A bit of integrity would go a long way, seriously try it. I am sick to the back teeth of right wing populism. Decency, facts, integrity, honesty, none of this means anything to you lot does it? These attitudes are tearing our countries apart and you can't ******* see it! What is it going to take!?
I think you are a little bit cruel with Tallshort. These are political views, you can always disagree in a polite way :)
" ****** idiot" etc, that's not fair, because he didn't insult you in his messages
They are not 'poltical views' it's a conspiracy theory.
Well we have what Biden in particular was saying should have been done at the time. Obama and Flint? You mean where a Republican state governor decided to change the supply of his state water to a contaminated source? In what way is that Obama's business? It was a state decision at a state level and the solution needed to be done at state level. How the hell can you compare that to the Coronavirus?

Bush after Katrina? You mean where he was a few days late deploying federal resources and then threw everything at it once he made the decision? At no point did he blame the people of New Orleans, demand they be thankful to him, suggest they should pay for it, say that federal funds should be withheld because they are Democrats? Again how about you find an actual comparable scenario? Kinda telling that you are struggling to.

You call Biden senile? Also do you even know what the hell shrugging your shoulders signifies? It signifies apathy. How the **** do you deem I am apathetic about all this? Try harder. Funny isn't it how your cases against Biden and Harris are senile and locking families up. You really have absolutely no concept of irony do you? That's been a pretty consistent theme from the right wing the last few years, such a bunch of hypocrites. You accuse everyone else of what you do, you accuse other candidates of what your candidate does.

A bit of integrity would go a long way, seriously try it. I am sick to the back teeth of right wing populism. Decency, facts, integrity, honesty, none of this means anything to you lot does it? These attitudes are tearing our countries apart and you can't ******* see it! What is it going to take!?
Your problem is you seem to think that I somehow support Trump. I don't. I think he is a megalomaniac but I'm also not stupid enough to think any alternative is acceptable because it isn't.

Your little rant at the end about decency, facts, integrity, honesty etc is funny because it's a lack of those things in mainstream American politics that has led to Trump.

What could Obama have done in Flint? Well quite a lot really he has executive powers which he could have acted on. I'm not going to bother with Bush as everyone knows his handling of Catrina was a joke.
I think you are a little bit cruel with Tallshort. These are political views, you can always disagree in a polite way :)
" ****** idiot" etc, that's not fair, because he didn't insult you in his messages
I can take care of myself thanks
That's right, any opinion you don't agree with isn't valid you arrogant twat
Think I've admitted on several occasions to being one. You haven't offered any evidence and I'm treating it all with the contempt it deserves.
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