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A Political Thread

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******* hell, I've got a draw full of USB sticks from before cloud storage/casting videos came in - you telling me I could've been fleecing idiots for £300 a pop?!

Gonna start flogging these bad boys (substitute crocodile's teeth for USB sticks)


This time next year Rodney...
So Johnsons announces garden parties and immediately keeps the Cummings story going by gagging the CMO and CSA when they could of just answered they didn't want to speculate.

God this government can't even tie it shoelaces...
God it grates so much when Johnson thinks he can stand up and tell the British public what they want to hear. No Johnson, you don't get to dictate to us what we want to hear. What we actually want to hear is that you are getting rid of Cummings. The arrogance of that man to think he can decide what the nation want to hear ie what he wants to say.

He says we want to hear a clear and simple message, oh you mean the message that it turns out doesn't apply to Cummings?

Turns out that Republicans in the Pennsylvania legislature tested positive for the Coronavirus but then lied about it to Democrats, kept meeting them and all the time continued to deny the virus was serious, even as their members were contracting it. If true this goes WAY beyond simple partisan politics, this is knowingly spreading a potentially deadly disease among your political rivals. ******* hell every time you think the Republicans can't sink any lower...
Turns out that Republicans in the Pennsylvania legislature tested positive for the Coronavirus but then lied about it to Democrats, kept meeting them and all the time continued to deny the virus was serious, even as their members were contracting it. If true this goes WAY beyond simple partisan politics, this is knowingly spreading a potentially deadly disease among your political rivals. ******* hell every time you think the Republicans can't sink any lower...
**** that's bad...

So the Minneapolis police decide its a good idea to arrest a CNN crew in the middle of a live report.

Ah of course the reporter was black... These guys seriously cannot be this stupid.

And Trump has now shared a video of a bunch of cowboys saying the only good Democrat is a dead Democrat. He has also tweeted "when the looting starts the shooting starts". In itself idiotic but that was the phrase used by an infamous police chief of Miami in the 60's and contributed to race riots by the end of the decade...
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You know I wonder if this could be the point when America stops being the most powerful country in the world. The country clearly hasn't got a handle on corona virus. Politics is becoming more and more partisan with many people not represented at all. Race relations are getting worse to levels thought left in the pass and they have elected a giant man-child to lead them. If he gets a second term then honestly the country could well be on the path to a serious decline, like many previous powers throughout history.
I mean we are owned by China and ran by Russia, the only real reason we are a power is because of Wall Street and a few other major industries.

America has traditionally been a country very dependent on a class structure (that we don't want to talk about) and I don't think that is really ever going to change. Maybe I'm being nieve cause I am a winner in America (through zero actual effort) but I think as long as we can keep Trump out of our important businesses we should be fine.

America sucks if you aren't born into the right situation, and publically provided anything is severely lacking compared to other developed countries. If you can't pay for something yourself, you're not getting it.
Talk of America declining is still pretty premature IMO - their GDP is still what a third bigger than China's? They have survived a bigger crisis than they are face atm. Perhaps it is its moral decline in society and politics, which is most alarming. Trump IMO is the symptom of this.
It'll be a long time and they won't realise it, look at the UK many British people still think we are a real power and to suggest otherwise is talking the country down...
I definitely don't mean a sudden drop. Strong powers usually take decades if not hundreds of years to decline. However, I'm wondering if this is the start of the decline in which slowly we'll see other countries (especially China) start to catch up and eventually overtake.
I definitely don't mean a sudden drop. Strong powers usually take decades if not hundreds of years to decline. However, I'm wondering if this is the start of the decline in which slowly we'll see other countries (especially China) start to catch up and eventually overtake.

I believe that the zenith period for the USA and Western civilization coincided with the time of the Apollo programs. It has been in gradual decline for 45 years since then.

Clinton brought China online by opening up trade with them in the 90s, but I don't think that they are ready for world leadership. The world needs a more compassionate benevolent leader and the CCP are not that way inclined.

After Covid we could see a strengthening of other Asian economies like Vietnam and Indonesia as supply chains leave China. Maybe a group of Asian nations could come to the forefront.
Trump now terminating the USA relationship with the WHO in the middle of a global pandemic. Yep the USA will continue to be a global power for a while but the rate of decline under Trump has been massive. Nobody respects the USA any more, it is running away from all its international obligations, treaties and international engagement mean nothing to them any more and US foreign policy has been boiled down to do you fawn over Trump or not.
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America's power comes from it's money and it's military.
While they're still pumping trillions into their military, and while wallstreet is still a thing, they'll still be top dog - despite whichever loon is in the whitehouse and whatever is happening on the streets.
I don't claim to know anything about the stock market/economics, but the dow jones had it's all time peak in Feb this year, and is currently at a level with late 2017 (which is higher than ever before that point).

If big companies start flooding out of America then maybe they'll dip - but I can't see it.
The people on the street are just ants compared to the trillions in play in the money game, and that's what buys you power and influence on the world stage.
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