No I'm not American.
A jury found she did suffer material loss so there is that. Yes I know the statute of limitations was up, that's why he was charger for civil defamation and not criminal rape. The statute of limitations doesn't mean you have to pretend it never happened, it just means you can't be prosecuted for it. Trump wasn't prosecuted for it, he was fined for his recent defamation.
You "Think" the Biden's are as dirty as they come? Based on what exactly? Do you have any actual evidence or are you just regurgitating whatever propaganda is fed to you? The DoJ is only one of the avenues to enforce a subpoena, and where is the evidence they refuse to act on enforcing one? Also when exactly did Hunter not turn up?
Yes there was an attempted insurrection by Trump and no, not like other politicians have done at all. The attempt to try to claim there are similarities strongly suggests you are either being intellectually dishonest or simply repeating debunked talking points. I don't know about Abrams but Gore and Clinton both accepted the results of their election when the final decision was made. Both Gore and Clinton got more votes than their opponent and, in Gore's case, the final result was decided by a relative of the winner. Gore and Clinton did not launch 60 lawsuits denying the election. Gore and Clinton did not say it was rigged, they did not undermine the integrity of the entire system, they did not claim mass fraud, They did not claim some deep state stole it from them, they did not demand states send electors other than the correct ones, they did not as vice president simply refuse to count the votes they didn't want and they certainly did not support a violent attack on the seat of government. They also didn't whinge about it every week for the next 4 years.
Ah you're one of those conspiracy nutters who for some reason thinks Covid numbers were manipulated. Get a ******* grip. Diseases are not listed as a cause of death on medical records. For example if you have a disease that causes heart failure, "cardiac arrest" would be the cause of death, not the disease. You're also forgetting the whole world out there that also had to deal with Covid, with many "such as the Chinese" almost certainly downplaying their numbers. Yet the number of deaths still is in the same ballpark around the world. So you want to claim that both countries overplaying it and downplaying it ended up with hundred of thousands to millions of deaths and it just wasn't that serious? Also how the **** is all nations round the world torpedoing their economies beneficial!? There was a far greater attack on personal liberties and freedoms after 9/11 than from Covid. Just what control do the government have now that they didn't before?
Complete lie, statistically most of the jobs are full time, educated employment. I am noticing a trend with what you are regurgitating and what has been spread on Fox news and the like. Here's a tidbit for you, more jobs have been created under the Biden administration than the last 3 Republican administrations combined.
Inflation was a global problem in the same way Covid was. The entire developed world was hit by it. The USA had a lower peak than Europe and many other places, returned to more normal levels faster and had higher wage growth to offset the effect of it than any other developed country.
Not sure how you can look at how the Biden administration handled Covid and think it did worse than a guy who's understanding of it was at the level of ******* injecting bleach!
The USA isn't buying lots of oil from Russia or Venezuela and oil drilling in the USA is at the highest level it has been in history
The Democrats tried to pass a bill strengthening the border and giving Republicans everything they wanted. Republicans killed that bill. It was the strongest border bill in decades and Republicans were the ones that stopped it passing. Republicans don't want to solve the border issue, they want it to stay as a problem. That should tell you everything you need to know. But whilst you claim he's abandoned the border, how about you point to what actions he has taken that has resulted in this? Has he cut funding to agencies? Cut staff? Moved people away from the border areas? No.
Absolute lie, the vetting process is the same as it has ever been
Also a lie, the asylum process is unchanged
Have you actually read how the student debt forgiveness works? If you think it wipes out all debt students have instantly, then you have as usual been parroting Fox bullshit. I'll give you a clue, it doesn't do that, not even close. I suggest you read about how it actually works. The main goal of the student debt forgiveness is to prevent situations where they can be paying off the loan but interest rates rise to such a level that they only pay interest. It's about restructuring the debt do give students a chance to actually pay down the debt itself and ONLY cancel it for a very select few if it's proven after years of honest attempts to pay it off, they simply can't. Even the slightest blip in their attempts to pay it off and they aren't eligible. But you didn't bother to check that did you?
It's not stealing, otherwise you can portray all government spending as theft (you're one of those types aren't you?) However you have a problem with tax refunds? Yet you have no problem with Trumps massive tax cuts for the wealthy I assume?
Green energy is not nonsense, only your argument is
How dare we recognise and respect certain minority groups. People used to say the same about respecting gay people and black people, the world didn't collapse did it?
Diversity of gender and race is important in how someone perceives the world. If you have a girlfriend / wife, I suggest you get her opinion on how different the experiences of a woman and a man are walking around a city at night. Imagine if a group is told that sexual harassment is an issue and an all male group says they have never experienced it so it can't be a thing. However what is there to say that the person he picked for the job isn't suitable? If you want examples of people getting the job who aren't suitable, tell me how the hell you justify Amy Coney Barrett, a woman who had 2 years experience as a clerk and 2 more in a private practice? If you have issue with people not fit for the role, I assume you were outraged at that? Compare her credentials to the "token" one you are whinging about and tell me EXACTLY how Amy Coney Barrett is more qualified.
More ********, the gun laws are targeting criminals. You may as well say stealing laws only harm innocent people because criminals ignore it. Well duh, that's kinda the whole thing about being a criminal isn't it? Ignoring the law.
Don't know anything about the claimed terrorist incident.
You think a devout, church going Catholic is fighting against Christians? You people really are on another level of batshit persecution complex.
This one has some credibility, yes this happened and was a dangerous overstep.
You were financially more secure as the country was locked down? You saw the nation as free as you were locked indoors and people were dying in their thousands? You are complaining that an administration that starts mid crisis took longer to get back to good times than one that stated with good times and ended with crisis? Just how much of those "good times" were Trump's doing? Can you tell me what Trump actually did to benefit you?
If you have issues with unchecked immigration, why are you not angry at Republicans for killing the strongest border bill the USA has had in decades TWICE? A fix was there on the table with the Democrats offering Republicans pretty much everything they wanted and, without even reading the thing, they voted no and you sit there then going "******* Biden". Really? I actually want an answer to this, why are you not angry at Republicans for killing the bill if you claim to care about it?
Ah so green energy forced down your throat is terrible but fossil fuels getting backhanders etc is all ok? Do you know how many tax breaks fossil fuel companies got? I'll give you a clue, it VASTLY eclipses that of green companies.
You really want to accuse the BIDEN administration of refusing to not find common ground when you look at the actions of Trump and the Republicans? Again, utterly delusional. Ah yes, Biden loves big government nanny state. Tell me, which side just decided the government should control a womens bodily autonomy? Yeah, you can **** off.