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A Political Thread

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Tory remainers liked the lies about "keep Corbyn out" (I will allow that they were mostly exagerations rather than outright lies; and allow some leeway here).
Labour leavers liked the lies about "get brexit done" despite knowing full well that they were lies.

A victory for duplicity, prejudice and bigotry

I've never been more ashamed to be British

The only glimmer of silver lining is that 53.3% voted for pro-EU parties, compared to 45.7% voting anti-EU - even though that's completely irrelevant in our FPTP system
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I know you came to troll. Still genuine question. What in Johnson's conduct over the course of this election and campaign he ran make him deserve a majority where he can do pretty much what he likes.

Please don't mention other parties, their leaders or cliché.

I say this because the only conservative voters I know have been outright appalled by it all.

As usual, someone disagrees with you, so they must be trolling....

Great result to get the country back on track.

Will still have the momentum trolls on every thread on every forum whining that it's not fair, and making sh*t up. Expect nothing less though, from the closeted ignorami (Is that a word?)
Great result to get the country back on track.


Genuine question, btw.

Why do you think a Tory majority is a good thing for the country?
And please say what the Tories will do not what any other party would/wouldn't do, as that's irrelevant now.
Doesn't Wales have a lot closer ties to England historically?

What result on NI make something changing there more likely? Northern Ireland confuses me. Can't tell if they like being British or not being Irish more?
England and Wales is the same legal jurisdiction, Wales' pretend government is even less influential than Stormont and far less influential than Scotland and as far as I know they don't have any political parties unique to them that can make a sound in Westminster.

In NI it's hard to understand, a lot of people claim to be one thing but are just massive hypocrites. Staunch unionists claim they're British yet they don't live in Britain and their UK passport says they're from Northern Ireland. For them I think it's more about hating the Irish but that generation is dying out. Then you also get the crowd who say that they're British and Irish which is another impossibility unless you're a dual citizen (which to be fair, a bunch of them are now that they've used the Good Friday Agreement to protect themselves from Brexit) these people say that while trying to get rid of Irish culture, sports and language in NI so they're massive hypocrites. The majority just consider themselves Northern Irish now though, like a Scot considers themselves Scottish, they have their preferences either way but understand it's probably not worth the inconvenience of fighting for it looking at the relatively prosperous country they live in compared to the war zone their parents lived in. On the other side you've also got a few staunch nationalists who want the IRA back and such, they're grown children living in the past who want to play soldiers. As well as strong nationalists who can't be satisfied with anything other than Ireland being unified but don't want blood to be she'd for it.

The early signs in NI have the DUP losing seats to the SDLP (Moderate nationalist), Alliance (Claim to be neither which really makes them very moderate unionists) and Sinn Fein, and Sinn Fein losing seats to the SDLP look positive. It might be the start to change in NI politics where they start voting for the best thing for them rather than the worst thing for the other side.
I know rugby is a sport dominated by private school kids who've known nothing but an easy life, but I'm having to unfollow a lot of people on social media.

Courtney Lawes celebrating a BoJo win is particularly jarring considering the multitude of racist comments he's thrown about in the past
I have a cousin, second generation Irish over there who goes to a public school and all that who shared pro Brexit and anti-labour stuff yesterday morning. He's still a kid so I hope he's just rebelling but **** me what a way to forget where you came from because you're dad is successful.
As usual, someone disagrees with you, so they must be trolling....

Great result to get the country back on track.

Will still have the momentum trolls on every thread on every forum whining that it's not fair, and making sh*t up. Expect nothing less though, from the closeted ignorami (Is that a word?)
As you downvoted me - what do YOU disagree with?
Do think my maths is wrong and that more than 45.7% voted for anti-EU parties?
Do you think that Boris and his campaign were a bastion of truth and honesty?
Do you think that Corbyn is personally antisemitic and that his manifesto makes Lenin look like a centrist?
Or do you think that I am currently proud to be British?
Or maybe you think the main battlegrounds were elsewhere - in which case a downvote and silence is a terrible way to get your point across.

Or are you just trolling - which certainly appears to be the case by downvoting people for having a different political opinion to yourself

England and Wales is the same legal jurisdiction, Wales' pretend government is even less influential than Stormont and far less influential than Scotland and as far as I know they don't have any political parties unique to them that can make a sound in Westminster.
Apart from Plaid Cymru, of course - with 4 seats again
As usual, someone disagrees with you, so they must be trolling....

Great result to get the country back on track.

Will still have the momentum trolls on every thread on every forum whining that it's not fair, and making sh*t up. Expect nothing less though, from the closeted ignorami (Is that a word?)
You going to answer my question? Or any of Which Tyler's? Thread is for political discussion.

Otherwise yes your trolling and trying to rile people up.
England and Wales is the same legal jurisdiction, Wales' pretend government is even less influential than Stormont and far less influential than Scotland and as far as I know they don't have any political parties unique to them that can make a sound in Westminster.

In NI it's hard to understand, a lot of people claim to be one thing but are just massive hypocrites. Staunch unionists claim they're British yet they don't live in Britain and their UK passport says they're from Northern Ireland. For them I think it's more about hating the Irish but that generation is dying out. Then you also get the crowd who say that they're British and Irish which is another impossibility unless you're a dual citizen (which to be fair, a bunch of them are now that they've used the Good Friday Agreement to protect themselves from Brexit) these people say that while trying to get rid of Irish culture, sports and language in NI so they're massive hypocrites. The majority just consider themselves Northern Irish now though, like a Scot considers themselves Scottish, they have their preferences either way but understand it's probably not worth the inconvenience of fighting for it looking at the relatively prosperous country they live in compared to the war zone their parents lived in. On the other side you've also got a few staunch nationalists who want the IRA back and such, they're grown children living in the past who want to play soldiers. As well as strong nationalists who can't be satisfied with anything other than Ireland being unified but don't want blood to be she'd for it.

The early signs in NI have the DUP losing seats to the SDLP (Moderate nationalist), Alliance (Claim to be neither which really makes them very moderate unionists) and Sinn Fein, and Sinn Fein losing seats to the SDLP look positive. It might be the start to change in NI politics where they start voting for the best thing for them rather than the worst thing for the other side.

Which way do you think a unification referendum would swing?

and how likely (or how badly) do you think violence would come if one was called?

I hope NI and Scotland can cut away from this **** show.
So my conclusion is something most of us in the rest of the world already knew.

There are an awful lot of stupid people in England.

I pity the poor ******** that have to share their living space with the aforementioned thickos.

Generally the stupid people out number the logical in pretty much every country in the world.
People can at like their country is better but in reality it's only a matter of time before they themselves do something stupid.

Scotland will be a prime example.
It has just as big a right movement within it's system but a lot of that is diluted with the Union split focus, and it's not like Scotland have a large cultural diversity it can rely on.
When Scotland do split from the union I only foresee it being just as bad as it is in England within a decade.

Once Scotland splits and has it's own "Conservatives" then people will start to see the change.

Turkeys have been voting for Christmas since the dawn of time, so to speak.

Which way do you think a unification referendum would swing?

and how likely (or how badly) do you think violence would come if one was called?

I hope NI and Scotland can cut away from this **** show.

Scotland will be very interesting.
The voter share still favoured the Union parties by 9%
Tories only dropped 3.5% of vote share in a country that historically should hate them.
Which way do you think a unification referendum would swing?

and how likely (or how badly) do you think violence would come if one was called?

I hope NI and Scotland can cut away from this **** show.
If they wait for Scotland to get out I think it could get through, their cultural ties to the UK come from the plantation of Scottish Presbyterians there, and the EU would likely offer them a whole lot to join but it's very hard to tell. Violence would probably be inevitable but nothing like the troubles, there's nothing to fight for after the vote and it'll be the first time that people from there are in a country that genuinely want them rather than just tolerate them if it goes through.

As for the poll in the south I think it'd go through, you'd get a bunch of people who'd vote with their wallets in mind but I think they're in the minority. I'd be fairly disgusted if we voted against it considering how Ireland sat idly and let nationalists suffer in the North for decades.
So my conclusion is something most of us in the rest of the world already knew.

There are an awful lot of stupid people in England.

I pity the poor ******** that have to share their living space with the aforementioned thickos.

Shows how broken the system is, really. 331k votes per seat for the Lib Dems, 38k for Tories, 50k for Labour. 857k for Green.
Shows how broken the system is, really. 331k votes per seat for the Lib Dems, 38k for Tories, 50k for Labour. 857k for Green.
Well I know I'm the choir on this one but yeah a 4.2% upswing for the LD's by far in terms of vote share changethe most successful party, -1/0 seats

They are slowly clawing back to 15%+ where they start turning that into consistent seats again. But the next election is a long way off and the battles will likely be vastly diffrent.
As someone who was extremely tentative about the prospect I would absolutely back a United Ireland vote. Northern Ireland has been left as an economic clown car, and with their ridiculous over reliance on the public sector for employment, it would be a big shock for our economy, but with semi competent leadership it could become really attractive for investment over time. It's no more a basket case than we were in years gone by, and now we are one of the wealthiest and most open economies in the world.

Genuine question, btw.

Why do you think a Tory majority is a good thing for the country?
And please say what the Tories will do not what any other party would/wouldn't do, as that's irrelevant now.

Just cause it's got very hostile on here over the past couple days ima put out my very boiled down but genuine personal political philosophy and then why this is the best thing that could have happened (I can feel Tyler and Olly getting ****** off already haha).

Ok, so the reason that I believe in the Tory economic model is that it regards long term prosperity as more important than short terms injections of cash. If we spend out with our means and borrow and saddle ourselves in debt, then whilst we may be able to help some people today, that's not something that you can do forever and longer term it means 1 thing... Austerity. Which nobody wants. It hurts people. But sometimes it is unavoidable.

If we can protect our economy and that protection not just the next 5 years but the next 50, then that it's what we should do.

Anything less than that is, I believe, fundamentally selfish. People will always be in need of help and we should try and offer that not just for ourselves, but our children and grandchildren.

So onto why today is such a good result for the country.

Very simply, as the rumours are suggesting, the ERG will hopefully now fade into non existentence as they no longer have the power to bring down a government.

As someone who lived in Brussels amongst the power brokers of the EU and extended family of the Cameron's and johnsons, I can tell you that every single one of them would vouch for Boris being a centrist and that he is just playing a character to appease those who were in control of the party.
A large majority means that is finished and he will now hopefully shift the party towards the centre once again, which, combined with a labour leadership with half a brain who realise that corbynism doesn't work and also shift towards the centre, can only be good for everyone.
Just cause it's got very hostile on here over the past couple days ima put out my very boiled down but genuine personal political philosophy and then why this is the best thing that could have happened (I can feel Tyler and Olly getting ****** off already haha).

Ok, so the reason that I believe in the Tory economic model is that it regards long term prosperity as more important than short terms injections of cash. If we spend out with our means and borrow and saddle ourselves in debt, then whilst we may be able to help some people today, that's not something that you can do forever and longer term it means 1 thing... Austerity. Which nobody wants. It hurts people. But sometimes it is unavoidable.

If we can protect our economy and that protection not just the next 5 years but the next 50, then that it's what we should do.

Anything less than that is, I believe, fundamentally selfish. People will always be in need of help and we should try and offer that not just for ourselves, but our children and grandchildren.

So onto why today is such a good result for the country.

Very simply, as the rumours are suggesting, the ERG will hopefully now fade into non existentence as they no longer have the power to bring down a government.

As someone who lived in Brussels amongst the power brokers of the EU and extended family of the Cameron's and johnsons, I can tell you that every single one of them would vouch for Boris being a centrist and that he is just playing a character to appease those who were in control of the party.
A large majority means that is finished and he will now hopefully shift the party towards the centre once again, which, combined with a labour leadership with half a brain who realise that corbynism doesn't work and also shift towards the centre, can only be good for everyone.

Fair enough - can't say I agree with your POV however you're the first person I've seen actually put down into words how they feel rather than "Jeremy bad"
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