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A Political Thread pt. 2

His main selling point was convincing people that he was the brains behind Tesla and Space X, not just the financier.
That bubble is burst for the vast majority, though of course, some still believe it.
He's not a genius. Not even close.

Yeah sleeping in his office when he was on the brink of bankruptcy (as he loves to remind everyone) doesn't make him a genius.

His fans remind me of those idiots in sci-fi films holding up WELCOME signs to alien spacecraft only for them to get annihilated and turned into dust with one swift strike.
I remember(ISH) when he was trying to deny his family emerald mine, and claiming he builtmhimself up from nothing. He'd give $1M to anyone who could prove otherwise.
His dad pipes up and said "I've got the title deeds right here, do I get $1M?"

Details are almost certainly wrong.
His interview on LBC earlier was terrible no admission of being wrong. Seemed rattled by the idea of stirring up hate, as if he thinks it might cause him some bother. Kept repeating he was not near the violence and he doesn't support it.
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Poor Nigel, having the wool pulled over his eyes so horribly, and by such a trustworthy source as well.
If only an MP had access to any form of fact checking, or reputable sources - or even direct from the police or home secretary.
"One of the problems is we weren't told the truth"

Yeah by who Farage you ******* slimy ****? Oh that's right, far right agitators. What did you do with those lies then Farage? Oh yeah, you spread them with no checking.

Someone slap this *******. He more than anyone else in the country could have got accurate information but made no effort to. There is no excuse any more, he's a ******* MP. This **** makes me furious.

A government advisor to counter extremism for May and Johnson, and advisor for social cohesion to Sunak, says that the Tories were repeatedly warned over the years about the danger of rising far right extremism and they actively chose to try to use it for culture wars rather than dampen it down.

More and more keeps coming out of the woodwork showing just what a bunch of shits the Tories are. Some even jumped on the back of the riots to attack the Labour government, before it became apparent that was just a little too far... Absolute scum. The damage they have done to this country is astonishing. I don't see how any sane person with even a modicum of decency can still support the Tories. Labour are far from perfect but the Tories are actively scumbags.
I find it worrying how so many people can be fooled and their mind warped by propaganda of sorts. Social media has a lot to answer for, especially with its algorithms that forces few rhetorics upon them. When you only see one side, you'll believe that it's true?
Just looked at Facebook comments in a few police/borough Council pages. Hard to weed out the bots but it's ******* scary the amount of people trying th both sides this.
Just looked at Facebook comments in a few police/borough Council pages. Hard to weed out the bots but it's ******* scary the amount of people trying th both sides this.
Don't look at the daily Heil comments section, people openly supporting violence against all targets.
Just looked at Facebook comments in a few police/borough Council pages. Hard to weed out the bots but it's ******* scary the amount of people trying th both sides this.
Local noticeboard type groups as well.

I'm finding this whole thing a bit overblown. I'm curious, all the Tory politicians involved in hosting on the likes of GBN and LBC, have they ever interviewed fellow MPs? I feel like they must have at some point.

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