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A Political Thread

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Boris Johnson confirms the news we broke earlier - that if the government loses the vote on the timetable, the legislation will have to be "pulled" and "we will have to go forward to a general election."
How you going to call the election Mr. Johnson your last attempt failed...
How you going to call the election Mr. Johnson your last attempt failed...
Well, at least there's one thing we have with Boris - consistency.
He will consistently do anything and everything to avoid scrutiny / accountability. He'll avoid leadership debates, he'll prorogue parliament to avoid PMQs; he'll pull a bill if it means the MPs get enough time to know what they've voting for...
Another peach. Boris's plan entails new bureaucracy, paperwork and expense on all goods going from NI to the maknland. Main story on the BBC news at lunch before they quickly buried it.


I'll restrict my response to the abortion argument other than to say you can be both left wing and secular on one hand and deeply uneasy about the prevalence of abortion on non-medical grounds on the other. At least now that we are in the era where infallible contraceptive options are very straightforward and perfectly affordable. I'm also extremely pro euthanasia, which i consider far less morally contentious, so go figure.

I work with someone who is a broken husk of man, largely as a result of three miscarriages in his relationship. You may call that an extreme example, and perhaps it is, but I pretty much disagree with every remark above on both sides and think generally that insensitive opinions on both sides appear to get the most oxygen.
From my understanding of what I've read, goods travelling between NI and the rest of the UK will be charged the tariffs as though they are bound for the E.U, but then companies etc...will have to claim back once they prove the goods are staying in NI or didn't come south of the border. Seems like a huge amount of hassle. I may be wrong though.
From my understanding of what I've read, goods travelling between NI and the rest of the UK will be charged the tariffs as though they are bound for the E.U, but then companies etc...will have to claim back once they prove the goods are staying in NI or didn't come south of the border. Seems like a huge amount of hassle. I may be wrong though.

Nope, that's the gist of it.

Sounds all simple when some useless c**t says it in Westminster...

But, in the real world, for say the likes of Bombardier, or whatever will become of Wrightbus, or any other manufacturer (i.e. FGWilson/Terex/BE Aerospace/Seagate) that imports parts from the UK then assembles them into either a larger assembly or an end product which is then exported - tracking what should and shouldn't get rebate will become a f**king nightmare.
Is that the first vote the a$shole has won?

Followed up immediately by another defeat.

Get it up ye ye prick!
Is that the first vote the a$shole has won?

Followed up immediately by another defeat.

Get it up ye ye prick!
I've lost track of the score against, by it that's definitely his first victory.
But I think it's just that parliament has agreed to look at the deal, and then I sister that they look at it in detail. The response seems to be "in that case, you can't looks at it"
Noises coming out of an extension until 31 January. Does that mean Boris will soon be dead in a ditch?
Noises coming out of an extension until 31 January. Does that mean Boris will soon be dead in a ditch?
Isn't that exactly what we've requested from the EU?
One can but hope, but rather suspect it's just another bit of bluster from the Pasty Cockwomble

PS: just noticed that when I type "coc", predictive text now give me "Cockwomble" as second choice word - I've obviously been talking about the orange and pasty ones far too much!
Four scenarios now,

New timetable, agreed finished by 31st October.
New timetable, agreed finished after 31st October EU grants extension.
No deal, EU refuses to grant extension due to not passing a deal before 31st October.
EU Grants lengthy extension, General Election occurs.
Isn't that exactly what we've requested from the EU?
One can but hope, but rather suspect it's just another bit of bluster from the Pasty Cockwomble

PS: just noticed that when I type "coc", predictive text now give me "Cockwomble" as second choice word - I've obviously been talking about the orange and pasty ones far too much!

I didn't realise BoJo specified a date. I thought it was a reluctant unsigned letter without too much details in response to the Benn Act. There was talk of a short technical extension of two weeks but I guess 31 January allows for both scenarios i.e. getting the bill passed in early November or a General Election.
Benn Act specified 31st of January* as the request, and that parliament decides whether or not to accept any counter offer by the EU.
The act literally wrote the letter for him, all PC had to do was sign it...

*I think
Benn act stipulated the date and contents of the letter. He just had to send it, he technically didn't have to sign it and was just the act of a petulant child.
Genuine question:
Why did the Lib Dems abstain from voting to protect the NHS from privatisation?
Genuine question:
Why did the Lib Dems abstain from voting to protect the NHS from privatisation?
Short Version: They aren't against it.

Long Version: The LD are federalists or more laymans terms they believe in the breakdown of bodies into smaller decentralised bgroups as they believe this is more cost effect than large monolithic organisations. There is an arguement (I don't subscribe to this) by tendering this out to private business will yield better control and organisation. It should be noted that there is a genuine belief the tendering process should never see a drop in standards and any attempt to do so would be seen as bad.

It is something where the membership is quite divided and an easy stick to beat us with.
Ah, that's way worse than I imagined tbh.
I just thought they didn't wanna get too cozy with Labour or something.
Random question. I didnt find posts about what's happening in Mexico, Barcelona and/or Chile (maybe i missed them?). Is it because you guys are not aware or because you dont care?
Genuine question.
Ah, that's way worse than I imagined tbh.
I just thought they didn't wanna get too cozy with Labour or something.
Yeah it's not exactly a policy I really bother defending or agree with.
Random question. I didnt find posts about what's happening in Mexico, Barcelona and/or Chile (maybe i missed them?). Is it because you guys are not aware or because you dont care?
Genuine question.

Mexico police murders and release of El Chapo's son indicating Mexico is a failed state.
Huge sentences for Catalans who orchestrated a democratic vote.
Chile - pass, but I know people who are marching about Chile this weekend. *goes to look it up*

I could add Morales' re-election in Bolivia and of course, chapter 675 of hell in Syria.

But if you are over here Cruz you'll see the UK media don't report on many matters outside of our borders. And the chance of being reported diminishes further if it involves people speaking weird languages or with strange skin pigmentation (j/k). The UK is becoming more like the US in its insular nature.

In defence of this forum, Brexit is displaying the anarchic and chaotic nature of the UK parliament in a way that hasn't been seen before, so I can see why people focus massively on that. I care about international events, but not in a way that makes me want to post about them at length in a rugby forum. Happy to offer a personal opinion on what's going on in the world anytime though.
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